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Everything posted by diver_dylan

  1. One of the Tag quartz models for sure. no question. S
  2. Great looking, but aint that a gator strap? D
  3. Got my 1st one from River too, a 005. One of the VERY few I still have from years ago. Just a fine piece. Ive bought 3 from River over the years, and cant wait to buy my next. Must resist the new Ti Corum...........no..... D
  4. It wasnt always this way. This must be a recent (3 yrs or so) attempt to thwart rep owners from jazzing up their watches. What size/style are you looking for? Is it the "Breitling" 20mm rubber one? D
  5. Ok, my camera SUCKS...but it looks just like this now (pic borrowed and of another model): Thanks, D
  6. Its a PAM087. The before pics are surely the ones that all of the top dealers offer, and the after is soon to follow. D
  7. I kept looking at the Gens and the only real thing that [censored] me off on mine was that dumb rounded pin. So i pulled the cg, pushed the pin up a little, sanded it down with 500 grit sand paper, then polished it up with some 2k grit. It was a bit too shiny, so I brushed it with some green scotch brite. Looks damn near the Gen now! Anyone else done this? Pics ltr... Thanks! D
  8. http://www.watchprosite.com/show-forumpost.../ti-363671/s-0/ Good stuff! D
  9. The strap went over quite well in Vegas! Of course there were mixed opinions, but the majority loved it. Shes planning her 2nd as I type this. Ill of course post pics when its done. My GF thanks you guys for the comments/opinions/advice! Dylan
  10. This is her 1st strap ever, and it may not be for every one...but you gotta admit, its a BEAST! Questions, comments, requests? Thanks! Dylan
  11. Once all of the better reps shoot up to over $300-$350, I check out of the game. Which looks like is gonna happen soon. Oh well, it was a good ride. I can see how someone could justify $750 for a V7750 watch, but thats it. I often times have $250ish play money sitting around...but $750? Thats not play money. Instead of buying 4 reps a year, Ill buy 1 gen. And not only will they hold their value, but some may even appreciate. Oh well, D
  12. It started with 2 bijoux turner panny look a likes for me. Bought them on ebay, for like 3 or 4 bucks a piece! D
  13. I just cant handle looking at bands that are TOO NARROW at the lugs. That little gap makes me want to punch a puppy. Try Jurgen, he'll have the right size. Regards, D
  14. Brand: Columbus Diver model(s): Aquanometer or you could go by the names of his and other ships of the time.. ie THE SANTA MARIA. Possible caseback ideas: -> http://www.usmint.gov/kids/coinNews/columbusDay.cfm I win. Please send me the 1st one. D
  15. I got burned the last time I took part in helping a new watch company. Its a small company you all know...the owners initals are MK. I took the open challenge to design a new case/dial and submitted it with the promise of a free watch if my design was chosen. A year later my design was in production and no watch was given. He did offer me a 20% discount though...wow. I think I could come up with a good working brand for you, do you offer a first run production model in exchange? Thanks! D
  16. lol, look how well the HBB is doing! Im with the other member that said its ugly/beautiful at the same time. Kind of like a Hummer H1. Its all moot really, as it wont be repped anyway. D
  17. And most of you are full of horse poopie. If it was repped, and repped well...most of you would want one. D
  18. Sorry about the excess "~". But I dig the he11 outta this one. But the saying is true, whats beautiful to some is ugly to others. I, personally, have always found the Radiomirs to be quite hideous. D
  19. Life is good everyday, but it was GREAT this day! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! D
  20. Come to think of it, Ive gotten every watch Ive ever owned (100+ gens/reps) wet. The ONLY one that even slightly fogged up was a vintage Seiko Bullhead I had, but I really shouldnt have tried with that one. Youre scared to get a GENUINE Omega wet? WOW. You really do have some serious PTSD! All the best bud, D
  21. Well, I had an ETA GMT2 that I swam with for YEARS. So they dont ALL fail. I dont swim so much anymore, so this one wont be put to the same test. I dont see it failing though. I really do appreciate your input/experience. I wouldnt, however, consider swimming with any of my Pannys. The lever/crown/gasket contact never inspired confinence for me. thanks! D
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