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Posts posted by B3nj4min3

  1. Your willingness to agree to disagree takes class my friend. Perhaps a taste of insight should be warranted. I am a Psychology major with a passionate interest in the behavioral aspect. I feel like I am at best at giving perspectives, rather than concrete advice. I wish for people, all people ....... To stop. Smell the roses. Feel the Sun on your face. Deliberate a second. Then decide. Question. Or act.

    I've been a visiting member for nearly 3 years. Watches to me are fascinating works of art. I feel naked and incomplete without one. It's my " Mary Janes" if you will. I've listened. I've Read. Ive Been very quiet. Knowledge is intoxicating. And there is an infinite abundance here. I still feel adolescent sharing the same space with most knowledgable members.

    I've intended malice to no man. I've presented a perspective. Nothing more. And as always, I bid everyone, whether in agreement or disagreement a Beautiful and prosperous Day.

    That's my stand and I'm not sorry for it :)

    Likewise my friend. No offence meant and none taken. All's well that ends well they say :-)

    I, like you, feel incomplete without a watch on. It's the final compliment to my tweed and brogues.

    Have a good day my friend, I'm sure we'll have many more conversations yet :-)

  2. if there are time constraints in the future, might I suggest thumbing on through to the next thread instead of chiming in? Time is money as they say :)

    Unless of course one has something to contribute. The title of this thread is something that relates to me and I contributed accordingly.

    However, you seem like a good and knowledgeable person and I do not wish to antagonise you. Hence, I concede your point and look forward to future conversations :-)

  3. How right you are Sir. We are all blessed to many a degree. But exercising ones due diligence and googling "common sense" will certainly be an invaluable habit.

    But, forgive me as I criticize your " Ask and you shall receive" statement. I am that guy that will listen attentively with great respect and admiration but when I'm being fed B.S, i'm gonna slam you.

    The statement " Ask and you shall receive" is quite possibly one of the most renown quid pro quo expressions in our English language history.

    The realization that people have bastardized it and diluted it from it's original and Intentional context is utterly grotesque and an abomination.

    This statement is from LUKE 11:9 in which you were consoled to " ASK GOD for his guidance, forgiveness, love and protection." ONLY then are you recognized to receive his blessing in which you have asked.

    Not to be so damn lazy you'd rather " Ask the most mundane questions of everyday life" and " Receive a handout, then to actually EARN your answer.

    I am sorry that you feel you were being fed "B.S" and that you feel the need to "slam" me.

    Oh dear, the current use of the phrase in question is "an abomination"? That is an interesting opinion.

    "Earn your answer". You sir are certainly not contributing to the conversation, merely attempting to incite a t i t-for-tat response. I am not sure as to why you feel the need to so passionately defend your viewpoint however whatever it takes to get you through the day.

    I do not have the time, nor the wherewithal to explain my reasoning to you.

  4. If you need to ask " is this a good watch" then you have absolutely no business buying said watch. Are you going to take QC pics of a TV and ask is this a good TV? How about a game system ? Or maybe a desktop ? How about a mountain bike? Those decisions could very easily over value a $300 rep. Yet, I presume you do your homework and make the choice on your own about any other purchase. Why is this any different? Our "TD's" have been around longer than some and will be around longer than most. The thought of a "TD" being questioned nauseates me. These TD's have been through a plethora of libel from so many of the " knowledgeable members". Many of whom, have no tact, nor manners, and just speak their mind. (My kind of people, btw :) )The TD's reputation far out weighs your [censored] ant $300 purchase. Keys to success here. IMHO.Keep quiet.Listen or read.Search the forums.Evaluate your financial situation.Browse the TD's website.Make a list of " Possibles"Research some more.Be a gentleman.Ask a couple of limited & educated questions.Pay the damn man.Shut up & wait. Pretend it's Christmas when your watch arrives.Post positive feedback for your TD.Take lots of pictures. Share your POSITIVE buying experience with us.Repeat steps 5 more times. Then consider becoming a contributing member. END.********************** Note to self ******************Research on becoming a contributing member.

