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Posts posted by TomRiddle

  1. Swiss ETA 6497-1, stock standard $75 mov't modded by adding glue-on decorative plates and blued screws.

    Awesome workhorse mov't, one of the least modified ETA 6497 mov'ts that inhibit PAM reps. I have 6-7 of these ticking inside my Pam historics with solid casebacks as well as 036 MM.

    Go for it mate, you won't regret it!


    :p I have it already, bought it soooo very long ago to satisfy my pam cravings -.-

    jus wanted to verify what it indeed was :D thank you

  2. dunno about the blue screws :p reason why i asked btw is it's a base 111h i bought long ago for $180 , supposed to be swiss, etc so wanted to know :)

    and yes, it's base but just wanted to see what the movement experts see

    :p i can't tell what from what.. i don't even know what a dagger swan or neck regulator thingie is, lol normally I'm an info seeker and would do my homework..

    but it's a Panerai -.- i'm so not a pam guy

    thanks you two

  3. the 'bling bang' :X



    interesting thing to note..

    these are made by different people..

    it has a screw-in crown whereas the other HBB with the genuine polished ceramic bezels have the proper crowns

    also in terms of 'quality'.. the other hBB is better

    if i had to grade it..

    this is A-

    the other is A+

    but both are breathtaking :D i can't wait til monday to do my short vid clip of this

  4. :) I'm with ya mezz.. I have a similarly small collection which is about to become even smaller since I will be selling my Swiss UPO

    but basically.. i have a watch for every occassion i need.. a daily beater (HBB polished cer +RG).. a flashy watch (HBB steel with diamond bezel).. an all-ss watch (montblanc timewalker, which never gets worn but i like to have it around, lol) and my wear-in-the-streets watch a Pam 082

    but yea.. im down to really 4 watches, 2 of which get worn most

    great collection btw

  5. well, i realize why they raised the prices because the "well ran dry"

    so i know why.. and it may sound hypocritical

    but I won't support an HBB now at these prices :p $700 was right around my personal limit so I got in on it "in time"

    and yea, the main reason I made this short video clip is because no photo can capture an HBB.. just watch the vid and that's it uncut/unedited.. the dancing lights on it, the look, just everything.. it's flawless

  6. The Pain ($$) passes but the beauty remains

    I just want to keep this short and direct..

    you always hear us HBB'ers talk about the sheer quality of this amazing super rep and specially those who have the polished ceramic hbb's.. I've always contended that you cannot truly appreciate a big bang until you've either seen it in person or held it in your hands..

    well.. I took my digicam to work.. on the elevator.. snapped a quick "wrist shot"

    here it is, the Hublot Big Bang in all its glory..

    PLAY THIS as 100%, no zoom no super zoom no nothing, 100% :p

    Polished Ceramic and Rose Gold HBB :) my preciousss

    direct link if above does not work


    yes, this is raw and uncut, just the piece in its splendor..

    notice the light dancing on it?

    notice the bezel like a deep dark obsidian pool mirror?

    see the textures and sharp angles capture what little light there is?

    you're asking..

    "Could this be real?! This is a rep?!" YES TO IT ALL :D

    HBB owners just want everything, is that too much to ask? :)

  7. and I just want to add that I think, imnho, the real problem are like everyone said, the ceramic bezels.. but more info: The POLISHED ceramic bezels which defy description and whose quality cannot be captured by a camera

    these are the main culprits of what seperates the HBB's from the rest

    ....I wonder though.. if the supply is gone for the genuine polished ceramic bezels

    does this mean those HBB's with the highest quality ceramics is now "legendary" and rare much like the no-longer produced pieces such as: Fm Conq 2892 and more recently, Pam 177's..

    basically, if you can't get them anymore.. does this mean the HBB's with the magnificent polished OEM ceramics (RG/Cer, Black Magic, Tulgas) have joined the rarified 'collector's level?


  8. Bone

    Did you shave the dial? Seriously this version of Big bang that is the best rep on the market. I hefty price for profound beauty.

    I had the luxury of getting one of these in for a client and I was stunned. My next rep purchase will be this model. Great macro shots :tu:

    :) and yet another converted believer

    the Polished Ceramic+RG HBB's are on a league all its own folks :X and I hate the price and don't support it

    ...even though I have one and is my beater

  9. TUVM. Now I would be more than happy to sell you one. I currently am offerring them for $335 plus pp fees and shipping. Remember the days when they were $428 plus shipping and pp.

    Thanks :p

    if this is true, and this is the current price of the SS high-quality HBB

    people would be fools, absolute fools not to get one


    I rate the HBB's thus:

    #1 - polished ceramic+RG

    #2 - Black Magic, polished (not brushed)

    #3 - SS HBB

    :X for $335.. that alone solidifies it and imnho, would destroy the SFSO as the king of "cheap" best-quality watches

    the HBB's "quality" has to be seen to be believed, and at that price... *DAMN*

  10. Can anyone tell me if it is still possible to get the Big Bang with the polished ceramic bezel? I've looked on the websites of the 2 most popular dealers recomended here and they dont appear to stock it?


    also, just an fyi, ask for the Polished Ceramic

    ...that's the real treasure

  11. The extinct 112H. If you can find someone selling one, pick that model up.


    Angus carries that, when I was asking around to build my "homage" pam with the gold hands, I originally inquired about the 111h or 111e with the gold hands.. but because he did not have the matching seconds hand in gold

    he offered a 112..

