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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I think it's awesome that you've brought yourself 'up to speed' on things so quickly, and such dilligence is admirable indeed I'm pretty sure I know who you mean, and customer service issues non-withstanding, it was the attitude with which he addressed members of the forum which made me know I'd never want to do business with him. Indeed, he might have access to good stock, but, he's not the only source of such subs, and indeed, why take the chance of getting him on a bad day (of which he seems to have many... ) when there are other sources around. Indeed, maybe picking one up in Thailand will prove a good adventure. Personally, I have a plan (very long term) to travel to the US to buy a 1976 Camaro to ship back to the UK, where I can work to convert it into this: Sure, it could be tied in with a holiday, but such adventures definitely make life more interesting Of course, as Master Yoda said, "Excitement. Adventure. A Jedi craves not these things..." That's a fair point. I would point out, that there were several people, who, despite good dealings with the Cartel, upon hearing their business practices, vowed to immediately stop buying from them, even though they personally, had had good dealings with them. I guess this was a situation where people were looking beyond their own experiences, and looking to what was best for the community as a whole All those things are available from the non-Cartel Indy dealers... Such as charging for waterproofing which is never carried out, then yup, the Cartel can definitely provide those things Awesome, I'l look forward to seeing your future projects I have to admit, there's nothing as satisfying as doing something with a watch yourself, putting it all back together, and being able to look at it and know "I did that..." Who needs excuses But would that factory be a production factory of Western Standards (in which case, various machines and whatnot doing their things are very cool to see) or, would the 'factory', be anything more than a family crowded round the dinner table, building watches and saying "Please pass the lube" (for gasgets, of course ) ? According to some reports, that's how many rep items are made
  2. For someone who only signed up to the forum mid-March, you certainly have a wide range of knowledge. This is good, knowledge is power. Or so they say... I agree entirely with your point about dealers who disappear, then reappear with serious medical issues (Not that ThaT Kould be refering to anyone ) I would point out though, that, while the Cartel are only providing a product, and in theory, people have the freedom to buy from whoever they want, with muscling out the competition, that reduces overall buyer choices and forces people into a set course of action. I may be incorrect, but, I believe Watchmark was offering HBBs for less than the Cartel were charging. Another issue people have with the Cartel, is deliberately inaccurate listings (advertising Swiss movementts, and knowingly selling Asian movements) and offering products/services, which were not actually provided (offering waterproofing/servicing for a fee, and sending a watch which was untouched and leaked like a seive) How did the Cartel respond to these incidents? By holding their hands up, and saying "You're right, we were lying..." or by trying to justify their behaviours by saying the rep industry carries risks, and that it's not fair to expect them to take all the risk. Well, as they chose to enter the business, that does make it their responsibility, and one which they should shoulder like professionals, not hand down as an excuse to clients when caught in a lie. That is the issue with the Cartel, and, all the nice, shiny watches in the world won't make up for those behaviours. Then there's the issue of drop-shipping... Not a problem as such, but, if someone is a drop-shipper, they should say so, not claim they are not. As far as I know, from what previous discussions highlighted, was that Angus was the only member of the Cartel who did not drop-ship. I'll be interested to see if any of the other dealers choose to accept this challenge. Not that they actually need to, afterall, why should they prove themself? If people are happy to buy from them, and discuss their products here with pride, then that's proof enough that the Cartel are not the only source of good quality watches [Edit to add] If Angus has removed himself from the Cartel, that is indeed excellent news
  3. Sounds awesome, might I have seen any of your projects here in the UK? (maybe on satelite?) I studied film-making at college, never took it further, but am still interested in the 'behind the scenes' aspects of the industry
  4. Absolutely sickening that someone would choose to do that to a watch... I mean, fair enough, what people choose to do with their own stuff is up to them, but f*ck, that is a disgusting result... Further proof that having a load of money does not automatically equate to having good taste...
  5. Glad you had a good trip, and some interesting little anecdotes One thing confused me: I was under the impression that the Cartel consisted of Andrew, Angus, Joshua and King. Has Angus 'broken away' from the Cartel? If so, has this impacted his ability to source goods which previously, the Cartel focussed on, and were able to keep exclusive to them through buying power on their part?
