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Everything posted by GetReplicaWatches

  1. I don't believe he was talking about the Daytona there. At least I hope not...if so, I'm jealous!
  2. Not a fan of chunky watches. Tad confused on how he managed to get here on the assumption we all spoke about gens constantly. Did he not at least look around the forum prior to signing up?
  3. Nah, the les pauls were $200 USD. Believe it is the same price no matter where you order it from where I order mine from
  4. I'll get some pics up tomorrow Problem is, I'm not sure if my 'landlord' would be okay with me painting, and to be honest, paint won't help too much. The majority of the place has wallpaper to start with, then there's these HIDEOUS green swirly carpets. The place is horribly decorated. Maybe it was nice in the 60's, I don't know
  5. Hey guys, So I am currently living in a nice little flat which is owned by a family friend of mine. Unfortunately, it was his ancient auntie's prior to me moving in. So it is about as stereotypically "granny" as you can get. Green and flowery crap EVERYWHERE. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for how I can make the place look a little better, without doing any actual permanent work?
  6. Yeah from China. My ESP was like £200 delivered including a case etc. Really need to get round to selling my red Gibson Les Paul Custom
  7. $400? Not too bad I suppose. I got both my Les Paul's at $200 delivered if I remember right
  8. From my experience, ordering guitars from China is a very risky thing. I have been lucky, but I've heard a myriad of stories of broken necks etc. May I ask how much he's charging?
  9. It would be interesting to know how they get away with selling 'replicas' on eBay. I've attempted to do it in the past and been busted every time. Which is a shame, because I really want to lighten my collection a little bit.
  10. A squier isn't a replica mate. They're made by Fender. By replica, I mean like, a guitar not created by "Gibson" for example, but looks the exact same, with branding and all
  11. Some of my copies actually exceed anything even remotely close to it in price. All of them stay in tune perfectly. The main issue is the pickups tend to not be waxpotted, so as soon as you crank the gain, they just squeal. However, that's easily fixed with a change of pups and wiring etc.
  12. Really tempted to buy this, what do you guys think?
  13. Here's a few pics for you. I'll take some more and better ones later. I also have another Appetite for Destruction SLASH model Gibson Les Paul Replica in my flat, but I won't be there till next week, so I'll post them then
  14. Good day to you guys! Not sure if there is any of a following for this on the forum, or how many of you play guitar. However, I have decided to set up a thread for this, as I don't only collect Replica Watches, but I have a small collection of Replica Guitars as well. My reasonings for the two are completely different. I, as a guitar player, think that brands such as Gibson are charging a RIDICULOUS premium for their product, considering the lack of difference between an Epiphone and its Gibson counterpart. Yes the wood is better, but I'm a strong believer in the fact it makes very little difference on an electric, and yes the electronics are better, but you could replace all the parts on an epiphone to better than Gibson standard for less than a Gibson Les Paul costs.... Anyway, I basically buy rep guitars, and just pimp them out to my specs for a fraction of the cost of the real thing. I happily admit they're reps/fakes to friends, because I genuinely believe the genuine article is a rip off, which isn't the case with gen watches. I think a lot more time and care goes into a £3,000 watch, than does into a £3,000 guitar to be honest. Anyway, I'll post up some pictures of my rep guitars when I'm back from my haircut!
  15. What you wearing today then guys? I've got my new Rollie on for the day!
  16. I will keep you updated! Its one of the main reasons I chose this watch, to see about the quality of plating
  17. I think I like it. I love the DayDate anyway, but I'm not sure about the RoseGold finish. The QC pics I received made it look a lot closer to yellow gold than rosegold, and it doesn't look as 'shiny' in pictures. But maybe it'll grow on me
  18. So, after being sent about 5 days ago, the Rolex Day Date from Joshua at Perfect Clones has arrived! Taken some pics!
  19. Hey guys, Just wanted to have a little rant I suppose about this news that just popped up on my Facebook page. I suppose this may potentially offend, or raise people's backs a little, so if you're easily offended, leave now... So, this guy shared the news report about how Subway shops are now changing to Halal meat to please their Muslim customers (Note: Only being changed in Muslim dense areas). This guy decided to complain about how they shouldn't be changing food because of them, as this is our country, and how they shouldn't have things changed to suit their needs. Blah,blah blah. In my city, I regularly go down to the Mosque, where there is a little kitchen out the back which does the most PHENOMENAL curry, and I go to uni with several Muslim guys. So I suppose I've become more educated on their religion over the years. My point to this 'ignorant twit' as I called him, was that it isn't a race, and therefore his remarks about "I don't care if this sounds racist" were completely stupid. Then I decided to also inform him, that Halal meat tastes no different from 'normal meat', and in fact, from my experiences with Halal meat, it generally tends to be more juicy and succulent. Not sure why tbh, it just does. However, I thought I'd also educate him on the fact that you don't have to be 'brown' or from Pakistan to be a Muslim. You can be 100% British, and white, or Chinese or Black. It's a damn religion, not a race. He was wording his little uneducated rant like 'These Muslim's coming into our country, stealing our food, stealing our wives' (obvious exaggeration). Just wanted to see what you guys thought about this. Apologies for the rant. Needed it out my system
  20. OP seems to have concluded this forum isn't for him. Maybe he's headed off to the other similarly named forum which seems more accepting of attitudes like his.
  21. If that's a green dial, go to Perfect Clones. I've got a thread in this section which shows my one coming from them
  22. As stated on the other thread you basically hijacked, I think you need to take a look out how you talk to people. Now, to your point. I think what the other members are trying to say is, this is, essentially, an illegal act we are involving ourselves in. The purchase of 'fake' goods, isn't legal. Therefore, with all illegal activities, you can hardly expect 100% honesty. You can't even trust 100% that what you're buying online will be everything it is made out to be even from a reputable legal dealer of clothing for example. Nothing in life is guaranteed. It is a bit like buying drugs, you can't be 100% sure that they aren't cut with all sorts of weird things. You just have to trust the dealer (I don't take drugs, just an analogy for you). If you want everything to be perfect, and the process to be seamless, and to know EXACTLY what you're getting, and so on, and so on. Head down to your local jewellers and buy a Genuine Rolex. Otherwise, quit yer moanin' and use a TD! (I'm being humorous....sort of)
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