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Posts posted by slay

  1. Count me in Stephane. The last GTG in Brussells was awesome and I can't wait. I am thinking of using the Eurostar so any other UK based members who want to share a ride then PM me and we can start the party on the train!!


    Nice man, I'm already lookin forward to talkin with you about your job :) :)

    Edit: Yes, please everyone state if you bring your wifes/girlfriends (Andy I suppose you are bringing your wife again?), then I will also arrange some female company with me, and I don't have to fear that everyone is hitting on my girl, like last time haha :p

  2. I'm working on a competitor analysis for a company in the medical field right now and I would like to get some more in-depth information about its competitors. I found exactly what I need, but all those sites want money for the reports. Does anyone of you have access to any of those sites that create detailed company profiles, with information about liquidity etc.?

    This is from wrightreports:

    "A textual analysis of the financial results of the selected company, compared to selectedcompetitors. Also included are quantitative analyses of the companys financial statements,extensive ratio analyses and up to 10-year history of sales, earnings, dividends and securitypricing. A business description of the company, including contact information, senior officers andWright Quality Rating analyses is also provided.Wright Reports are developed for the leading publicly traded companies in 63 countries. Thereports are written in English in a standardized format that enables easy comparisons acrosscountry boundaries. The reports contain explanatory footnotes to annotate the data. Wrightsproprietary quality rate is assigned to each company when there is sufficient information available."

    Thanks in advance!

  3. serviced or not - it really doesn't matter...

    I asked if anybody could know (if I explained the situation) what was the problem? obviously until now, I didn't receive any useful info...

    It matters in the way that if it hasn't been properly serviced, it could be a minor problem (like not enough oil on a jewel or whatsoever), but otherwise it could be damaged parts.

    If you need a watchmaker that is familliar with those movements, try contacting tourby, MAYBE he can help you.

    Hope all gets well soon! I also have an SF240 on the way!


  4. I am sorry to say this, but anyone who faces foreclosure shouldnt have bought a house in the first place. Of course its all easy to blame on the banks, but I remember when my Dad bought a house when I was little, he had to come up with 1/4 of the price, get risk life insurance. And all that only because he had a status where he could NOT EVER lose his job. And he earned pretty damn good (so there was bascially no way my Dad would have been unable to pay - and they still made it difficult for him).

    People that barely earn more than the average blue collar worker, buy a house for 400k and can barely pay 500$/month to cover the interest -> thats the problem. If there is no way you can afford it, don't buy it! I don't go out buying yachts either. And then they see a nice car they want and they say "Hey, let's just get the 20th mortgage on our house to buy a prosche!".

    But their income would more likely place them in the league of a Saturn or a Fiat and a rental apartment, not a freakin mansion and a porsche. Of course they can never every pay it back. And you have to be a retard to believe that the only thing thats gonna happen to your houses worth is RISE RISE RISE

  5. If you do decide on a rep pen then i believe narikaa has a very wide selection.


    I can only comment on the quality of his old ones, and to be honest, they were really really bad. They didnt take genuine refills, the refills that were included were not usable (dryed out), the metall was brass and the coating screatched very easily (exposing the brass), certain parts where out of cheap plastic instead of metal, and so on...

    Its not easy to find a good, quality MB rep pen!

  6. Apparently you are forgetting the advertising train wreck that was the Jerry Seinfeld series of ads. The ads so bad that they were to be a "series" until no one got them or cared about them. They told Jerry just to keep the money and GTFO. That is Microsoft.

    That Seinfield Ad was actually a pretty good ad. But unfortunately the majority of those who watch TV have an IQ below 50. Those would also not understand the Seinfield series, or just watch it because its hip (like some people watch South Park, like and, but don't get it AT ALL). For these people, such an ad is not gonna work.

    But this music creating thing, seriously, if I was a manager somewhere and head of marketing showed me this, I would have slapped him in the face. Just slap him. SLAP!

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