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Posts posted by By-Tor

  1. I know nothing about movements. I've just done my homework, listening to guys like Ziggy and EL...

    This is what Eddie Lee has stated about 2893/2836-2 in reps. He's one of the most experienced dealers in the community, so I have no reason to doubt anything he says:

    (And once again: Eddie is talking about the old 2836-2 (with GMT hand under hour hand). Please understand the difference between these two 2862-2 setups.


    I offer 2836 and 2893 for the gmt...

    for the record...it does not matter to me which is which...the price is pretty much fixed by the distributor....

    2893...as most know is $$$ movt,...and once it is not in sync,,,hard to fix and $$$ to fix.

    i have shipped many 2893 ,,,,many....and i also have lots of issue with 2893..and when these come back to me,,,these 2893 just go back to distributor and return back to maker right away as instructed by maker. As once it is reassembled or retouch the movt,,,it has become unstable, exteemely unstable.

    and so far, i have quite a few return on the 2893...over 20 pcs....even these have been checked prior shipping out...i am sure many in the forum who have the 2893 may discover that gmt hand may slack in time or not sync with time...and fallen into the twilight zone.....

    but in 2836...i only have 1 issue with not sync with the time.

    This is what i know,,,and this is the info that i get,,and this is the feedback i have ...and this is the stat. and number does not lie.

    Regardless of what the eta movt says...or swatch group say....basically i do only believe what my qc lady and my repair mate inform me...and i have no doubt about their capabilities and judgement.

    I love to sell 2893 more than 2836....but 2836 is a simpler movt... and easier to fix...and from my point of view....on my service side...2836 better for me....

    not many will know how to fix 2893 and 2892.,...and what if the local watchsmith screws the movt up...this mean the movt is gone...but 2836 is the work horse of the swatch group and many watchsmiths know this movt inside and out....like a the hook mechanism of victoria secret bras...2893 is the french corset....nice and sexy...but in my opinion has rather dim record....

    I do not know much about movt...but i do one thing for sure....i knwo the stat...and i know the record...and i know the detail.

    If u were to ask me which is better.....benz or toyota....i will tell you ,,,if u have the cash sure...benz is better....but if u dont want to bet for return of service...toyota is one u may want to go with.

  2. I've been reviewing threads relating to the GMTs. From what I gather, the 24hr hand appears to cause a problems for the reps with the 2836 movements. Is it accurate to say that if you want a good GMT rep you should hold out for one with a 2893 movement?

    Well... once again:

    THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THE 2836-2 "GMT" movement". IT'S THE MODIFICATION WHERE THE GMT HAND IS PLACED OVER HOUR HAND THAT CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS... NOT THE "OLD" VERSION WHERE GMT HAND IS PLACED UNDER THE HOUR HAND". It's not a real GMT movement, but it's completely irrelevant here. The "old" setup is technically safe and good. Members should stop spreading the rumor that 2836-2 is shaky, because it's not. Eddie Lee has stated that he had much more problems with defective watches that had 2893... than 2836-2.

    Only the "new" modified version can be a risky purchase. And Ziggy stated that he might have received a "bad apple", it was just one watch that he reviewed.

    Ziggy makes these wonderful reviews. I wonder if anyone ever reads them:


  3. Excellent pics and very nice Sub, BT!

    When you have Palp install the crowntube, perhaps he polish the inner ring and clean the inside of the crystal for you. It makes a huge difference IMO and it's very little additional work. These small touches add up very nicely. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Good idea. :)

    @chief: I only have these two left now.


    HIGH SCORE UPDATE: December 23, 2006

    I surpassed my previous high score (3,652,700 on 9/8/03) with a new high score of 8,029,450. A NEW WORLD RECORD! Game play started at 10:15 AM Friday, December 22nd and ended at 9:30 AM Saturday, December 23, 2006 (23 hours 15 minutes). The game was recorded on digital video and refereed by Brien King.

    man this guy needs to get a life! :D

    Yeah, he's a freak alright. When I was 15 or 16 I played Star Wars and Gravitar for hours with one coin. But 24 hours... Christ!!! I wonder how he arranged the toilet breaks... or giving it a second thought... I don't even want to know. :lol:

  5. Many congratulations of the day By-Tor. Long live By-Tor, slayer of the necromancer!

    Thanks mate. :)

    WOW! A very happy B-day, BT! :thumbsupsmileyanim::drunk::band1:

    Your new ETA Sub arrived just in time!

    I'll have a couple of cool ones in your honor this evening. :D

    Have fun!

    Cheers Jet!!! :)

  6. Thanks guys.

    @cornerstone: Where's the monitor? Is it a "coctail cabinet"? That looks awesome but it could mean a divorce. :lol:

    @richard: I play lots of modern games but MAME and retrogames are still my #1. Gravitar is my all-time favourite, it's amazingly challenging game...pure skill.

  7. Thanks fellas. I just turned 36... and I thought I turned 26 just a while ago. Damn...

    My girlfriend bought me a special gift yesterday... to feed my video game and MAME addiction.


    So I don't think I'm becoming a "responsible adult" anytime soon. :lol:

  8. Sweet pair!!! By-Tor, look like the asian noob has a deeper rehaut and longer sec than the the ETA model. Is it just the pic angle?? Pretty pair none the less.

    It's just the pic angle and lighting. The second hands are identical too.

    Wow, amazing pictures!! :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I miss that baby already, and again sorry for my 4 inch wrists :whistling:

    Thanks mate. Good to trade with you. :)

    another great opportunity (edit from froglish: occasion) to see nice pics !

    Thanks Monsieur By-Tor

    Thanks Stephane. Glad you liked the pics. Only 1 was new though. Those 2 "glamour pics" are of the Asian version.

  9. 234667-11448.jpg

    Received my ETA-powered Noobmariner today. In my opinion it's still the best "compromise Sub" out there. I'll be getting the "VIPmariner" from Tim (RWI) soon... and it'll be interesting to make a side-by-side review.

    There's no use reviewing this watch again, since the review of the Asian version is all here:


    The trade with Falco was excellent. He had modded the watch a bit... better pearl and milled crystal which raises the crystal height. Also better hands that match the lume on the hour markers. I'm extremely satisfied, since I always wanted a "ETA Nooby". The difference in sweep isn't that dramatic though... and other than that, the watches are 100% identical. I'll ask Palp to install a gen crown and tube for my new Sub later. These upgrades will make it a "Super Nooby". :)

    I don't know what use I have for the Asian version anymore. Maybe I could trade it to something that I could review... and benefit the membership that way?



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