  6. To be honest, most actors don't tent to wear anything nicer than an SS Walmart Special. I've not seen any decent watches in movies other than Rocco's PAM (and a few fake Submariners (I say 'fake' rather than 'replica', as they were such poor quality, they were pretty obvious) Absolutely awesome Try not to get so drunk that anyone feels the need to recreate the scene where the Dude's rug is 'soiled' Awesome film, I'm not sure what makes me laugh more: "I'll suck your c0ck for a thousand dollars...", "Just because we're bereaved, that doesn't make us saps!" or "This is what happens when you f*ck a stranger in the ass!" Likewise, I tend to roll my cuffs back, or wear T-Shirts, yet I can't stand buttondown shirts with short sleeves. Something very wrong about those... It should be the Cazzomir
  7. I'd get a PAM 104. (Am thinking about getting one myself) The 050 looks really nice, but, at 40mm, a bit small, compared to the larger 104. Also, the 104 dial is 'better balanced' and more symetrical
  8. I'm a freelance art consultant. Here's a re-post of an explanation of that, with a few pics To put it simply, in the main, I 'draw stuff' for people. I've had projects ranging from wedding dress designs, to tattoo stencils and just about everything in between. I can also advise people on other 'artistic projects' like interior design, custom car graphics, etc. Here're a few examples of projects I've done: cartoon to mock a devout communist: rough concept art for a car I would like to build/have built at some point in the future. The Mazda 'Viper': stencil/layout of a tattoo sleeve I planned to have done but decided against: custom requested forum signature bar: car graphics re-created from existing car via use of 'in-game' manipulator : existing car: my recreation of it (as closely as the manipulator (and from memory) would allow): hand-drawn mural at friend's place of work: (before) (in progress) (completed) Sorry if it's a bit 'off topic', but felt this was the easiest way to explain what I do. Hope folks like the pics
  9. I'd say display back, simply because that allows the pleasure of viewing the movement As a sidenote, I've noticed that wearing a PAM with a closed back, does make a very slight difference to how the watch 'sizes'. Probably not a problem with a leather strap, but, if an SS bracelet is sized perfectly for your wrist when wearing a watch with a display back, the closed back, will make it ever so slightly more snug fitting. Can't wait to see the finished project
  10. This was my first thought upon seeing the title as well My next thought, was "Someone needs help choosing a Sex Watch??" *vision of person thinking "Yeah!! I'm gonna get my freak on, I've got to put on my Sex Watch!!" Panerai buckles can dig into one's partner. Either remove, or handle with care Why invest in an expensive watch winder when a collection of hardcore pornography will do the same thing? Rocco Siffredi wears a Panerai. Not too sure of the model number or if it's a rep, but, he wears one... And the essential bedroom ettiquette, for partners/companions of watch enthusiasts, please follow the words of Patrick Bateman: "Don't touch the watch!" And as for wearing a watch for 'regular work', I wear my 127 about 99% of the time, occasionally swapping for my 029a. I don't have to worry about getting a watch wet whilst working, so I'm not concerned about the straps (I'm not concerned about the watches getting wet either, I know they don't leak )
  11. If they were to stop treating you differently, that would likely mean an end to the leeway which By-Tor mentioned you have been given. Other people might mention political issues occasionaly, you, on the other hand, frequently mention issues of animal rights, politics and religion, and, to be honest, you appear to do so with the intention of sparking heated debate rather than friendly discussion. While that may not be your intention, it is certainly how it appears. This is a watch forum, not one for raising issues of animal abuses. If a subject naturally comes up in the course of a conversation, fair enough, I don't think anyone has issue with that, but, intentionally starting a thread about a controversial topic, cannot, in all honesty, be done without the intention, or at least the understanding, that it is likely to cause heated discussions. While I've nothing against you personally, Dani, intentionally or otherwise, you do do this quite a lot, and are given considerable leeway over it. On one forum I used to frequent (before it got shut down ) there was a rule, which is not often mentioned on other forums, but maybe should be: Continually pushing the boundaries, or 'nearly breaking the rules', will be treated as breach of ToS, and a bannable offence... On this particular issue, I agree with you completely. If Chad wants to sell his watch, for a price which will return the costs he has put into it, that is his right. If people disagree with that price, they have the right not to buy it. To only value a watch by it's cost, and the cost of the mod done, while ignoring other associated costs, such as shipping, is being somewhat 'conservative' in the estimation of it's value. I've said before in topics that modified watches are easily worth more than the cost of the base watch. Mods cost money. They also cost in time, and shipping. While I agree with the comment CarlsbadRolex made, that it is the original owner's choice to have the modifications made, I would also have to point out, that a new buyer would also benefit from the modifications and enjoy them (would possibly have had them done themself) so it's only fair that the costs be reflected in the sales price. At the end of the day, if someone doesn't like the price, they have the right to pass on the sale, there's no need for comments about the price. If someone does like the price, that's up to them, and if they're happy with it, no harm is done... Peace out.
