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Posts posted by Legend

  1. Yes yes matches the toy perfectly , Legend really went the extra mile picking that strap!! LOL

    AND I thought that moderators are supposed to be more proper and not let nice innocent threads like this go sideways. 

    Once more guys, this thread is about the DSSD, and the straps, and second hands. Yes those. 

    Please, lets try to be relevant ok? :D

  2. Maybe dbane can tell us about the brown leather couch? :)


    (My guess is Italian leather...and that it will be turned into straps when you're finished with it!)


    By the way, I love the strap and second hand!

    Hahaha you guys are so irrelevant! I was trying to show the watch not the couch or the toy car or my floor. :lol:

    That couch is a gift from my father, so I am unsure where he got it. 

    Please, don't ask me about the wall tiles. I really have zero idea about it, and I know you would ask anyway, so I will just say in advance that it came with the house. :D :D :D

  3. Your watch matches the Fisher-Price toy car in the kitchen.

    what sharp eyes you have! 

    Seriously, how the heck did you even know that it was a fisher-price toy car?? 

    I went back to look at the pic, and found a blurry looking picture of a portion of the car, without any markings whatsoever.

    I even checked the actual car after reading your post and found that you are correct. 

    Well done, Sherlock. ;)

  4. Nice to see you on the rollie side Mr. A! Sharp combination with the second hand and red strap :)

    Haha I suspect that I would be on the Rollie side a lot more than the AP side in time to come, thank you very humbly for your comment sir.

    Wow, that combo really works!   NICE!

    Thank you kindly. Come join me, because I very recently discovered that Rolex Really Rocks. :lol:

    now thats a looker! better than stock oem

    thank you kindly for your comment, I appreciate it.

  5. Looks nice mate, I gather you are going full sport w/ the red strap to match the hand.

    Finally you see me with a Rollie mate! :lol:

    Yes Rubber B only offers 2 colors for the DSSD.. black and red. And I went with red to break up the black/silver monotony and yes to match that yachtmaster hand. ;)

    A beauty L.. Looks great on your wrist.

    Thanks bro.. you always have a kind word for me. 

  6. My collections at about $25,000 right now give or take... without the 5513 being finished... and this frog has the audacity to call me a poor boy. Hilarious. Offensive, but still hilarious that he's raging against us while "colleting" Citizens and Parnis, and telling us he'll fit in better with the snobs over at VRF/TRF lol.


    Buddy, they wouldn't let you park their cars...

    We "poor boys" need to watch out for one another, and I woudn't let the the snobs at TRF/VRF park MY cars, much less a self-styled regal amphibian. :lol:

    Also, in terms of quality, I do not see how most Parnis matches up to the latest Noob iterations of the Panerais.


    Goodbye Kingfrog, you will not be missed. Back to the pond you go, hippity hop.  

  7. Hi

    Just had a look at chrono24 at yeah the dial color is actually spot on :) didnt notice that until now :) thanks for letting med know :)

    that is true :) looking forward to see how the J12 looks compared to mine

    I must admit i really like the AP ROO GP.. at first i thought it was too heavy.. But when you get used it, it feels really good to wear! it actually prefer this over my Yacht-Master II

    I forgot to mention, the datewheel font on your watch is likely going to be more accurate than the J12 one! ;)

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  8. Question for the experts: even if one were to get one of the latest Divers (the versions Legend posted above), would a buyer of a new watch have to send it to a modder in order to get it waterproofed (think swimming in a pool, or splashing around in the ocean) and serviced (to clean mechanism and get a properly working watch)?

    Yes believe it or not rep divers can be waterproofed to reasonable standards for swimming and showering. :)

    You just need to request the modder to do it.

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  9. You must be awful proud to be spending money every month to be called a "Diamond Member" Betcha that gets a lot of respect around WUS....Diamond m=Member of a counterfeit watch site. WOW Mom and Dad must be very proud of ya. What did you get?...A nice decal to put in the back window claiming to the world you are a Diamond Member of a counterfeit watch forum....


    I am guessing you wear fake Ink as well and ride a Honda Cub. You are a watch Outlaw....a 1%er in the counterfeit watch world....

    when it comes to abject and hopeless stupidity, I think that you are in a class of your own. 


    My friend Nikki6 has accomplished more in real life than you could ever dream of. Like I said, don't go spouting mindless nonsense if you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. It is pathetic that at age 54, you still do not get it. This is the last time that I am telling you: We have members here that are a lot more wealthy than you, and live in houses that could house your little cottage within, along with the garage and the boat, and still have enough space to leave the original furnishings unaffected. So just because you suddenly become "enlightened" upon waking one day, and find replica watches disgusting, it does not give you a right to go on a self-righteous crusade here. The only reason you are here, is because you are banned everywhere else, and on the gen forums, you have zero significance. A lot of us own gens that would make you want to pull that silk blouse sleeve over your submariner, had you any sense of shame. But for a guy collecting lighter watches, and claiming that there is more honor doing so, I doubt that you will ever get it.

