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Posts posted by Legend

  1. Hey all! After many years in the Rep Game, I finally got pinched by customs....the rep was an upper end Richard Mille. I received a letter from The Department Of Homeland Security (Customs) stating illegal import of counterfeit goods Yada Yada. I'm not sure if there is a connection, but I just moved to a new address. In short, I can stomach losing the watch; but my real concern is; am I now on a watch list?

    ( Blacklist)? Anybody have any advice? Similar Experience? Anyway to Recover The Watch?

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Best, 5th

    Did the letter require you to do anything like report in person, make a declaration or anything?

    If not, then do not respond to it... simply ignore. In most cases, such cases are routine and the watch will be held and I do not think that it would have dire ramifications. You should of course categorically deny all connections with this watch, that your friend in China sent it to you as a gift and you have no knowledge of it, that there was a mistake in your order, or whatever excuse you could concoct. Like you mentioned, it is just a single watch, and not an entire pallet of watches. The customs would not pay too much attention to you or the watch, is my guess. Also, I doubt that you would be on any "list" at all. Reason being, there could be any number of reasons that the watch was shipped to your address. Unless facts are established, I seriously doubt that you will get into any trouble at all over this. 


    I would like to think that the Homeland Security has more serious concerns to see to than this (and many many other) minor replica purchase in the country. :)


    You should also inform the TD involved regarding this customs confiscation and see if they declared it as anything out of the ordinary.  

  2. Apparently Legend, your the man in the know as far as 1:1  A+++ Asian haute cuisine goes. :chef:

    Any noobs take you up on your slic'em/dice'em offer yet?

    Hahaha now we have all the flyers in one thread. 

    Since my post, my PM inbox has been blissfully quiet and I like it this way. 


    @Ezio, Flyr is another winged brother, as you could tell from his nick. He doesn't fire missiles as much as we do, but he has been known to boot a few disorderly passengers off his plane before for just complaining about the jolts. :lol:

  3. Thank you for your opinion. Your description is accurate. As a novice I just thought that I would be able to push the blue part up and flatten it into place to cover the white area and that would make the dial look even. I was hoping that the blue part of the dial was a softer material that can just be pushed back into place but I guess that is not the case as you said it would still look warped.

    I did find a post from another member that details how to change out a dial and if I had the tool that removes the inner nuts of the watch I am almost tempted to try to use that as I guide to see if I can fix it my self if it was something simple to fix.

    I also find another member who recommended me to a friend who repairs dials and I sent him the same pics and he gave me an estimate of about $100.00 but he said he couldn't say for sure unless I send him the watch. I don't know if it's worth putting another $100.00 just for a repair when the price of a new dial was only $55.00. But I guess it's labor intensive. I know this is a hard question to ask but do you know anything about repairing dials? Do they usually come out looking good or can one usually tell that the dial had been worked on? Then there is the ultimate question like you brought up is it worth putting more money into the watch?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    If its a question of $55 to do it yourself with a new dial and $100 for someone who could fix it, spend the $100. :)

  4. Thank you for the compliment on my watch Positivitony and I apologize for not introducing my self to you as well buddy!

    Legend, here are 3 close up pics of the dial. Unfortunately I only have my iPhone to use are a camera so I hope they are sufficient enough:

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Oh dear, it looks like the dial is warped somehow between the 12 and 1 markers, exposing the layer below, is it an apt description?

    You cannot solve the problem by realigning the dial mate. The warped portion will still show. The easiest way to solve this would be a dial replacement, which I understand to be a problem on its own, obtaining another dial. The dial could of course be patched up, repaired and resprayed, but I do not think that its worth the effort and money unless you really love this watch to bits.  

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