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Posts posted by pcardoza

  1. While I have also bought from Toro many times, with no issues, it has been a number of months.

    HOWEVER, this is not the only forum complaint about him recently.   When issues start piling up, it must raise concern.


    The situation needs to be addressed before it blows out of proportion.   Toro is notorious for somewhat poor communication skills.   That won't help his situation.    One of the forum admins with some leverage, needs to get him back on track, or take appropriate action.


    I have bought from Toro so many times I have lost count.  I have always had a good experience with him and he has always addressed any issues that have arisen.  I have learned in buying reps to relax, I know we all want the watch asap, qc pictures yesterday, etc but we do need to take a longer term view and realize it is a purchase of a few hundred dollars (on average).  


    I obviously know nothing about this particular case. from either the buyers or sellers perspective,  I am just sharing my own personal buying experience with Toro who has always acted as a gentleman in all my dealing with him.



  2. I cannot imagine US Customs is going to be digging into small package shipments, other than on a very random and small scale.   They are already overwhelmed trying to keep up with container sized shipments entering the USA.   They simply cannot do it.


    I just ordered a piece from Ryan yesterday and will report in once it ships.   I would not hesitate to order, but limit a single order to 1 or 2 pieces.  If they get seized, the TD will reship, once you have provided proof of the seizure.....


    Update: my watch cleared Chicago Customs yesterday, thank you sweet Jesus.


    Complete luck of the draw, it was only one watch, a Nautilus. I thought maybe because it's somewhat obscure but a Richard Mille got snagged recently.


    Anyway, I'm relieved. Question is, how to proceed from here? There's a few more watches I'd like to acquire.


    Talk to TD about Customs before ordering? Maybe they won't want to sell to me.

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