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Posts posted by Legend

  1. I always advocate getting the watch fixed locally whenever possible, for the following reasons


    1. The factory movements frequently, if not always arrives dirty and poorly lubricated. Exchanging one watch for another does not resolve this issue. The replacement may or may not be running well.


    2. Transit shipping itself poses a risk, both in terms of custom detention, loss or possible jolting or rough handling of the watches. Screws, rotors and even springs can become dislodged in the process. The dealer will claim he sent a perfectly working watch, but you may receive junk. Such mysteries are often solved when one realizes how packages are handled during the shipping process. I have seen cockroach carcasses get treated better.


    3. The dealer does not really resolve the issue of the watch, but rather, replaces it with another one, which may have a different issue. That is watch repair for you in China. The cost of replacement is far lower than the cost of proper repair/service. 


    4. Getting the watch serviced properly is an upgrade, in terms of movement cleanliness, lubrication, and time regulation. It will ensure that your watch keeps good time, has a healthy power reserve and is reliable (as reliable as the movement design will allow), and helps you ensure that you will enjoy your watch for a longer period. Of course, if you are buying a watch just to try it on for fun, then forgo the service. But if you really like the watch and want to enjoy it properly, then get the movement, the heart of the watch, in a healthy and pristine condition. 



    • Like 1
  2. I think that there is nothing wrong with liking RMs. 

    As a brand, of course they have their own following, and I shall not comment on the brand culture or the profile of people who wear them as that wasn't really your question.

    The reps are actually decent, the main tell is that the case is about 2mm too thick to accommodate the A7750 movement. Having a skeletonized dial actually helps to obfuscate the dial details, and makes the rep look decent as scrutinizing the dial details and comparing them to gen become kind of difficult in real life for certain models. 

    The case thickness can be addressed by careful machining in theory, though I have not really done yet. 


    Pick a model you like and wear it like a swatch. Ultimately, you need to please yourself and the rest doesn't really matter right? 

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, blackboxes said:



    There will never be a perfect rep, the majority of this population is aware of that. For what's it worth, and IF you are reading this Swiss cheese, you have no place in this hobby.


    Swiss cheese.. lol seriously bro?! 🤣

    • Haha 1
  4. Im sorry, I had no intention to play the devil's advocate or side with anyone in this matter.
    I just wanted to help by providing info I got...

    I remember you as another good guy in the hobby Markiemark. Thank you for trying to help and your messages may have come as a little protective of Swiss6uk but I am certain that your intentions are good.
    If Swiss6uk wants to resolve this issue, I do not remember blocking his PM function and my channel is open to him.
    Please go your way and have your honor intact, this is in no way any fault of yours nor are you an accessory to his ill repute.
    I’m sure Tariq can PM me should his conscience beckon him one day.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  5. I dealt with him in the past without problems, I have him on whatsapp and he asked me to post this. He can't reply because he is banned. So I'm just the messenger...
    Im not siding with anyone, nor do I have personal stakes in this matter. I mean, I'm not getting watches or $6000 haha. I also warned swiss6uk to not open a paypal dispute without admin aproval, and try to solve it with the modder first.
    And like I always say, every story has 3 sides. And this applies to this one as well. The buyer's side, the modder's side, and then there is the truth...

    I will like to request you, being a respected and trusted member, to stop being a messenger to a qualified scammer.
    There are absolute borders never to be crossed in this hobby and this guy has crossed them without compunction. Please do not embroil yourself just because you have dealt with him positively before. Past performance does not guarantee future performances.

    I am against the fact that he raised an unauthorized pp dispute and went further by escalating it. If you’re truly against this as well, kindly refrain from showing his side of the story. It does not matter now what went down on each side. What matters is the way he had chosen to manage this matter. It is bad for the hobby and the community.
    I have a duty to inform the community of what he did. The pp dispute is an absolute fact. The things that went back and forth between the buyer and seller are debatable.

