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Posts posted by HaydenM

  1. I read today that 130 Imans have refused to bury the terrorists. One can argue Islamic or any other theology all day, but those gentlemen have earned my respect for their stance. Also the surgeon most involved in treating the wounded after the Manchester attack has spoke on the BBC website, his interview is well worth a listen.

    Absolutely those Imams have my respect to the point that anybody who wouldn't bury a terrorist with honour does. I truly hope that they are progressive and relatively nominal Muslims fighting for reformation, unfortunately many mosques are rather adept at PR and will say one thing and do another behind closed doors.

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  2. "Because the topic was the political correctness stifles the ability of those who must take action to protect the populous from doing so"
    No it wasn't, at least have the courtesy to read the opening post.
    Again back on topic...
    Yes thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this atrocious evil event from Australia too.

    The origin of the conversation does not change what the conversation develops into. Of course the victims and loved ones of those affected are in our thoughts, last night a terrorist attack was committed in my city by an Islamic jihadi that should have long been kicked out.
    I don't think it's just to shut down anything you seem to not want mentioned such as Rotherham by simply deeming it rubbish. It's a dodgy tactic.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, KB said:

    How does that even come close to the topic we have here?


    Of course your sprouting rubbish when you are throwing up stories like that in a thread about about terrorism in London, it is not even your thread so it is a complete hijack.


    It would be akin to me discussing all the pedophiles within the Christian clergy...it is not part of this discussion, so take some advice and stay on topic.



    Because the topic was the political correctness stifles the ability of those who must take action to protect the populous from doing so, you denies this to be the case saying that everybody is acting in the best of the greater populous which the rotherham case proved wrong as the local government and police forces turned a blind eye to the barbaric things happening under their noses so that they wouldn't be called racist and so that they would maintain predominately left wing muslim voters in a labour seat. It is completely and utterly on the topic that this conversation has generated. 
    If radical catholic terrorists had just attacked London and I had said that the greater church wanted to stop problems within the church just as much as anybody else you would be right to call me out on the protection of paedophile priest as I call out the protection of muslim child rapists by a left wing government securing votes.

    • Like 1
  4. @HaydenM I am also a centralist and I personally think you should stay on topic because that stuff you just sprouted is rubbish.
    This discussion can only remain if it stays civil, we have very strict rules against political threads but we mods are allowing some levity here.
    So back on topic, please explain how you believe deportation will work.

    How is Rotherham rubbish? It's a story that broke internationally and is pertinent to the discussion. The current PM herself called it a "dereliction of duty" due to their "institutional political correctness".

    To say that this is off topic to be frank is to simply not want to see it in a topic that it is certainly relevant to.

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  5. I'm just waiting for someone to offer a solution short of another world war.
    We have already had the 'Political Correctness' label thrown in, soon someone is bound to try the 'Liberal bleeding hearts' tag, but you know something...Left, right or center we all want this terrorism stopped by any means...that work.

    I think we all are and frankly I think you're wrong with both sides wanting this gone equally. The mass importation helps the western left dramatically. There is a reason that the labour local government and police force of Rotherham let 1400 English girls be raped and I assure you, it would not have happened under a right wing government and this is coming from a centrist.

    Look throughout the world and it is left leaning governments that are importing this problem en masse. I'm not religious but I doubt we'd have this issue if we imported Jews or Middle Eastern Christians by the numbers.

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  6. 6 hours ago, KB said:

    That is the point though Mike, the majority of these attacks now are home grown terrorist so there is no real military way to stop them.


    We need to get out of their countries, let them slaughter each other if need be but don't give them the excuse to continue these attacks in the west.



    A logic that one need only sadly look at the likes of countries like Sweden or France to see is unfounded. Would have been a great logic many years ago but it is not the beast that has been let in and politicians with riches and permanent security will continue to do so as they will not die at the hands of these fundamentalists, and if they play their cards right they will get the votes of both the terrorists and those who support them. A truly sad state of affairs to see, I just hope that people stand up and do something instead of letting this truly become "part and parcel" of life in the west as Khan would have it.

  7. I remember back in the days, I was not even aware of the existence of submariners . Just à Panerai guy. Then over lurking some forums for years, talking to people, reading hours and hours..
    Took some YouTube and DIY watchmaking class..
    10 years after I'm building passionately Franken subs and GMTs..
    Some guy at work trying to (nicely) impress, asked me about my gen 16600 : "Oh, did you know that your Rolex watch is made from a special steel?"

