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Posts posted by P4GTR

  1. Nice shots - well done!

    I cringe every time I post a pic here, especially if it is near a masterclass offering! BUT

    It is encouraging to see that by following some of the great advice available here and plenty of perserverance, photos that do our watches justice can be had.

    I agree, the clouds are a nice touch and the tree refelected in the bezel.

    Thanks! Hopefully my pics don't make you cringe. I know my over use of contrast and brightness probably has the masters dry heaving, but they usually don't outwardly admit it. On that, thanks for the compliment BT! :whistling:

    I'm just a guy with a point and shoot, and a piece of poster board. I like taking pics and sharing them. Its such an important part of RWG to satisfy as many of the senses as possible given our digital-only interactions.

  2. I see the title sparked all of your imaginations. Good! :lol:

    LOL @ Pete

    Just curious but was the only thing that lead you to believe the watch was fake is that he said it was an Explorer when it was an Air King, and the back story of his grandmother gifting it to him??

    Sometimes you have to make a judgement call. I could be completely wrong. I am not ashamed to admit I watch profile. :pardon:

  3. I've never been happy with any of the pics of this watch. It's hard (for me) to get a good shot of it. I played a little the other day, and this one came out ok enough. Just a point and shoot and a bit white piece of paper, outdoors. Thanks for looking. :)


    Another two from that day-



  4. So me and the fiance went up to Lowe's yesterday. The list of items to pick up included some clear silicone bathroom cauk; which was actually for the shower stall not my watch, and also a battery for the Altima coupe's keyless remote, and a replacement filter for the refridgerator water dispenser. We looked high and low for a water filter, and found nothing. I removed the filter out of the refridgerator on the showroom floor so I could easily explain the piece I needed. As I got up off of my hands and knees from pulling the demo filter, I look up to see the Lowes employee standing there, staring at us, waving a replacement filter at us with a smile. And what was that shiny thing on his wrist?

    We talked about the filter, but I wasn't paying attention. What was this? Stainless. Blue anodized looking dial, with white print in all the right places. A small stainless rotating bezel. Air-King? It looked brand new too.

    "Hey thats a nice Rolex".

    What did I do? I said it already, there was no changing my words. Maybe he saw me staring at his lower area the whole time, and at least now realizes I was looking at his WATCH. Ugh, whats wrong with me. When am I going to learn, no one wants to talk watches in the wild!

    "Yah, thank you. It was a gift from my grandmother. My grandfather collected watches"

    Hmm, then why were you wearing a seemingly brand new air-king.

    "...and she, bought this for me for my birthday".

    I said "Thats beautiful, what model is it?"

    "It's an Explorer"

    No its not. I mean. I'm just saying. But, really I can't say that. Ugh... This is going downhill.

    "Oh, wow, I've never seen an Explorer like that"

    "Thanks. My grandfather had a whole bunch of old pocket watches too, my grandmother gave those to me. She knew I liked watches"

    Where have I heard this before? From the guy standing in line at the cafe a few weeks ago when I said "Nice Planet Ocean" maybe? The He valve was exactly at 10, I bet that was a fake, too. And he still passed it as gen when I said "this is my rep Sub".

    My fiance noticed me midsection gazing, bewilderment on my face, and like the good woman she is, she bailed me out "He's always noticing peoples watches, right honey?"

    The helpful gentleman replied, "Oh, I understand, me too"

    "Ok, thanks man, have a good one."

    we walked down the isle. "That was fake babe."

    "Honey, just because he works at Lowe's..."

    "No, its not that. It wasn't even an Explorer."

    And then we go about our day.

    This is the watch he was wearing-


    I was just sitting here at work, thinking how nice the Air-King looks, and figured i'd share the story. I have many uncomfortable watch watching stories, feel free to share yours too.

    By the way, don't buy anything from replica master, I just used the first picture I could find.

  5. :lol:

    Too true. In the non-virtual I'm known for my huge catalogue of completely useless information. To get to the bottom of this will merely add to the lot. Evidenced I'm usually not stumped by 'Nanuq' 's math, navigation, or rope knot brain teasers. As I fly over the Earth I'm usually thinking about Mercator Projection, most pilots are thinking about their next drink or are mentally undressing the last woman they saw. They are better adjusted humans.

    Come to think of it, it's probably why I love this web site. Subliminally, when someone like Freddy makes mention of the horizontal misalignment of the main, three o'clock, and nine o'clock cannon pins of the Rolex, post El Primero in house 116520 movement? I don't feel so alone.

    lol... This post pretty much sums up why you are one fascinating fellow.

  6. The "raw" photo from the camera comes as a jpg. If you adjust and resave it over you will lose resolution and sharpness immediately, plus create more noise and lose quality every single time you save it over (as a JPG).

    That's why you should ALWAYS resave your all "work in process" pictures only to lossless format (BMP). When you're finished with the adjustments, save it as a jpg (highest: 10 in Photoshop). 12 is useless as it provides no additional quality (nothing that a naked eye could see) and the file size difference is dramatic.

    When you save the high quality JPG once, you will lose something from the lossless format... but it's nothing that a naked eye could see (providing you do it only once). Always keep a BMP version of your images (if you want to edit them later and maintain the maximum quality).

    So many good tips, especially this- I had no idea. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  7. Heres a few tips from a guy with a point and shoot.

    If your not going to get a SLR/lightbox/time machine, etc..

    dude. Get a big piece of white paper. The posterboard. Its 50 cents at crafts stores. set it up under some good lighting or outside. Slap it up against a wall, etc. Look at how the shadows are cast on your subject.

    make sure your lens is clean. Make sure your using the correct mode. Use auto, use macro. Try with and without flash. prop the camera on something, dont hold it.

    Use microsoft vista to adjust the pics a little bit. if you have it.

    $100 point and shoot, 50 cent piece of paper, the right light/settings, and a place to rest the camera...

    They aren't that good, but it was EASY to get to at least this level.

    First pic is outdoors during sunset, the rest are indoors.








  8. clicking the "search titles only" helps a lot.

    on the Milgauss, the new ones with the green tinted crystal there are actually a few versions. You want the one with the correct, larger case that is not stamped 18k on the back, and has engraved rehaut not painted. It also comes with an anti-magnetic cover for the movement. Opt for the clone ETA movement.

  9. It's nice to have a gen in the stable though. I was more comfortable with wearing reps knowing I had gens sitting in the watchbox. It's nice to belong to "the club" per se.

    Also, a lot of aggrivation from reps as of late. If I found myself having a font of cash, my current attitude would be to just buy the damn gen and save myself the heartache and begging on my knees to get a damn working watch.

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