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Posts posted by B3nj4min3

  1. excuse my ignorance please but am i right in thinking that the 45.5mm blue titanium model i bought from trusty time is not from a noob factory. is there a chance that trusty time will eventually get that model in again but from one of these noob factorys, which im assuming produce a better rep so he would have two options on site. say i'd never been on trusty time before how would i differentiate between a noob factory and an alternative, would it state in the product description?

    Yes, your watch is not the noob version rather it's the h-factory version and yes, Trusty will hopefully stock the noob version once it comes out.

    If Trusty has both versions then in the description it generally states wether a particular watch is "h-factory" or "noob" version to help the potential customer differentiate between the two versions.

  2. Sorry to hear you've had such rotten luck with your reps. We all get issues with our reps from time-to-time however with the law of averages hopefully you won't be having any more issues with your future reps.

    MD2020 is great, he'll have your watches in mint condition in no time at all.

  3. Beautiful watch there mate. I've tended to avoid Rollies however the more time I spend on this forum and the more Rollie pics I see the more I begin to wonder if I'm missing out on something quite special.

    Would be great to see some more pics of this watch. Perhaps a few lume and wrist-shots.

  4. Beautiful watch especially in grey and I particularly the different strap combos. You've given me some ideas to try when my yellow Wolf arrives from Trusty. I hadn't considered using anything other than the SS bracelet however having seen how nice the watch looks with various rubber and leather straps I'm thinking this watch is a lot more versatile than I had originally given it credit for.

    Wear the watch with pride, it's gorgeous.

  5. for shits and giggles i ordered this strap from panatime




    it may look good, or be a waste of $25 .. 


    .. I put in my order with andrew last night. -- I think i've got some sort of sickness .. i've ordered 6 reps since april..

    That strap looks good, let me know how it is. If it's decent I might just order one as well.

    Lol, think I have caught the same sickness. This will be my fourth rep in a little over 4 weeks. The sickness is spreading!

    Enjoy your watches, after-all we all need a vice (or three!)

  6. You will love this watch! It is deffinatley a super-rep!

    Thanks derik429, the watch looks gorgeous from the pics I've seen and can't wait to get mine!

    Got a link to the V2?  I can only find the one on TT that were added to the site in 2008


    Its ok, found the V2, This product was added to our catalog on Friday 17 August, 2012.


    Yeah, that's the one! :-)

    • Like 1
  7. are you planning on using the SS bracelet or have you found a good rubber strap for it ..

    I will most likely use the SS strap, at least for the immediate future. I feel the polished steel bracelet compliments the watch well but now you've got me thinking and I may try to source a decent rubber strap for the future.


    I'm also looking at getting one of the mesh Breitling bracelets. The SuperOceans look gorgeous on those bracelets.

  8. I'm a heartbeat away from ordering this watch too.. Even though I just received a 1680 today from Andrew


    I was unsure how long the watch would remain in stock so I thought I may as well take the plunge and order it now since I was going to order it sooner-or-later.

    I'd recommend ordering it to avoid disappointment. It's a cracking watch!

  9. Well, thanks to Hansmeier and a couple of other members who have posted-up some gorgeous pictures of their new Seawolf I could not resist any longer and awoke this morning in a delirious state, drenched in a cold sweat, grabbed the iPad (that had over the course of the night made its way under the pillow), logged-on to TrustyTime (after a bout of cursing whilst frantically trying to remember my TT password), and ordered myself a shiny new Banana Seawolf V2.

    Now the inevitable waiting game begins till I receive my QC pics (which I shall share here to ensure my old eyes don't miss any details).


    Pictures of the actual watch received also posted-up on page 2.

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  10. Gen's are always nice to have and hold different levels of attraction and pleasure for different people. From my personal experience, I prefer owning and having reps for several reasons.

    Cost being the primary factor, I am able to purchase so many more reps giving me huge variety than the one gen I would otherwise have for the same money.

    Since the reps are significantly less expensive, I find myself wearing them far more than any gen (I haven't worn a gen in weeks). The watches are for my own personal enjoyment and as such I find myself as happy if not happier when wearing a good rep as I am when wearing s gen. Once serviced the reps are extremely reliable and accurate which make the gens feel almost redundant.

    Also, should something untoward happen to the watch then I wouldn't be a distraught as if a gen were to be damaged or similar.

    Finally, I haven't found gen's to be a particularly prudent investment as I've taken fairly heavy hits each time I've sold one on (admittedly after a fairly short time of owning them). From what I've seen the percentage depreciation on reps is lower than for the comparable gen hence in a slightly unusual way, the reps make reasonable investment sense.

    At least, that's my thinking/experience on the matter, your mileage may vary.

  11. Meant to start this thread earlier but I couldn't search to see if someone had done it already   :partytime:  I'm sure all will be tikkety boo very soon !

    Well played :-) I thought I was the only one having issues, hopefully it's nothing major and I can go back to searching for the best Sub rep ;-p

  12. Yes, you can trust him, you just need to be patient my friend, he has recently had a hard time with a newbie blocking Toro's paypal, so give him a little longer.

    Yep, Toro is very reliable and as SSteel said just give Toro some time and he'll get everything sorted out for you. I know the waiting game sucks especially when we're eager to get a new watch but it at least gives you time you build-up your wish list! :-)

  13. +1 on that point icoopernicus. Some remarks are unnecessarily antagonistic and tend to achieve little more than inflammatory replies. The question seemed perfectly reasonable to me, however I was unable to provide any help since I reside in Scotland and have no knowledge (to date) on the watch or stateside availability. Hopefully, this won't leave a bitter taste for anyone and the forum can continue to grow and improve with the addition of new members. I for one was attracted to this forum due to the friendly and helpful nature of many of the members here.

  14. yes, you are right. i didn't mean to come off as concerned or offended by the term TD or any particular actions from them. i just meant to generally convey that both sides should be able to reasonably expect to reach....for lack of a better term, expectations. sorry if i sounded grumpy but that wasn't the intention. i'm really happy that i found this place which led me to purchasing my first rep. before this, i didn't even know a whole community of those who collect reps even existed.

    Agreed and congratulations on the purchase of your first rep! Remember to post some pics when you get it as we all love some good old watch-porn!

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