    And we discussed about 316, 905 etc for 2 hours.
    And Switzerland trips just to approach the holy grail.
    Crazy world of Rolex technical aficionados

    Seems to be the opposite transition to most. I definitely started wanting a sub when I came to the forum (originally wanted a 16613 which I think my tastes have changed from) and have yet to jump from Rolex mainly as they have the most parts and the builds are pretty damn fun but if I had a bigger wrist I'd definitely have a Pam by now.

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  8. On 5/27/2017 at 10:13 AM, BrandonKirk25 said:

    Thanks for all the help guys! Glad I stumbled across this forum. 

    Definitely avoid the link you posted, $99 is simply not possible for any quality 16610 with a decent movement (not to mention that the watermarked photos are from a different site to the site it's on :p )




    On 5/27/2017 at 7:37 AM, Sogeha said:

    One of these depending on your wrist size. OP was looking for something at a little less than $3 billion



    Just notices those crown guards, I'm in love :p

  9. Seriously, these things are time sucks. I started working on my RGRC at like 4 pm next thing I know it was 10 pm. The problem with any AP is that you're all excited when you finish whatever it is you set out to do and then you realize to put it back together there are 8 face screws, then 8 nuts,then 8 more case back nuts. It's like another hr just to screw it back together.


    Nice watch, in all honesty I had to completely decase and decade about four times to get the crystal properly aligned haha

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks for all that helped out in this process. Finally got the crystal replaced, the GMT hand realigned and now the bezel insert lightly aged (just black for the moment, will try to age a pepsi tomorrow if I have sunlight).

    Now to show her off:





    • Like 2
  11. The most valid point is that Good Muslims are as powerless to stop Bad Muslims from committing murder as Good Christians are from stopping Bad Christians.
    Think Timothy McVeigh, Anders Breivik and in my own country Martin Bryant and these are just the tip of the iceberg.
    The fact is that radicals are just as hidden from those in their own religion as they are from others.
    This war is never going to finish by a few well placed bombs somewhere in Syria, maybe we should try to just the hell out of their country and see what happens?

    The difference there comes with both the heads of churches and the render unto Caesar clause of the bible. Today there are very few Christian ministers that will stand at the front of a church and say that the moral act is to murder homosexuals, but we've seen scores of imams do just that. Heck the mosque nearest to the pulse shooting had a speaker in saying just that were weeks before the Pulse nightclub shooting.
    These Christian terrorist attacks are in western predominately Christian countries far far less prevalent than Islamic attacks. If we're talking our own country we have had one, possibly 2 successful terrorist attacks within the last few years by Islamic causes which represent 2% of the population, I don't recall the last Christian terror attack here.

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  12. Well this has been an enjoyable exchange. Thank you to all who took part, especially [mention=41328]HaydenM[/mention] and [mention=2563]dieselpower[/mention]. I think to continue would bore other members to tears and make us look much more divided and argumentative than we actually are to new members and visitors.
    It is time to place the emphasis back on the lamentable loss of innocent young lives.

    Of course Paul, was a lovely educated conversation and you were surely a gent in disagreement. Have a wonderful day.

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  13. A brilliant act to hear. And while we're on a west wing theme:

    It is certain that both are open to interpretation but once again we come to a core difference between the books. The bible is a fairytale to the Quran's cookbook. The bible is known for long allegorical stories and metaphors. It is very much a book that must be read and studied and pondered. The Quran I would say far less so. The Quran is both drastically shorter and drastically more blunt. It oft bluntly says the rules in a way far less open to interpretation.

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  14. I have likewise read the Quran and Hadith as well as having a degree in Christian theology. Just because something can be found in scripture does not mean that a majority of adherents choice to take it literally. Take that as the illogic of religion or of the human condition as you will, but it is never the less true. Perhaps it is a good sign that more Muslims are choosing to not take a literal view of every word of the Quran, but instead take a more enlightened view.
    "The Devil himself may site scripture to his own ends". William Shakespeare
    The clip is funny because it is factually correct yet we choose not to follow it. The Old Testament is scripture to Jews, Christians and Muslims

    Brilliant show and some wonderful point from Bartlet. I'm more than happy to have people not taking holy books literally. The problem comes in the scriptural differences between a book like the bible and the Quran. Though all claim divine inspiration the Quran makes the largest claims of being the literal word of god through the messenger (first pillar) and that it is the final perfect book.
    When the shahada is the primary tenet of the Islamic faith and the revocation of the shahada is punished by death under Islamic law it is much much harder to reform. One of the reasons that the bible was reformed was because it claims to be the written word of many men, and men are fallible, Allah and the messenger, not so in the views of adherents.

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