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Posts posted by KB

  1. I am very tempted to lock this thread.


    Has anyone looked at the pictures of the beautiful little kids that lost their lives?


    How on earth can people justify all this concern about 'Their Rights' and 'Their Freedoms' in the face of this tragedy?


    These sweet little kids were simply waiting for the day next week when they would be getting new Barbies, GI Joe's, Bikes etc and all you adults are worried about is that someone might take away your guns.


    If you honestly find it so hard to focus on the lives lost then go find somewhere else to beat your drum, this is a watch forum.




  2. I say this could have been prevented if the kids had received gun TRAINING and had guns themselves.


    ok this is just stupid, 5yo's are going to engage a 20yo determined to kill in a shoot out?


    Any of my American friends willing to say they would send primary school kids to school with guns?


    What part of kids needing guns to defend themselves speaks 'Freedom' to you?


    Yes I'm angry, not because Americans can't lose their love affair for guns but because there are those who obviously care more for them than innocent lives.




  3. I have just receive a mail from Skrill (Moneybookers) about new fees.


    Now normally this wouldn't worry me as although I did open an account a couple of years back I am yet to use the account even once.


    Well get this the new fee is for not using the account, it makes no difference if no money has ever passed through the account or whether it is in the red or black, an account that has been inactive for 18 Months (soon to be 12 Months) will incur a fee of 1 Euro per Month.


    Yes there is an east way around the fee, all you need to do is log into your account but it's still a bloody cheeky money grab attempt if you ask me.




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