  12. Maybe Double AR was something 'they' thought of, in the hopes it would mean people had to keep returning their watches for service at approved centers, rather than just doing other things... I've seen enough photos on the forums to know that Double AR does make a huge difference to the appearance of the watch, while it is in pristine condition. But. I can also imagine that once the exterior coating starts getting scratched and worn, it would start looking very shabby very quickly... I'm happy to keep things simple
  13. Ahh, that's fair enough. Beyond the most basic form of identification, I don't agree with tattooing anyone/anything without their/its permission. To me, that looked like someone practicing to become a tattoo artist, but not wanting to wait for the pig to expire before 'getting down to work'...
  14. Note the emphasis there. While it could be argued that those tattoos would 'identify' an individual pig, the tattoos applied are definitely more 'decorative' than something applied for simple identification, ie: 000001, 000002, 000003 etc etc... As I said before, not while the pig is still 'wearing' the skin... What about it? The video was not about cattle or horses being branded for identification purposes. Branding cattle and horses is not the issue here... Also, there is quite a difference, as with tattoos, between brands applied to identify an animal, or show ownership, and artistic brands applied for decorative purposes, as is the case with Human Brandings.
  15. I wouldn't be so sure... I understand that pig owners have to apply suncreams to their backs so they don't get burned. If they were more tollerant of the pain/heat (such as cats are more tollerant of higher temperatures than Humans) there wouldn't be much need to give them the suncream. The pig also moved about a bit, so it was clearly in some manner of discomfort. The thing that disgusted me most about that, is that the pigs have no choice in what is being done to them. I suspect that if someone was to tattoo someone else, without their permission, then they would receive a stiff penalty. I remember reading on one tattoo forum, where someone once fell asleep at a birthday party, where the birthday boy had got a tattoo machine for their birthday... When they woke up, they had a load of tiny 'bats' tattooed across their shoulder, so in need of coverup work. I'm not sure if they actually pressed charges, but, there was a lot of encouragement for them to do so. The pigs don't even have that luxury...
  16. I think the Mee/May issue will continue to run and run. I suspect that the classic pronunciation was 'may'/'meh', and, there is a difference between being right and being wrong. Personally, I just really liked the exchange between Bond and Vesper, and the smug tone in Bond's voice (at putting such a bossy woman in her place) really makes the scene. All this talk has caused a flareup of my PlanetOceanitis... Just when I thought it was firmly undercontrol, with my PAMophelia, it rears its head
  17. Those're just works in progress Full bodysuits FTW
  18. That is so wrong on so many levels... Tattooing anyone or anything against it's will is just unspeakably wrong. I wonder how he would like to be held down and forcibly tattooed... Maybe the word "C*nt" across his forehead would be appropriate... I know many tattoo artists learn to tattoo by using pigskins, but not while the pig is still wearing it... What he's doing is just another example of an 'artist' using animal cruelty for their 'works'. It's jokers like that that give legitimate (human) tattoo artists a bad name...
