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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. Looking at the prices of watches from Italy and elsewhere I would be tempted to travel to Italy, buy a couple of dozen or 100 and resell them in the most expensive place on earth (wherever that is) and that has the cheapest import duty fees.

    Black bays are $1700 new there and sell for $1000 more in some US places online, and I've no doubt those online prices are cheap compared to Beverly Hills, etc.

  2. Possibly Mike but you know for any of these to be useful we need the real info. User names change at the drop of a hat.

    Hmm, what about all VIP members have to give the board their real name and address when they become VIP, and that must be used to send stuff too! then it's a matter of a quick search and kill the member if they go bad?

    • Like 1
  3. CJ, don't believe it, he will be selling the beat up POS.

    Otherwise why on earth would you include pics of a beaten up watch with what looks like a good watch when you are Wellington he good watch?

    That's like me trying to sell a good sports car and using a few pics of a write off in the advert!

  4. There are quite a few US based people on here who can sort your watch out.

    If you haven't already said OK to the QC pics just reply saying that the bezel insert is a little bit off and ask Angus to sort it out properly.

    With a bit of luck Angus himself will read your email and sort it, but there's a small chance one of his employees will read your email and just post it anyway without doing anything.

    As to guys in the US, the only one I can think of at the moment is SSTEEL, but I know there are loads of them!

    • Like 1
  5. I know war (or the perceived threat of) boosts industry and jobs, but it will mean massive spending on new technologies, plants, factories, research, etc, plunging every country involved further into debt, and almost the whole damn world is far too overdrawn at the moment.

    It'll end up with countries like China with next to no debt, huge reserves of their own fossil fuels and turning into the huge world mega corps of the next century, with the US, UK, Russia, upto their noses in debt to China, etc.

  6. Did the seller not even get a real name and address of the buyer?


    What did they put on the address label?


    Usernames can be changed at will (new user accounts), so a real name and address would be good to make a note of.

  7. It's easily fixable, but like everything you have to know how.


    The bezel is the outer polished metal part that rotates, and the blue part of the bezel is a separate part called the bezel insert which is glued onto the bezel. The bezel is quite tough and is easy to get off. The insert is thin metal and as it's glued on (usually with double sided sticky tape) it can be a pain to get off, and you have to be very patient and careful so you don't bend it when removing it.


    Some bezel inserts just clip in, but that's normally on super reps or frankens, but i suspect this one will be glued on.


    The bezel is held on by a spring wire and some people use a couple of thin knives to pop it off, or you can buy a rubber like tool from EBay for a couple of bucks that removes it in an instant. Once off the bezel insert can be very gently prised off the bezel - it has double sided sticky tape all around it holding it on. Just take your time and very gently use a sharp knife cut through the glue sticky tape. Once you start to get part of it off don't be tempted to pull it off, it'll bend and be ruined.


    Once the insert is off the bezel, depending what state the adhesive is in you may be better off cleaning it all off and putting some new adhesive on later, or if you removed the insert very carefully it may be OK, which is great!


    You then put the bezel back on - it just clips on (can require a hard push to get it back on), turn it round a few clicks so it settles down, and then the fun bit is putting the insert back into the bezel, aligned up correctly of course as that's what we're trying to fix!



    If that all sounds like too much hard work, there are people on here happy to help out for a few bucks, or if you know a watchsmith near you (most independant jewellers) that is happy to work on rep watches, they can do it in 15 minutes for probably $20 or so.

  8. What springs to my mind is the oil in the jewels is starting to thicken.


    When you are wearing it, two things are happening (one definitely is, the other may be), one is it is moving around constantly and so the balance wheel staff and other gear bearings are moving sideways (by a fractional amount) and breaking the oil surface tension on one side as they move across, reducing the drag of the oil, and secondly the temperature of the whole watch will be higher due to body heat.


    Try putting it on something that's approximately body temperature for a couple of days and nights and seeing what happens. In my house I would use the airing cupboard, but I don't know if you have something similar?

  9. I'm more of a cat person than a dog person.


    I know selective breeding in dogs has happened for centuries and IIRC it's only recently it's been done for non-work dog purposes (for want of a better phrase!), maybe for vanities purposes is a better way of describing it.


    I totally don't agree with that. Dogs that have historically been selectively bred for improved guard dogs, fighting fogs, sheep dogs, rescue dogs even, that's fine but when you end up with dogs that can't breathe properly, or have problems with their health, just so the breed looks "pretty", nah, shouldn't happen.


    Not saying any dogs picture in here are like that, by the way, just waffling on as I am prone to do :)

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