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Posts posted by KB

  1. And not only that but Paypal now black lists your IP, if you lose your account you can only get another from a different computer.


    A buyer like the above, who initially was happy to pay the cost of the item, who then decides he will attempt to take the dealer down because 'Hey it just didn't look like I thought it should' should stick to shopping locally because he simply does not have the the ability to function as part of the replica community, he is just to self centered.



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  2. Hi Thomas,


    If my read is correct the TD has refunded the money but your payment processor has not released it to your bank, is that right?


    If so the problem will be beyond the TD's control as he has forfilled his obligation.


    Can you, instead of banking the money, use the money again to purchase from somewhere else?



  3. First I would like to apologise for going missing but my computer went down and needed fixing.


    Now I want to quickly outline some other problems I have had.


    The first is a PP random check, this is no customers fault but it meant my PP account could not be used until I could prove to PP that I am not trading in illegal goods, not an easy job and still not resolved.


    The second however is a PP dispute initiated by a customer through his CC based entirely on buyers remorse.


    This customer purchased (with other goods) 2 jackets, when the goods arrived he made a number of claims of poor quality and various other faults.


    Based on this and giving him the benefit of the doubt I had him mail these jackets to me, upon receiving them I have found not one quality or fault issue so I questioned the buyer.


    It was then that he made claims of over pricing of these items and pointed to Diystorm pricing of one of the jackets, of course I mentioned the very clear quality difference between me and this canal street quality dealer but he even went as far as suggest that I stole their photo to list my jacket. Obviously it was the other way around.


    Anyway to cut a long story short I told him that the factory will not replace (and never refund) a non faulty item and the only way I could refund him would to be to physically buy the items off his, even though no one in my family was of that size.

    I told him that he will just have to take it on the chin as one does when they find something they bought online does not float their boat when it arrives but I offered to pay out of my own pocket to post them back.


    Of course this was just before CNY which is one of the very few times on the year that I spend a little time with my family so I am not on the forum.


    The customer however, after taking his own sweet time to send the items to me expect them to be sent back immediately, even though I did pop in a couple of times to say after CNY.


    So this is where I am at, there is no point in fighting this unrealistic claim, he will get his money back and then I will contact every dealer and board admin to have him removed from a hobby that he is just too immature to participate in, unless of course he drops the claim.


    But more to the point I can no longer offer PP to unknown customers, this hobby has increasingly become a shopping ground for the type that will use PP as a tool to get every unreasonable claim they want.


    Effective immediately any new customer (not including senior board members) will need to purchase from Bergies by WU only, I will however offer a $20 discount for any order over $200 to help with the fee.


    These new customers will still get the same Bergies before and after purchase service and every fair claim will be addressed as I always have.


    As my PP account is still currently locked any returning customer who wishes to make a purchase will also need to use WU at this time but trusted customers will get a $30 discount until my PP is running again.


    Thank you


  4. Ok just to let everyone know Bergies is now back at work, I do however have over 50 mails to process so those waiting I ask to please be patient as I work through them and can I also request those looking for new orders to hold off for a day or two.


    Thank you


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