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Posts posted by By-Tor

  1. Thanks man. No, those screws are blue, and everything in the movement is original. That's what I've been told. I kept this watch for a week and the tick was loud as a bomb. :lol: It kept absolutely perfect time and the power reserve was excellent.

    My father has quite impressive collection of gens (Rolexes, IWC's, Glashuttes, etc.) but unfortunately I see him very rarely as he works and lives in another country. I'd love to shoot more of his watches.

  2. Thanks man. I was a bit skeptical at first but looks like this is really out now. Not bad. That actually looks like a great looking Sub. The crown looks oversized (once again) though. I wonder why it is so difficult to get right. Actually it looks like it comes straight from the Noobmariner.

    Can you post pictures from the straight upright view (similar as your second photo, but with the bezel intact)... and from the side. HERE is one of my photos to show what I mean... so we can see the rehaut depth.

    PS: And please add a little bit light (if possible).

  3. That looks like a good one. For Serie Speciale it's important to check that the case and bracelet are brushed, not polished. I'm not 100% sure if they ever did Serie Speciale with a blue dial though.

    Check my signature for the Breitling Guide, which explains more. Also check my review section. There should be a big writeup of the Serie Speciale rep. The rep in the review is old and outdated, but it explains all the important details for this model.

  4. In all fairness to Rob, he wasn't so much giving information away, as pointing out how the factories operate (fairly standard knowledge) and pointing out that we're just people with an interest in watches.

    I guess you're right, not a big deal. But it still pisses me off to see our people going to gen forums and "educate" them with their "superior rep knowledge". I never understood why they do it.

    Occasionally, you also see stuff like "Look, I was into reps but now I bought this gen Submariner and finally saw the light... the crown FEELS SO MUCH BETTER, and suddenly my shit started to smell like roses too." :lol: I don't mean Rob though.

    PS: I've seen the most impressive gens here in the rep community. I don't visit "The Purists" though. :)

  5. Also, the ExpII rep are not well made. Too many flaw on them. I rather save my the money for another good rep.

    Totally disagree here. The black ExpII is probably the best Rolex replica ever done.

    Here's bklm1234's correct hand stack ExpII:


    Here's mine (don't own this anymore though)



  6. How about pointing the guy to this thread? Sounds crazy but why not... he must know lots of his inserts go to reps... he even adds info how to install them onto reps.

    @Jet: I always received his shipments to EU in 7-9 days. That's the average what it takes, and there are no customs concerns either. I've never heard a standard airmail from the USA gotten stuck into EU customs (or vice versa). China and other "high risk" countries are completely different matter. And there's even "Commercial sample, may be opened officially" written on his letter.

    @Stephane: Check your email, I found another Ebay store selling good looking inserts.

  7. It's too bad that one of the best ideas to come along here has been officially shot down.

    If you go back and read the start of the post, you realize that a "straw man" has been set up and lit on fire with a match.

    Where was the proposal that it would be a "Sub" forum or even a Rolex forum?

    I didn't see that until the nay sayers chimed in. They just made it up.

    It was a great idea while it lasted.


    It wasn't "officially" shut down. I don't represent any "official" opinion. I just represent my own opinion as a fellow collector. And I don't decide it... that's up to admin. I thought this all was just normal communication about pros and cons. It would be quite sad if we always agreed on everything... that would be like Erich Honecker's official DDR.

    Personally, I just think it's a nice idea (in principle), but it has some serious downsides (which I listed).

    But maybe we could create a sub-subforum to Watch repair & upgrade "Vintage mods" or something? How's that sound? That wouldn't screw the "Brand specific" subforum theme we use. I'm just afraid it would bury down there and become unused territory after a while.

    And if I understand correctly, "Watch repair and upgrade" was initially designed for this exact purpose. Do we really, really need more and more subforums all the time, and would dozens of small subcategories serve the forums overall (from the members' point of view)? I think that's the main question... and personally I don't think so.

    Edit: Would it be a good idea to change "Watch repair & upgrade" to "Watch repair, upgrade & Mods"? Just a suggestion.

  8. At first thought a Vintage forum seemed sensible. But the more I thought about it, the more I came to side with By-Tor, but not for the reason he stated. Considering that the majority of postings in the Rolex forum relate to vintage models (and mostly Subs & Seadwellers), I think that adding a Vintage forum would suck the life out of the Rolex forum.

    That's another good reason.

    And besides, why the hell we should mix up PAMs and Rolexes in the same subforum... and then still have separate subforums for them? This makes absolutely ZERO sense to me.

    Sorry guys, but more I think about it... this whole idea is something that women could come up with...i.e how to make simple things as complicated as possible. :lol:

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