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Posts posted by Nebakanezzar

  1. Boy, things have changed. Normally shipping takes 2-3 weeks. sometimes happens faster, sometimes happens slower. Watches DO get delivered and the "unhappy" customer becomes "happy".

    I've bought more watches from Eddie than most and I never had a tracking number.

    Nowadays, everybody is so impatient. Lot's of newb's ready to accuse.

    I miss the days when the "old hands" never got there "panties in a wad" over tracking numbers, WHICH DON'T WORK most of the time anyway.

    Relax and enjoy the anticipation.

    I am not sure people are questioning Eddie's reputation, I think they just would like to get a status report...I dont think that is at all unreasonable considering the issues Eddie seems to be having with PP, having to changing his dealer name, refunding peoples money without giving a reason/update etc....

    With all that is going on, I think I would be a little worried as well....

  2. Generally speaking double AR coating sucks and that is why you seldom see it used... it is just a bad idea. Low end AR coating in unbearable... it makes the watch look dirty, smeared and smudged ALL THE TIME. High quality AR is better but still very prone to being dirty.... I can only imagine what REALLY low quality double AR would be like (likely what any fake would use). I would MUCH prefer single AR coating, it just makes more sense.

    The double AR on the new breitling SS is awsome! I havent had any "smudging" issues, and it wipes clean really easy!

  3. First, I think you need to define "totaly deffective".

    I have purchased about 10 reps (mostly from Angus) and I have received only one that I needed to return for an exchange.

    I wouldnt call it "totaly defective" but there was one glaring issue that needed to be adressed.

    Guess I have been lucky!

  4. I dont think the strap should be made bigger or smaller - the point of being a rep is to replicate the gen - i want it 1:! to the gen size strap!

    a 44mm watch wont have really small strap anyhow!

    dude, come on, use ur noodle. I was not suggesting it came with a bigger strap, but rather a bigger strap was made for optional purchase...even IWC makes more than one size strap, but its over $200...

  5. Angus,

    Please make sure the rubber straps will be longer then the leather Breitling straps you supplied with your EVO AND STEELFISH.

    The bigger guy will not be able to wear them and buying replacements would be hopeless.


    Please! Please! Please! see if the factory will make an XXXL strap for this beast! or find the cost...maybe there are enough big guys that we could all throw in $100 bucks or so to have it made!

  6. See, I understood it as V had bought some parts for Bean. Bean changed his mind and V was left holding the baby. V isn't a dealer, so he doesn't hold a stock of parts, meaning if he gets you something, he has to pay for it up front out of his own pocket.

    Ah, ok, yeah thats f'd up than.

  7. You know, I read this post, and V’s original post, and I still don’t get what the big deal is?

    Looks to me like there are two issues:

    From what I have read (and please correct me if I am wrong) Bean was going to buy some parts from V, but than changed him mind. What exactly is wrong with changing ones mind when making a purchase? If money had changed hands and than Bean changed his mind, that is one thing. But that doesn’t seem to be the case here. I suppose it would be considered very rude if Bean never PM’d V to let him know he changed his mind (did he?), but other than that, I don’t see the big deal, I used to be in sales, and that just comes with the territory.

    The other issue appears to me (and again, please correct me if I am wrong) is that V is disgruntled because he helped Bean by giving Bean some advice and pointing Bean in the right direction in order to save Bean some money when buying some parts, and than saw no monetary gain (by selling him parts) for bestowing his knowledge onto Bean.

    AGAIN, PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG…but if that is the case, that this whole issue is blown a little out of proportion.

    This forum is all about helping each other out in the pursuit of our “little hobby” and members like V and Zig and Joe and palp and all the others bring a invaluable wealth of info to the rest of us and I imagine, because of that, members like V and Zig and Joe and palp and all the others get bombarded with questions, and I am sure a lot of them are stupid and annoying…but isn’t that why they are here in the first place? Because the love tinkering with watches and helping out the members of this forum and hopefully making a little $$ on the side? While I can see why V might be irritated and/or annoyed in this case, making a thread solely to vilify Bean seems, IMHO, a little over the top in this case.

  8. That's because Rolex bracelets don't have the same feel as Omegas. As with the rep, so with the gen. Rolex bracelets feel cheap and light, but are much more comfortable because of it.

    Most comfortable reps I have are the IWC Ingy and the new BSS...both are SUPER comfy! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  9. I was going to stay out of this, but I feel like adding my 2 cents, hell it's friday.

    First of all I don't think this standardized grading will ever work. Most of the dealers are dropshippers and never see the product, thus many sub par watches will slip through the cracks anyway. Most collectors (i believe, correct me if im wrong) never open the back of their watch. With the shortage of ETA's soon there will not be a choice of swiss, also with the chinese technology you will soon not know the difference. I believe most of our dealers try to be as honest as they can, but there is always 3 sides to a salesman's story (theirs, the customers', and the truth). This little thing of ours is not walmart, target, or sears. It is an underground, illeagal hobby. I treat the dealers like restaurants, if I have just one bad meal I don't eat there again.

    Caveat Emptor.


    IMO, the majority of the problem is unrealistic expectation on the part of the forum members. I am amazed that the dealers are going along with this, it makes me appreciate them even more.

  10. OK, so I am in the process of possibly purchasing one of EL's special edition 183's from a while back. I am not really sure what is so "special" about it, but apparently it is super-lumed, and has shorter daggar neck?? (Please someone chime in if they know...)

    Anyway, I am probably going to send it off immediately to have the Cannon pin fix, but was also curious about having the crown and tube replaced. Does anyone know if Davidsen's crown will fit in EL's case (or any other cases for that matter)??

    Any knowledge on EL's special edition, or the interchangability of parts would be EXTREMELY helpful. Thanks!!

    Check The Zigmeister's review about the new(er) swan neck with the dagger shaped regulator, I think there were some issues with this movement...not sure if it is the same one that is in EL's 183 though...

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