    A replica watch is a fully working watch, and in a lot of cases, possess more superior build than homage watches, brands aside. You must be having the IQ of a retarded amoeba whose retardation suffered even more after trying to drift directly into the maw of the great white shark- when the maw is shut closed. And your EQ is even worse. The least your mom could have done was to teach you some manners. You are the guy who walks into the party with dog turd on your boots and rudely demanding that you be served, while leaving your filthy tracks all over, and while loudly proclaiming that "the other parties" you've attended are so much better. After a while, its inevitable that you become the dog turd, and be treated accordingly.


    We may be poor according to your delusional standards (assuming that you have the wealth of the Sultan of Brunei, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates combined), and we may not be able to "afford the gens" as you proclaimed (hey shame on us guys! I think I have seen more gen than reps lately on this forum!) but just like you would not tolerate a rude stranger going into your house and taking a crap on your $49 faux fur carpet, we likewise would not tolerate a piece of crap stumbling into our midst, waving banners decrying our hobby (Yes, its a hobby you stupid ass. Like model airplanes, collecting movie replicas, collecting replica guns, and in your case, displaying shameless ignorance). Its a hobby and I am proud of it and the guys I mingle with. It is surely more meaningful than you going around making enemies everywhere. Scratch that: its more like you are a pest. Cockroaches are not foes. They are to be stomped on and forgotten when they get in the way. You, sir, are that cockroach. You are probably the type of guy who will, one day, sit in yellowed continence pants in front of the computer in your twilight years, alone, with empty potato chip packets and empty beer cans, still furiously trying your best to explain why fake watches are for fake people. You would pause now and then to wipe the drool from your lips, and brush your tangled mane of grey hair from your face. Forget about whatever garage collection then. The only wheels you would need is a wheelchair, preferably with pictorial instructions instead of words, so that you could understand it.


    You want to talk about Nikki6's mom and dad? Well seriously your parents should have used birth control. You are like that boil on the butt which needs to be lanced. Not qualified to be an enemy of anyone here. If I have a 3 year old little girl, well she would find you a serious threat, but unlike what you think, we are mostly men, who unlike you, understand how to interact and mingle meaningfully, who understand respect, who understand how to share and learn. Look at you, standing draped in your piss-poor attitude, and a head so swollen that you must have turned sideways just to enter the RWG doorway.


    Why are you here? Since you would not answer, I would do so for you: Because there is no place else. You are a lonely, deluded, miserable, and yes, not very wealthy piece of trash whose chief problem is that you are stupid beyond redemption and more stubborn than the last gal that tried to sell me her very delectable wares.


    The brightest you could become, is if you douse yourself with kerosene (while muttering insanely about how fake watches are for fake people), and light yourself with that $3 lighter watch you bought. Put the watch to good use. Ah yes, then nobody could argue that Kingfrog will the brightest person around, for about 10min,


    So leave my friends alone. Or better still, leave the world, alone.        

  10. Beachcomber and Flyr, those were good posts.  As hoped, he has hoist himself on his own petard.  Thanks for the terminology, Miss Naughty.  :kissing:


    I wanted to leave Kermie active here for awhile so he could expose the fraud that he is, and it happened ... as expected.  But enough is enough, it's one thing to insult us as a group of horrible fake fakey fakers, but when he selects members for personal attacks then he's crossed a line. 


    He'll never take the initiative to find out why we have a Diamond Members area,

    he'll never look at our history and see how we rally around our members that fall on hard times,

    he'll never recognize that beauty is only skin deep,

    and he'll remain obsessed with superficial appearances, ignoring the underlying content.


    Oddly, he is immersed the very thing of which he accuses our good members, appearance over substance.  And he will never take the time to recognize that such substance exists here.


    And so... it's time for a ban.  For now, I've set him so he requires Moderator approval before every new post.  So he can watch and fume, but he's not as yet banned.


    Now let's have some fun with it, eh?  I PM'd the boss already, but I'm thinking a quick raffle might be fun.  MOAB, are you up for it?  :partytime:


    How about a Ban-The-Kermie raffle?  The winner gets Admin privilege just long enough to do the deed while we watch and hoist our glasses of good cheer.


    Your thoughts lads?  :gathering:

    I needed this raffle yesterday. I'm in Big B. :)

  11. Legend, about the "poor boy" surely I can't be considered in a different way, with my 25k/y. But surely I am not poor of spirit :) Simply, as the majority of the people, regardless my efforts and because of my history, temperament, environment, luck etc, I couldn't find my way into the higher classes.

    Nevertheless we try to live our lives the best we can, contantly trying to enlarge, if not our income, at least our knowledge:)

    Yes I agree Gentle.

    I do not like to compare or discuss how much we earn a year here, it's extraneous and irrelevant. We're here to discuss watches and make friends, not compare wealth.

    But when someone with his new found passion for gens come on and call us poor boys who cannot afford gens, I simply have to tell him that it isn't true.

    You can earn $20k a year and still be respected, or you can earn $100k a year and still be despised. At RWG, it's never about the amount of money in the pockets, but how we can contribute to the community.

    To me, you're a respected member of the community for the knowledge you bring.

