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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. Do you remember me?

    I joined this forum and TRC because of an issue with you many years ago, when you could not supply but had been paid, PayPal ruled in my favor but your account was empty, it was only when another UK dealer helped out that I got my money back!

    The truth about people is always out there somewhere, and thanks to people like FxrAndy who ensure it's bought forwarded when needed.


    False accusations OP? Looks like they had some justification, I can't remember what was said in your thread but asking people to be cautious until you've proven you're reliable and trustworthy is fair advice that can be aimed at anyone and everyone, sellers and buyers.


    Until we know someone they're just a stranger, and whilst most people are honest, someone with black marks against them in the past, for whatever reason, needs to go out there and clear their name IMO, not just lurk and not post much. You haven't done yourself a favour by lurking for 5 years. I've no doubt you've got hobbies that others share and can contribute interesting and eductaional bits and pieces, everyone can if they choose to become a member here rather than stand on the sidelines.

  2. Love the sweep on the precisionist :D


    Wish they would use the movement in more watches, THEN I could stomac a quartz watch..


    Or even start using tuning fork movements again in some decent size cases :)

    I have no idea how many steps are in each second, but it is totally smooth, you can't see any steps whatsoever. I'm guessing 25 or 50.


    And they know it, in the stopwatch mode for the first 1/5th of a second the second hand speeds up from stopped to "proper speed", does that for 3/5ths of the second, and the last 1/5th of a second is slows down to stopped.


    I know technically every single quarts hand does this, but they've used the ludicrous number of steps per second and variable speed and played around with them - it looks damn cool :)


    And the 1/100ths of a second hand that rotates 10 times a second? Mad! Love it :)

  3. Run an anti virus scan.


    Check your 'hosts' file hasn't been corrupted



    Open it with Notepad and look for any entries that have the name paypal, in Windows 7 and Vista the hosts file just has a load of comment lines (a comment line is one that starts with a '#'), there shouldn't be any other lines that don't start with a hash.

  4. that is funny, i'd say the opposite...

    if a seller has good feedback, go for it, much less hustle then going through all the china thing!

    Unless you like it!! :1a: if yes....WELCOME aboard .....but seriously, a lot of great guys around who are honest and clean, some scumbags, but if you watch out you'll be fine!

    If you know how to research a seller on here and the other forums that's great, but it took me a while to realise there were other forums, never mind doing any research!

    Sticking with a good TD at least more or less guarantees if there's a problem it will be sorted out and the OP won't be ripped off.

  5. Cool range of answers guys , :)

    I'm not bothered by what others think of me WRT reps or gens. I was just getting a bit annoyed with myself for sticking to 4 or 5 favourites when I had a load of other watches I liked, but liked a little bit less.

    I'm far from stylish so matching the watch to the outfit has as much chance of happening as, well, the other forums getting as good as RWG :)

    I do feel the urge for an Aviator today.

  6. Welcome aboard, mate.  A word of advice, don't mention the "s" word too much (spanking) or you'll bring Miss Understood out of her gin-induced stupor.






    And she only teased me once! I felt quite deflated after that :)


    OP - it's going to be very very difficult for you to figure out what is a second grade rep and what is a first grade as you put it.


    Price is mostly a reasonable indicator, but not always. Some reps have known flaws that we just accept if we want that particular watch, and just get fixed.


    As others have said, skip M2M sales for now, stick to our trusted dealers, and more precisely stick to those trusted dealers who actually post here, and the most "posty" TD is toro IIRC.

  7. Daily? Weekly? Hourly?!?!


    If it's daily, have you thought that if others saw you wearing one £25k watch (or whatever value it is) and thought "How can he afford that?", what they think when you come in with a different £25k watch on each day of the week?


    It's going to be really obvious to anyone who sees you on a daily basis that they're not gen, or not yours, or you have 5 mortgages :)


    Currently I'm trying to wear one watch for a week and changing on a Saturday or so.


    That does mean I'll only get to wear any one watch one week in 35, and I'm not sure my will power is able to resist the favourites for that long!


  8. Now on Brady sailcloth hu2anasy.jpg

    Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

    No lume on bezel?

    That is a big letdown and has knocked my purchase of one of these on the head :(

    Anyone know if you can lume the bezel insert? I know the lume isn't anything to write home about so would probably get it all superglued anyway.

    Grr, bleedin autocorrect. Superlumed!

  9. Big help for All would be to have updated links in the TD section.

    Never bought from perfect clones or puretime either because there are too many scam sites not detectable for noobs

    P:S:: - and would have landed on the fake site too some months ago

    See the links in my signature.

    I have created a piece of software that has all the dealers (that I could find) from all 4 forums with their home forum and their current website (the info page it produces includes a date that the info is valid on, if that is a long way out of date you may be running an old version and should look for a new version)

    • Like 1
  10. The metal washer is only for use in a gen watch. When you put the tube in a rep you will hold it in with glue and that washer is not used.

    (Although there are some reps that have the correct size threaded hole for the gen tube, I think these were old versions - easy to tell, remove rep tube and offer up gen tube to rep case - on mine the tube just slipped right in, the threaded hole in the rep case was a lot bigger, hence the need for glue like Araldite or similar)

  11. I just hate all the movement mock ups lately. Just clone it properly or leave the movement as is.

    Another pig in a dress.....

    What are the fake parts on this?

    I can see it only has one barrel, the jewel is in the wrong place for the second one, so,the edge of the second barrel must be fake.

    Is the auto wind plate a fake plate? Looks stuck on?

  12. It's easy to reregister with a different name, most ISPs use dynamic iP addresses so we all still need to be vigilant and keep an eye out for any new members with similar style of writing and ads.

    I know for a lot of members I'm teaching my grandmother to suck eggs as they do this all the time, and thanks for their vigilance, it's appreciated!

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