    I have given him a chance to put this right by doing the things mentioned in my message above. I will politely request you to stop interceding on his behalf if you do not have a dog in this fight.
    By doing so, you are, inadvertently or otherwise, showing the community that you think that it is ok to start a pp dispute without taking the necessary preliminary steps. I am not interested in taking sides either but I want the scammer to know that it is not ok to behave in such a deplorable manner.
    So please kindly step out of the way of the missles Mr Markiemark. My target isn’t you at all. But such insolence needs to be addressed and if such a precedent is allowed, he will continue to do this time and over and think how clever he is. Thank you kindly for your understanding. I hope you will not play devil’s advocate here if this does not concern you. I will appreciate that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. 36 minutes ago, markiemark said:

    The modder has been asked to provide his address and this has not yet been done. That's why the watches have not been returned...



    Are you here to defend Swiss6uk? I get the feeling you are siding him. Or do you have a personal stake in the matter? 

  7. 18 minutes ago, cissiboy said:

    he sent me a pm ...pathetic 

    Yes, he sent a very long message, full of lies and false claims. I wonder if it is the same one you got lol.

    I think he is seeking to add the coveted title of "pathetic liar" to his expanding list of accolades.

  8. Update: 


    swiss6uk has escalated the pp dispute to a claim. I have also affirmed that he has zero intentions of returning any of the watches, despite the claim. 

    So it's lottery win for the low life if the pp claim goes his way: keep the watches he had been bitching about, and get his money back at the same time.

    @bangsters @Yllekp @blackboxes @wimpie007 @Mike on a bike @Sogeha @kernow @Nanuq

    I will consider someone of his intentions and actions, a scammer of the worst kind; one who victimizes himself while setting out to cheat another of money/merchandise. Please warn your communities accordingly. Stupidity and ignorance can be forgiven, and resolved through education and learning, but when you add malice and a predilection to cheat to the equation, it is very bad news for anyone wanting to deal with him. 


    @swiss6uk I had warned you to return the watches to the seller and you had agreed. Going back on your word and showing your true self as an ugly scammer when we tried to help you, is what is destroying you right now. If you are reading this, then I will tell you that you have one chance to reverse the situation:

    - drop the pp dispute/claim

    - send the watches back

    - apologize to the seller. 

    - grow some brains before you buy again. You are displaying less IQ than a piece of driftwood floating in the ocean and that is a generous overstatement.  


    Otherwise, have it your way, we can continue along this line. I have given details of you, your wife and daughter also to the admins of all the forums. What they choose to do with them is not my concern. In case you think I am joking. I advise you to think twice about what you have done and think 10 times before you scam anyone again. The fact is that you have been stupid and ignorant, and messed up such a simple solution which you agreed to: return the watches, and get them fixed. Then have them sent back to you. Simple. Instead, you chose to raise a pp dispute and thought that you were being cute. If you agree to what I have proposed, send me a PM, and we can talk about resolving this. Else, I may consider removing all the Xs below and let the world know what a low life, ignorant moronic scum you are, Tariq. You may find the letters and numbers below familiar. If so, consider it coincidence. There is no intention to expose you, just like how you had no intention to pull off a $6000 paypal scam.


    Tariq Alzxxxx 
    Mashoor St.
    House #xxx
    City name .. Jxxxxl
    Zip Code 3x9x1
    Saudi Arabia 

    Phone # 0x0xx000xx




    Ohxxd Alkxxxxr
    175 Blxxxxm St.
    Zip code 02114

    Phone# 6xx 7xx 6xxx


    Txxxa Alxxxxx
    Mashoor St.
    House #xxx
    City name .. Jxxxxl
    Zip Code xxxxx
    Saudi Arabia 









  9. [mention=44391]Mike on a bike[/mention] [mention=39943]Legend[/mention]
    Paypal claims that 4 other people also filed a dispute against the same modder!
    I find this highly interesting...

    Markie may I know how you came by that info please? Thanks mate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. 9 hours ago, markiemark said:

    No, I did not. 

    Im not picking sides or whatever, both are "just" forum members to me. No buddies, mates, or lovers. Just wanted to add some info to the story, but 5 watches is very coincidentally to me...

    On the 15400 for example, he mentioned that the faults are 

    1. A slipping crown when adjusting the time

    2. A "non smooth second hand"


    I had explained to him that the slipping crown is a common fault and it can be fixed easily. Also, the 15400 had been converted to a low beat movement. The second hand would of course "tick" more than "sweep". 