    An interesting point raised and perhaps a nerve-or-two hit. Would it suffice to say that purchasing a rep is not analogous to purchasing a gen of any item? There are many magazines and websites where people ask for advice on purchasing said items. It isn't the mere value of the specific item, rather the fact that it is a replica.

    Your presumption that homework is conducted prior to purchasing is correct and your approach to the purchase is certainly interesting. However, if one were not to ask certain questions then how could one learn? Throughout life we are taught, "ask and he shall receive". Unfortunately, it seems that one can receive a fair bit of flaming here. Not-to-worry, each to their own I guess.

  5. I am one of the guilty parties in that I have posted QC pics. My main reason for doing so (inspite of the general request not to share such pics) is to bring in people who have vastly more experience than me in spotting potentially serious flaws that I would not notice.

    Having conducted a fair bit of research I know some things to look out for however I feel more eyes are better, especially more experienced eyes (and younger, sharper eyes!) could help.

    After-all, one of the many reasons for joining a forum such as RWG, is the wealth of knowledge that many of the members here have. It makes sense (at least to me) to ask for help in addition to conducting one's own research until one is proficient enough to spot major flaws (if there are any).

    As for the point raised that we cannot even be sure whether the QC pictures shown are of the actual watch we ultimately receive, I guess we have to take it on faith that the pictures shown are of the actual watch sent out to us. Although I cannot be 100% sure, I am fairly confident that the QC pics and the watch sent out are of the same watch.

  6. Well on general principal I find that used rubbers are smelly...


    Yeah, I tend to opt for the vanilla-treated rubber. Although the smell can be rather sickly I find it's vastly better than the pungent odour of natural rubber.

    Oddly, I've found that cheap rubber straps don't seem to have much of a smell if any at all. It's mainly the more expensive (natural) rubber straps that whiff a bit.


    Have no fear B3n Andrew is the man! I ordered my Banana Seawolf from him and I absolutely love it!My addiction is outta control. Have ordered 6 reps this year already! Check under Trusty Time reviews I posted my Seawolf there. Enjoy to the max!


    Thanks Indywatchguy, will check it out now. Yeah, look like we all have the same sickness....still, there are worse sicknesses :inverted: to suffer from 


    My "to-get" list is getting ridiculous and at this rate I'll struggle to keep a sensible number in my weekly rotation. ;) 

  8. Yeah its pretty much finished. Im inserting all PAMs with their own attributes now into the database. But thats almost 200 models...

    Looking forward to this feature. It will be incredibly useful and make searching for Pam's a fair bit simpler and more efficient. Thank you markiemark!

  9. Google has some powerful search tools that almost no one is aware of. If you include the words SITE:rwgforum.net in the google search, they will only search this one site for your results.


    I have used this in the past for searching larger Dealer sites for a particular replica .. like Watch Eden .. huge site, and terrible internal search.


    Very useful info thanks. Something I had known of in the past however I'd completely forgotten one could do that. :fool:  Thanks again!  :)

  10. Here are the four QC pics Andrew sent me an hour ago. Unfortunately there isn't a picture showing the face of the watch in close-up detail so I've emailed back to ask for a close-up picture.


    Besides that, all I can make out is the slight mis-alingment of one of the lume dots on the hour markers.


    Anything you guys can notice at all from these pics?






  11. The SS bracelet isn't polished (the bracelet of the Skyland Avenger is polished) - this bracelet including the clasp is brushed.

    I think it's a very nice variation, the most Breitling bracelets are shiny polished, so this is my first brushed Breitling bracelet...

    The case of the Seawolf is a mix of polished (sides) and brushed (bezel, case top side) elements. The same mix is on the dial: polished triangle at 12, polished hour markers at 6 and 9, polished surrounding of the date window and matte numbers.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy this beauty very, VERY much!

    Thanks for that, it was your pictures of that stunning watch that finally persuaded me to go for it!

    Ah, the bracelet being mainly brushed with polished markers and sides is definitely my preference. The overly polished look can make a watch look slightly gaudy IMO.

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