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Posts posted by arminvanbuuren

  1. hi i was washing the dishes before wearing my "perfect" yachtmaster from andrew.. and the bezel suddenly fell off.. so i followed an intructions from a poster in this board on how to put a bezel back on.. so i put it back on using some glue (from the post that it said you have to glue the bezel back together).. however now the glue is dried and the bezel is stuck there forever :S.. does anyone know what the problem is? why is it like this :S.. the bezel wouldnt turn clockwise nor anticlockwise blah :S anyway i can make this work again? or its permanently like that? :)

  2. If you re-read his post you will find........

    If you do a search..the AR question has been asked before, Gen doesnt have it...but in my opinion would benefit from a nice single-sided coating.

    also a flaw in the silver and black face(non-racing) versions, the model numbers on the caseback are not correct...they all have the racing versions model number on the back, but that shouldnt deter you

    thanks.. i tried a quick search on the ar things.. and the only thing i can find is on link chrono.. im sorry if i didnt find it.. but thanks for the reply though.. and as for the movement flaws.. yes i read his post it says that it is the only flaw he can find.. but what i really was asking is that is the flaw very obvious? or its like a meh.. not that anyone can tell unless its pros...

  3. This is the start of a new and improved thread where we can all come and relax and spread a little love around. Leave your grudges and your grievances at the door my friends. This is a place to have a good time, talk about your day and get to know your fellow posters in a friendly relaxed environment. We do not chat on this thread nor do we spam. Let's keep it clean, keep it fresh and funny and above all, keep it real. Let's also keep some form of topic going, not that we can't stray, but a purpose is cool, no?? LOL

    That being said, how is everyones day eh? :p

  4. hi i was reading colinmgzt's comparison on this watch.. and i've decided that this will be my next purchase.. but my question is does the gen have ar coating on the sapphire? because on his pic it looks like it does.. but on the tag website it doesnt say anything about ar coating.. its only on the calibre 36 chrono.. so can someone confirm it for me.. in some gen site they also said that they have ar.. and some site says just sapphire..

    and another thing.. is it true that the gen uses swiss valjoux 7750? as the asian valjoux was meant to be a copy of the swiss valjoux.. does that mean that from the clear caseback it is really hard to tell whether its asian or swiss? or is it a dead giveaway? thanks :)

  5. ok so now the question is now how much is a gen dial hehehe

    lol that im not sure.. i asked my dealer about this.. she said someone is willing to sell a gen dial for $50.. but she said also that she's not sure if it is real.. because normally genuine dials would cost around $200-300.. so yeh and some collectors in here also said that they got their gen dials for $35.. so theres a possibility that the $50 dial is gen.. dilemma!

  6. ohh and i forgot one thing.. the genuine dial would fit, i mean thats most of the flaws are in anyway if there are any flaws... the only ones i can think of is the lume.. but yeah.. i just asked some people in here and the watchmaker he said that gen dial would fit.. and i jsut called him and he said he'll do some water resistant tests :)

  7. So is the dealer paying for the service for your watch???

    hahha nah.. but she said she will be willing to give me a free $110 watch free for my next order.. id rather have a $110 discount then a free watch :p.. but hey.. that shows how good of a dealer she is i guess...

    and to viper.. i will ask him that to do a water resistant test and to clean of all dusts from the watch :) but would it cost extra though?

  8. Nice pics, makes me want to wear mine! Have you sorted out the movement issue with you seller?

    i took it to a watchsmith for a full watch service.. it costed me $110 and i'm getting it back in 10 days.. i mean the dealer did offer for me to send it back and she'll replace a new movement in.. but one i think i've given the dealer too much trouble, two im scared that the same thing will happen again.. i think the movement got damaged during its trip here to australia.. so viper do you think i did a stupid job by doing this? lol but full service job is better for the watch right?

    ohh and i gotta ask another thing mate.. would a genuine bezel and a gen dial fit in the steelfish superocean? thanks :)

  9. i got a question that is off topic. are you armin van buuren? or do you like this guy? because he is my favorite dj. i have seen him twice in quebec city. :victory:

    lol hahah i love avb!!! sif armin would buy a rep watch.. he probably could buy 50 gens... hehehe yeah i saw him in 2004 summadayze in melbourne too.. how mad is he?

  10. Yes.

    However, I'd check with your dealer first.

    will do :).. i just sent her an email.. but i mean if a watch repairer (those ones at the mall that does key cuttings as well) can repair a swiss eta without me having to sent back the watch all the way back to china.. i'd rather do that :).. how much do you think it'll cost to fix the movement approximately? :)

  11. Ok , dont want to sound negative but looks like some movement problem, some members could maybe have some other answers for u ... hope nothing serious and ull manage to get it fixed or replaced asap.

    regards laz

    yeah i think it is some movement problems :S.. i mean it stops every 5 secs.. and another thing is that you have to shake it really hard for it to work again :S.. it wasnt like that b4.. what do you suggest me doing now?

    should i open the back? :S

  12. Yes, you will be able to feel a winding sensation, sort of like a 'scrunchy sound'. ETA movements please take it nice and normal, don't go too fast with the winding!

    i've tried it actually i've winded it more than 100 times.. it seems to stop at the same spot all the time at the 10 secs mark 15 secs mark 35, 45 and 60... i dont know why.. but everytime i move the watch it starts moving again :S

  13. Congrats on the SuperOcean, nice, hefty watch!

    Remember to wind the watch crown at normal speed, 80 turns should be able to power up the watch nicely. If it still stops, look for the seconds hand, has it stopped coincidently where the minute hand is at? Might be a hand mis-alignment.

    heyy ok imma try winding it up again.. nah it stops whenever it wants to stop lol.. so winding up the crown is? lemme explain how i do it see if this is correct.. i unscrew the crown (not pulling it though) and turn it clockwise 80 times? :)

  14. Is it ETA or Asian?

    Shake it and listen if you can hear the rotor sound from inside the watch.

    yep when its ticking.. i can hear the rotor moving kinda like tick tick tick but fast :).. when im shaking it i can hear a soft wheel kinda thing moving.. not as loud as my $50 daytona though.. so yeh :)

  15. Hi there friend,

    a question did u wind ure watch up upon reciving it ? the watch stayed still during the shippin so i suggest if u did not do it to wind the watch up some 80 turns or so this will give the watc enough reserve to run and u will keep it up by having it on the hand ...

    hope this solves it for u anyway nice watch congrats .

    regards laz

    yeh i just did that it still stops after 2 mins actually.. not sure why.. but im pretty sure its not broken :S because when its working.. it keeps the right time

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