    Who cares about the money mate? ;)

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  12. I remember reading somewhere that the SS Sub costs somewhere like 1500 usd to produce-including movement-it's SS for god's sake. I understand vintage and the collectibility of their rarer pieces, but for the most part it the margin is huge on gens.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    +1. When we buy gen watches, we pay mostly for the marketing, and for the "prestige" of being a gen watch owner, the latter being inculcated strongly through celebrity endorsements and various brand messages... 

    The rep makers do not have this expense built into the cost of the watches. Or, one could even claim that the rep marketing is paid by the gen watch brands. 


    I would say openly here, that I probably can afford gens that Mr Kingfrog would read about but never could buy. 

    I do not think we are the poor boys here. And one thing for certain: When I am 54 like Kingfrog, I would either have more dignity and social grace than him, or a watch collection I could truly boast about. Likely both. 

  13. Seeing the accuracy level of the diver reps these days, it may not be worthwhile to do a franken, just for 10% more improvement in the accuracy of the watch. 

    Lets put it this way, the only real gen part needed for a franken diver is the inner bezel. 

    The case, crystal, straps, buckle, and dial are good enough for real-life wear. 

    Like what rillesnille mentioned, a low beat movement conversion is the only mod to do when you own a recent iteration of the diver. (Noob V4 FC, ceramic, or V6/7 stainless steel diver). The rep has evolved to a stage whereby it is not worth the time and money, in my opinion, to build a franken. Yes of course, it would bring the watch to a (slightly) higher level, but the improvements would be subtle and it would not be worth the efforts. ;)

  14. Yep Me too. I tried the rep thing. Felt "dirty" and fake no matter how much it cost. I prefer the Homage at least it is not trying to be anything but what it is and s accepted conversation in legitimate serious  watch Forums like WatchUseek and Rolex from both of which do not allow discussion of counterfeit goods. No one who plays in this muddy sandbox is welcome there to discuss their "hobby".


    I am selling a Citizen on Ebay and was asked if it was a knockoff. I could not believe anyone would make a knock off a $300 watch. So I took it to two jewelers and ran the serial number past Citizen USA. All said there was no evidence it was anything but an Echo Drive. Even the movement was the same as other Echo Drives. 


    But where a buck can be made the Chinese will make a counterfeit and there are no shortage of those who want to project a false image.. Hell I am not even wealthy by some standards and I won't wear anything but a Genuine going forward. I thought I would like the replica world. But at the end of the day, Fake people wear fake watches, 



    Yeah I will order a fake watch to test drive before buying the real thing as I have done. But I would not wear one and have to admit it's fake if someone asks or try to pull of the "yeah it's real" line either.  I have evolved and seen the light. People  I know who can afford the real thing and have $50K cars and $3000 suits would NEVER wear a $300 fake watch. It is too visual and  makes too loud a statement and who wants to claim they are wearing a fake Rolex or AP?  and WHY? If I can afford $3000 suits I can afford a $10K watch,

     You are assuming that all the members here collect and wear only rep watches. I assure you very firmly that this is not the case. We have members here who own gens which would make your submariner look like a kid's toy. So what if you are a member of gen forums? I can still be a member here and be richer than you by many times. Your argument does not provide for members who own both gens and reps, and even if you did, I highly doubt that it would be valid.


    At the end of the day, you are entitled to your opinion as we are entitled to ours. I would like to ask you, How does coming to RWG and behaving like a troll benefit you? Do you hope that you would induce shame in us, or "enlighten" us with your twisted logic? Or perhaps cause us to take the watch off our wrists and throw them with disgust onto the floor?


    Fundamentals apply: Give respect, and get some back. Show disrespect, and your ass is up for public whopping. You can go on and on and on about your retirement status, fully paid house, car collections etc but really, its pathetic how you sound. Remember, wealth is relative, and I would just say that if you were hoping to impress, you got a bloody long way to go. Sure, I respect your predilection toward gen watches, but remember that this is a replica watch forum, and if you cannot show basic courtesy here, the exit is to the left. Why're you even here, when its obvious that you are here to troll and show how "superior" you are? You have very very little knowledge about watches, other than the fact that gen watches > replica ones because they come with a much higher price tag, warranties, etc. You really have very little inkling of what goes into a replica watch today. Instead of learning, you come here to try to flaunt your laughable "wealth", and diss the rep wearers. If fake watches are for fake people, then why don't you just stay at the gen forums? The answer is clear: Because you know very well that you would be nothing more than an infinitesimal speck of dust over there, whereas here, you can at least try to flaunt your gen submariner. But did you succeed impressing the members here and showing how great you are? You know the answer very well. 


    I will leave you with this: You do not know us. Stop being so judgemental, lest you be judged. If you trying to rule the world just because you own a rolex submariner, you really have no idea how big the world is, and how small you are. Many here are far far richer than you. Therefore, owning reps here is a matter of personal choice, rather than not being able to afford the gen. Who are you to judge? 


    In terms of knowledge, class, courtesy and wealth, you cannot hold a candle to a lot of guys I know here. That by itself, is not deplorable. But your posts lack respect, and I think that you should practice some self-restraint when posting.

    Yes, you can call it like you see it, but so can anyone of us here.

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