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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. I wouldn't put any kind of brand name watch (rep or gen) on a child for safety reasons. Especially Rolex.

    Kids should be kids - put your pride aside and get him a funky quartz watch that he doesn't have to worry about breaking or dropping. He's eight years old.... plenty of time to absorb the elegant lifestyle when he's older.... now it's the age for fun and just doing what eight year olds do!

  2. I always try to be respectful and helpful when helping people, even noobs. I was a noob once and without the help of some nice guys I would have never found the beautiful watches I have today. I think a lot of people ask questions "frankly" because they are simply tired of sifting through the replica scams and garbage all over the net... hoping that maybe their journeys have ended here. I guess it's our job to remind them that at RWG, the journey only begins...

  3. does anyone know if they make a WHITE PP qauanaut quatz with NO diamonds?

    I don't think so... that would defeat the whole purpose of an Aquanaut "Luce" as they call it.

    This looks like a rep of the 4961 A

    Here is the gen, if you ask me, the markers look a little crooked too :unsure:


    I think the grey hour markers are going to be the biggest tell... but it could just be a photo reflection.

  4. In Canada, a good portion of the mail I receive (including very private financial documents) has been torn apart and have obviously been "unofficially" opened. The mailbox for my street sits directly to the left of my house so I can see what the postman is doing. Basically, he takes the mail from the street post-box, dumps it all into his car, and drives away - he collects it like that for about 2-3 days in sequence and then comes back on days with nice weather to disperse all of the mail. Now aside from the delay this is not so bad but he gets confused if there is too much and I often get my mail screwed up with that of another family down the street.

    It's a mess here in Canada.......

  5. I've been stuck in meetings for the past few days and I just returned home but all of my free time I spent glued to CNN in the hotel room. This is a catastrophe of immense magnitude. I heard some of the witness accounts and I cannot get the images they described out of my mind. An absolute horror. My prayers are with all of the families who were forced to suffer because of these terrorists' disregard for human life.

  6. Here's the problem with replica mobile phones for me. If something happens (knock on wood) that I need to call emergency services, I want to be sure that my phone will be in working condition. I have an intimate familiarity with counterfeit watches and I know that build quality is not a top priority at the rep factories.

    We are talking about a device that could be used to save your life, or the life of a loved one. I don't play games when it comes to these sorts of things.

  7. I saved these pictures to my "busted gens" folder. I think it really goes to show that these days quality control issues exist everywhere, even in the genuine luxury watch market where you pay thousands of dollars for something that is advertised as having been manufactured with the spirit of excellence in craftsmanship in mind.

    I would go to your AD and raise such a storm that it would be like an apocalypse inside the shopping mall if this happened to me.

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