  19. This is a risk folks run when buying a rep item, rather than the gen...
  20. No problem As mentioned, they don't come in 'Super Rep' catagory, but pretty nice for their cost. The PVD is nice, but, doesn't see much wrist time. In all honesty, it's not a very versatile watch. Regular SS is much more versatile, so probably a better choice. I like the look of the Magrettes, although without the crown guard, they look like they're 'missing' something The price is okay, so I guess it comes down to personal choice
  21. No mate, he's in China, but, I've had stuff sent via EMS (which is then delivered by Parcel Force) and by regular airmail (which I think was then delivered by the Royal Mail) and never had a problem with any delivery. They've all come through within the promised timeframe (about 7 working days) Here's a few for you Not what could be considered 'super reps', but good enough for my requirements I know folks advise against getting reps wet, but, I've never had a problem from doing so... I know what you're meaning: Would the money spent modding it be better spent buying a new watch and being done with it... Only you can really answer that one, but, I would say, if you wouldn't be happy wearing that watch (even with extensive mod work) it might be better spending the money on a new watch and being done with. I had once planned to mod a POS Omega 2531.80, but in the end, just bought a new one, as it was too much hassle thinking about sourcing parts, and watches to cannabalize for parts, so in the end, it was as easy to just buy one
  22. You're right there, bro, he didn't misrepresent anything, but, from the other feedback he had, I'd certainly say it was witholding known information. Not lying, per se, but definitley behaving in a less than honest fashion... Given the phone didn't have any 'audio dropout' when using the factory-issued headphones, I think this has to be a case of the adaptor not interfacing properly with the phone (or the headphones). Especially when the headphones connected to the adaptor, work flawlessly with other MP3 players As you say, personally, I would have the listing, but then specify that problems with intereacting with a person's own headphones is a possibility, that way it covers both the possibility of the adaptor functioning perfectly, while still covering the possibility of the adaptor not being fully compatible with the headphones I have to admit, I don't really have a problem with them as a dealer, I was just really shocked that they would attempt to pay someone to remove less than 100% positive feedback I wonder if they did that to all the buyers who left negatives, and if the buyers also told them to jog on Oh well, hopefully the new phone will work... I might even do another review
  23. Hmmm... This: is rather contradicted by this: I've always been happy with the watches I got from Tony, which are around that $150 mark. See my PAM wrist shots as examples The one you put together might not be necessarily accurate to any known model, but, if it tells the time accurately, why not throw a really nice strap on it, and wear it around a bit. Folks don't know what PAMs are even supposed to look like, let alone spot a fantasy model
  24. Well, other than it not working 100% properly ( ) then I wouldn't have said it was a misrepresented product. Of course, if someone sees something for sale, unless flaws and known incompatabilities are mentioned, then someone could fairly presume, that the item would work properly. All we're talking about, is a piece of wire with a mini USB on one end, and a microphone with a 3.5 input port on the other... Not really much to be incompatible, so it's a mechanical issue. Having seen that there are other people with issues with it, I think it's fair to say that the dealer is aware of the problem (and still listing the item) I've said that I'd retract the feedback, but not heard back from them yet. As pointed out above though, given that I'm not the only one who's experienced difficulties, I'm now wondering if I was being overly generous with my agreement to retract the neutral feedback, and if I should simply leave it as is. I remember a line from Highlander: It doesn't matter if you give your word, it matters who you give your word to. Doesn't make much sense, but I can kind of understand the logic... As far as it's advertized, it's only for the P168+. The thing is though, had I contacted them, what would have been the outcome? From the other feedback I found, it's a very strong possibility that a replacement would also have had the same problem. I admit, I didn't know that at the time, but, my knowledge of the facts, or rather lack of knowledge of the facts, wouldn't've changed the outcome, as there are the other reports stating issues with the same product. As mentioned above, making good on a bad deal, while good business practice, isn't the same as delivering a flawless product in the beginning. From what others have said (I wish I'd read the feedback now) I would never have received a flawless product, as it is clearly a product with issues. All the good will in the world isn't going to change that, so from that point of view, I feel that my comment about the product itself (which was only factual and polite, not "It's a piece of [censored]!") deserves to stand. In terms of rating the overall transaction, yes, it was good, but, I can't get over the feeling of being bribed/manipulated into ammending the feedback, especially since finding others who have also had problems with the same item... Ironically, the feedback for the phone I just ordered from the same dealer, has all been reasonably positive. I'm already aware of potential firmware issues with the phone via independant research, so I know full well that it might have issues, I'm just hoping that they won't detract from the phone overall It sounds like your business is more than thriving, so that's awesome, best of luck with your own site, and transfering your clients thus If you ever have a UK-based vacancy, please let me know Once I read the other feedback and saw the existing issues, that was precicely what I thought, and felt thoroughly manipulated into thinking I should retract the feedback, just because they didn't want it. Other folks left neutrals, even negatives for the same product, even though I'd said I would retract it, maybe I should stick with my initial instinct, which was saying nothing bad about the dealer, just pointing out a legitimate (and obviously known) issue with the product itself. Possibly. They don't have a huge range of stock, just a few models of phone, and the afforementioned adaptor. When purchassing a phone, the buyer is given, as freebies, a leather case, a silicone jacket, car adaptor, screen protector, SDcard to USB adaptor/reader, yet none of those things are available for individual purchase, so I think you could be right about them liquidating certain stock items.
  25. I've been considering sterlizing my 127... I did a photoshop mockup to see how it would look, but just can't decide... I'm worried that the lack of printing, which 'pulls the dial together', might make the dial look huge
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