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Posts posted by Nebakanezzar

  1. Are you serious?! ...$308 for a rep that is ohh soo close...and has an eta movement plus...come on....I challenge you to find any automatic watch(not quartz) on the retail market today that would sell for under $300.00 period. If you could find one that has WALMART on the dial you couldnt get this caliber of watch for $300. And we are getting this quality with the right markings of the best watches in the world. Stealing the commissions away from these guys is not going to get us better watches. It is going to wear down the dealers until they throw up their hands and say..."THis aint no fun anymore, I have given these brats so much and they want more! There is no fun in the business anymore"!

    Lets be clear, I keep seeing this $308 price posted on the boards, but the real price is $338'ish. Andrews price of $308 does not include his shippping cost of $30 or $35....I cant remember exactly.

    I am not sure what your game is, but whatever it is, keep the facts straight! and $308 is not the true price

  2. If you have any doubts as regards the Ingy... at least try it out with the nylon strap before selling it. For me the addition of the nylon strap made a big differance. I love this watch so much more on a strap than on the SS. Give it a try.

    problem with that is I have a big ass wrist, so I would have to have somthing custome made.

    Too good to let go.

    I am kinda thinking that is the bottom line...

  3. Hey All,

    So I keep pondering the thought of selling my Ingy, but....

    Everytime I look at it I am amazed at the fit and finish of this thing! this watch is by far the most visualy accurate, mechanicaly accurate (this thing runs dead on!) rep I have. It is also, by far, the most comfortable watch I have, And I really like the looks/style of it....but I am not sure it "suits" me, it dosent seem to look/"wear" as well on my wrist as my other reps...but I always seem to be wearing it, sometimes I think I am wearing it just trying to convince myself to keep it...

    So I have scene several Ingys being sold recently, considering how nice this rep is, I a suprised at that...and I am wondering what caused you guys to sell you Ingys?


  4. I've had mine since EL first started selling them back in September IIRC. It was my daily beater, and the watch worked fine out of the box except for the noisy rotor and a rough, stiff feel when winding the crown. I sent it to The Zigmeister in October for servicing, came back running like a champ. About 2 weeks ago the chrono second hand stopped resetting back to 0, and I can no longer wind the crown. It just refuses to move. I don't think I would buy another watch with this movement, given that the watch was serviced and it still gave up on me in less than 6 months.

    The chrono movement on my Ti just crapped out after a little more than 24 hours :(

    Hmm, think I might pass on the Chrono.....

    Thanx for all the input peeps...

  5. Looks great!

    What dealer did this one come from? It looks, in your pics, like the black triangle on the bezel (where the pearl is) has the orange "pin strip" on both sides...is this the case? i noticed the first orange "ultimate" models only had the pin strip on one side for some strange reason...

  6. Ok, this is my last post.

    Along with being a cheap ass, I am also a lazy ass (bad combination :)) so I am going to assume you feel this wo-mart watch has a Asian movement (I am not informed enough to tell).

    My point is this, you guys are complaining about our trusted dealer “lying” to us. I say they don’t lie at all. 90% of the time we get that they advertise. If you see a watch labeled Asian ETA movement that is half the price as the one labeled Swiss ETA, and you expect anything other than a lesser quality movement, you are fooling yourself. The other 10%, well [censored] happens, and they generally make it right.

    I am not sure I would lump Paul in with our “trusted” dealers. It is well known the quality of Paul’s watches is generally not as good as those offered by Andrew or josh or Angus or Eddie or TTK or PT, so why do people buy from Paul? Because he sells a lower priced product. If you choose to buy from Paul and get a dud, it is your own damn fault!

    Rule of thumb, If the description of a movement says Asian in it, it means buyer beware. If you see a crystal advertised as anything other than Sapphire, it aint gonna be sapphire…but to be doubly sure, always ask!

  7. I think personal insults are going a bit too far, what doyou know about me, however this is about watches not me, i think that a lot of people here have bought copys of ETA knowing ly and had them work well.

    not an insult, and i apologize if you took offense. I, infact am quite interested in this watch (because I am a cheap ass)...I am just not going to be the first "sucker" to get it...but if I was to be the first one to get it, and it was a dud, I would have no one else to blame but myself because it is clearly labeled as an Asian movement.

  8. I wrote ETA not Swiss ETA, and i am refering to text like this

    Asia Copy Eta 2824-2 Automatic movement, Steel Movement Holder, Antimagnetic cover, 28800bph

    I doupt that not one part of this movement bears any resembelance to a 2824 wether made in china or on the moon and have a look here so is that an ETA 2892????????

    I wasent around back in the day of that SMP..although from what I read, I thought it was a prized rep?

    As far as this new "Asia Copy Eta 2824-2 Automatic movement" it has Asian in it...once you see Asian....you are on your own...Asian means "buyer beware". why would you even consideri buying a "Asia Copy Eta 2824-2 Automatic movement"? because you are a cheap ass! and cheap asses generaly get what they pay for... you buy it to save a few $$, when you could get a well known good one for a few $$ more, you are on your own...and what you get you get...dont come back crying to me...

    that is the reality of this hobby.

  9. You dont seem to get it do you what we are asking the dealers to do is just tell US the truth, if it is mineral glass then call it that, if it is Saphire then we all know it is synthetic because that is what it is, and if it is a chiss/swinesa ETA then it is an ETA on the other hand if it is an asian movement running at 28800 then we will be happy if it is advertised as that.

    If ford advertised a V8 but you got a V6 you would be Pi**ed wouldent you, unless when you read between the lines you half expect to get a V6 when it is advertised as a V8?

    please show me where a dealer has labeled a movement as swiss ETA and it has turned out to be asian copy? all the dealers label asian copies as asian ETA or Asian swiss ETA copy, or something of the like with Asian clearly in it...there have been only 1 or 2 insidences of this not being the case, and those the dealers said they were miss informed and made things right.

    I have not scene a issue where a rep listed as having a saphire crystal (Saphire, not "synthetic" saphire, or "ultimate" saphire or "prefect" saphire...simply Saphire) not being saphire...angin the one exception to this being the domed crystals, and agin the dealers were miss informed, not lying..

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