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Everything posted by TwoTone

  1. Absolutely a Classic... Push HERE to laugh your ass off... TT
  2. You mean this one...
  3. I seem to always find myself in deep reflection at this time of the year... Maybe because of the giving spirit of the Season... Or the upcoming New year, and the impending resolutions that always precede it... Whatever the case, I can't reflect without pondering this little community that I spend so much time in... What started out as educational research on a Rep Daytona has turned into so much more... I'm simply amazed at what RWG is [to me]... So much more than Watches... The relationships here are awesome... And I truly count it a privilege to be a part of this li'l place... So, from my home to each of yours... I sincerely wish you each a Joyous and Happy Holiday! Live Well - Laugh Often - Love Much Two Tone
  4. I think you didn't understand the rules 3 months ago... And you don't now as well... The Moderators of this forum are here first and foremost to protect the members... Consider yourself on a Time Out until further notice... We will discuss your ability to participate in this little community of ours and PM you with our decesion... Your posting abilities have been suspended until further notice... TwoTone
  5. @BT Excellent Idea... TT
  6. @Pug Push HERE for the Review Forum... Forum Description: Reviews Watch reviews, strap reviews, accessory reviews.... TT
  7. Moved to General Discussion... TT
  8. Riu Palace... TT
  9. @Nanuq Now... Some Classic Cabo Scenery...
  10. Busy as all hell yesterday... Started the day at the Sleepy Lobster for Steak & Eggs... Then headed into Todos Santos... Excellent little town about an hour north of Cabo... Ended it with time at Cerritos Beach, then drinks at Bear & Art with Alfredo... It's a bitch down here gang...
  11. Ok, last update for the day... Don Julio has won the arm wrestling contest... A picture of me (after the match with Mr. Julio)... I'm the one all the way in the back...
  12. Nanuq... Here's some Cabo snow... It's a little melted though... And see, the animals play in it here as well...
  13. Evening shot of the Marina...
  14. One thing is for sure... There is plenty of scenery in Cabo...
  15. Here's a nice shot of the Arch... Sunday Cabo weather is Sunny and 82 degrees...
  16. The Real Chrono...
  17. Day One... Setting in the Boardroom at Portland Airport waiting on our 9:30 flight to Cabo... Here's a couple of pictures of where we'll be in just a few short hours... These were taken on our trip from last December... They're all Balcony Shots... More to come later... How's your weather today? Cabo is gonna be 85 degrees and SUNNY...
  18. A pilot walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance then casually looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this, and asks, "Is your date running late?" "No," he replies, "I just got this state-of-the-art watch, and I was just testing it." The intrigued woman says, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?" The pilot explains, "It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically." The lady says, "What's it telling you now?" "Well, it says you're not wearing any panties...." "The woman giggles and replies, "Well, it must be broken because I am wearing panties!" The pilot smirks, taps his watch, and says, "Damn thing's an hour fast."
  19. TT Omni's Wet Bar... Been there, done that... And of course we viewed each other Watch's as well... TT
  20. Haven't looked lately... But if I remember correctly... Josh's Perfect Sub includes CG Mod's and Trusty's doesn't... TT
  21. Ok gang, time to say "Good Night Gracie to this Thread"... It's been real... It's been fun... But I can't say, that's it's been real fun... TT
  22. Here is Dong Wong's Post from TRC: "Look, Lets face 90% of you probably dont have a dollar to your name.....yet you cheap scums have the nerve to buy a fake watch.....that isnt even waterproof.....flakes gold.....i could keep going.....Look, the bottom line is this i have a few dollars to my name and i own a couple of genuine rolexes, but i dont like wearing my authentic 25k day day to my office everyday....and my sub is just not dressy enough....so i look to a good replica....and all of the dealers here are horrible...and lets face it you get what you pay for....to a certain extent Look to most reputable dealer that i know, and that is George....from watchmaker9.....and i will argue successful with any of you on that....all the dealers watches here may look good now but when you have to buy one of theirs every 6 months - a year, then you have just bought one of georges watches. And lets face it.....if your sporting a rolex then you better have bank to back it up.....or else your just a fake loser that needs to get his ass kicked to know some reality in it.....it is all of you that are giving replicas a bad name....because you cant afford even a replica in the first place...... I ask all of you..no i beg 90 % of you that cant even afford a replica.....TO GO GET A F-ING LIFE.... thanks guys,, D" And in about 2 minutes he won't be posting here either... Say Goodnight Gracie... TT
  23. This guy must be Jetmid's cousin...
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