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Posts posted by KB

  1. I keep telling myself to stay out of what is none of my business....but...

    To say that allowing a block of immigration, yes even 12 million, is some kind of attempt to guarantee future votes is a very flawed concept.

    1. There is no way to control these people, come elections they will vote for who best satisfies their needs.

    2. There is 315 million people in the US, adding 12 mill immigrants of which stats show at least half wont vote is not going to make a lot off difference.

    3. This wasn't a razor edge win this was an ass whop, to win in 2016 the repubs don't need more voters they need better policies and leaders.


  2. One last point and then I'm out of here.

    Republicans may not have had the numbers to win the presidency but they do have the numbers to affect their economy...negatively...unless they support the President.

    To turn your economy around will take a united effort.


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  3. As an Aussie I tried to stay out of the whole US Presidential thing especially since so many American friends are Republican but that said another American friend (Dem) was swamping my FB page with so much Dem propaganda that my interest was piqued.

    So from very early days I was following everything I could get my hands on and yes I will admit to being a big Obama fan but with every thing I read I deliberately ran down both the Dem and the Rep arguments.

    My first very early observation was the incredible amount of disrespect shown to the man who held America's highest office, people like Rush Limbaug and Donald Trump should be scorned by voters from both parties.

    But by far the more relevant observation was that nearly every thing thrown at the incumbent by the opposition was simply false, and that includes the claim that Obama was in anyway negligent or responsible for America's debt.

    I'll be fair and say it is possible there are facts and figures I am not aware of but if so the Rep's didn't use them either.

    In Australia Romney would have been tarred and feathered not just for the lies and mistruths but the sheer volume of them.


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