    Ultimately, he opted to keep the 15400, but raised a dispute for it anyway. 

    We are not here to side anyone, but point out the facts and highlight the fact that the buyer raised a $6000+ dispute (for whatever reasons) and potential members who buy from, or sell to swiss6uk needs to be fully aware of the inherent risks posed by his horological ignorance, attitude, and the fact that the member cannot keep his word. 

    Stupidity has found a lifelong endorsement deal with swiss6uk. 



  11. I have seen pics and videos of the watches both before and after shipment. 

    I had broken down the cause of each defect of the watches to the buyer, and explained that the root issues are not as disastrous as the symptoms. 

    The buyer had offered to send the watches back for fixing and not raise any pp dispute. He obviously lied. 


    I am not writing this to debate who was in the wrong, but rather, writing a warning to the community to keep both eyes open before dealing with this individual.

    He did not keep his word, and obviously, no seller in our hobby like to be hit with a pp dispute. He also raised dispute for goods purchased from the seller with no issues at all, like the gen straps, and for a watch he has opted not to return. There was no reason to do that, unless you are intentionally scamming. 


    He has been no-saled on RWI, as well as here. I simply will not recommend anyone buy from, or sell to him. 


  12. all's well that ends well. :)

    10 hours ago, Audemarspiguet said:

    I’m sorry to see that Italian name, what a shame.

    Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

    Members of any country can scam and cheat, and when more members of a certain country get called out as a scammer, stereotyping typically happens. 

    I know of trustworthy Italian members here, and I will prefer to exercise risk assessment over each individual based on personal acumen and feel, rather than the country they hail from. A real issue with shipping to some countries is the strict customs, and perhaps the infrastructure supporting the transport logistics. 

    Scammers can potentially be from any country in this world, but let us not forget that majority of the community are people with good intentions, families, careers, lives, and a common interest in this hobby.



  13. 8 hours ago, bangsters said:

    That guy will be banned in HB if we see his name and info. Will relay info there as well.




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    PM sent. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. 10 hours ago, Seikonoob said:


    Wow, from this I can tell that this forum is a lot friendlier to newbies compared to the other one i'm in. haha! most of the people at the other side will just smack new comers for not reading. kudos to helping assimilate us into the hobby

    Actually, it takes a lot more to be helpful than to simply smack newbies around just because they are new. 

    Having said that, newbies can optimize their own forum experience by taking the time to browse, and asking the right question and most importantly, display the right attitude toward learning and contributing meaningfully. 

    One does not have the right to be supercilious just because he has been around longer, but on the flip side, newbies in general should learn to be more polite and less entitled. 

    It is like entering someone else's house party. First you mingle politely and get to know others, and you contribute to the conversations and become known and respected and liked. Soon, you will become part of the party naturally. 

    It is the same at RWG I suppose. 

    Welcome @Seikonoob to the forum!

    • Like 1
  15. I feel terrible cos that idiot approached me first and i then rerouted him to the common friend

    You are a veteran member and have been very helpful to point several members to your contacts, me included. The intention is good and you’re not responsible for the ill intentions of the buyer my friend.
    Thank you L and I hope your journey is smooth in this hobby and you never have to face guys like this.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  16. I just need to let the community know that member Swiss6uk started an unauthorized pp dispute with another member over watches purchased at RWI. The amount was for more than $6000 for a few highly modded watches, despite the seller offering to take them back to fix whatever flaws mentioned between them.


    Personally I know the seller and the watches and the issues are minor and very fixable. The seller is a veteran member with impeccable reputation and yes I know him personally.


    Swiss6uk has been no saled at RWI and I will advise the community NOT to sell to or buy from this member.

    You have been warned. Please do not deal with this member. He is a scammer of the worst kind, and of the lowest order among scammers.






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  17. 3 hours ago, liuwh said:

    Thanks Legend. I have been collecting for a while and my interest are primarily Rolex and PP. Though I have odd pieces as well

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

    Nice choices, can tell that you are likely a guy with classy tastes. I am based in Singapore too, and as you can see, I got here a few years earlier lol. ;)

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