    I was confused as hell and didn't even know what the model was, I wanted the 111 and he sent me a pic and saw why he suggested a 112.. it didn't have second hands :p

    but I told him non-matching gold hands is fine :) and got my homage 111e w/gold hands

  12. I thought Pan from DAVIDSEN is super-rep? what is wrong with his pam112 and pam111 ultimates?

    my definition of a SUPER rep differs

    nothing wrong with the dsn pams or angus pams or anything.. just pams in general are imnho, NOT super reps..

    I have a HBB Polished Ceramic + RG.. compared to my HBB, my pams pale in comparison.. sure some may say it may just be personal preference and maybe it's true

    but i'm an info seeker, and pams are heavily modded for a reason.. and when people say they got like 30 pams, that is a sign of not being able to find what you looking for or just whatever you have gotten isn't good enough so you try another model hoping it can be "the one" but it ain't etc etc

    it's a general PAM trait, they all look bloody the same -.- sorry folks but it's true

    anyhows, nothing wrong with any of the "Ultimate" pams for sale.. but to answer your original question.. that alone is up to you as to which one to get..

    but be warned, when you get a pam, you'll want another because whatever you may have just isn't "up to par" or whatever and that's what they speak of when they say you keep buying pams

    always go with your gut and your heart and your tastes and you wont go wrong..

    I quenched my PAM thirst with 2 pams, smiply two and neither are "gen authentic" both are my homages..

    111e with gold hands

    082 with blue hands

    happy hunting :p

  13. look around at your collection now and basically go for the one you don't have..

    surrounded by polished SS watches? -- go titanium

    got a mixture of blingy ss and leather'd watches? -- go PVD

    the problem with pams is that

    1. they all bloody look the same -.-

    2. they're not "perfect" which is why so many people keep getting the same look but different models for a very marginal difference (ie: 111h and 177h = steel vs titanium, pfft)

    3. mods to get the "gen" effect means one thing.. it's imperfect/not good by default -.- sorry folks but that's the truth..

    PAMs ain't no super-rep

    anyhows to answetr your original question, sadly only you can answer that.. and only by looking at your collection, finding for yourself what you want..

    because PAMs by themselves ain't the answer

  14. Definitely a wonderful watch, congrats!

    Just, it's not the Titanium that does not fit the brown strap, it is the blue dial (the 036 and 057 teach a lesson here).

    That watch is made for a blue or gray or black strap, with light blue stitching.

    How the caseback is?

    hey ssurfer ^_^

    yea I agree completely.. it doesn't look bad per se, but there's jus.. something.. the hues doesn't blend well with the titanium/blue dial/brownish..

    :p i personally can't wait until HKTan's ridged croc strap comes in

    caseback is ok, forgot to take pics of it -_-

  15. :X

    or was i shipped the wrong one?



    kidding, it's a 082 folks.. but, is it really?

    Look Closer..




    Yea, I guess I'm not that big on PAMs -.- I couldn't care less how "Gen" it looks, it's another homage.. much like my 111E with gold hands.. I requested DSN to send me pics of the 082 with gold hands.. but I didn't like the look of it so much so I requested one with blue hands, and you know what?

    We both agreed that it looks better *BY FAR* :D

    wrist shots:



    Anyhows, just some more thoughts.. the muted hue of Titanium, imnho, just does not go well with brown straps.. the hues just.. it doesn't blend well.. it fits darker straps better or light straps like the Toscana Amber pic we've seen.. so I just kept it on a default black strap from DSN until my custom HKTAN Croc strap arrives :p

    this is quite possibly my last rep purchase (No, really folks).. the combined total borders near HBB land and I'm done cuz I have 5 watches and 1 wrist and I *HATE* not wearing them -.-

    well, that is until I saw the HBB bracelet rep.. gotta get that :p

    why make the thread now? Well I wanted to just add on to it when HKTan's strap comes in and see how it differs then :)

  16. NO WAY, you got the 082! Maxmilian move over! :bleh:

    It's beautiful. Goes equally well with tans and darker straps (OEM black calf?), I see. Oh man, DSN here I come...

    to everyone who guessed 082.. close, but not quite

    it's another "homage" one.. it is a 082 but I requested specifically.. to have the blue hands :lol:

    and yes, Titanium imo.. does not go well with brown straps :X

    it needs a darker tone, black/etc .. or a really light one like the pic of that toscana amber, a brown strap just.. it doesn't look as good


    the shiny/polished cases however go great with the brown straps :D (111's, etc)

  17. This week, every third Thursday of November, Americans celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving, a traditional way to give pause and express gratitude for all that we, the living have been blessed with that is good. There are so many of us who are fortunate indeed,

    and there is much that I am grateful for. Life is short, so don't take for granted the good things that befall you. Be grateful and give thanks.

    BTW..... I am thankful for my HBB rep watch. Not having to spend 20K for a watch that is nearly identical to the real thing is a simple pleasure that I do appreciate.

    HBB is definitely a marvelous watch to be thankful for ^_^

    as it is my 'daily' :p changing it up a bit.. I posted this so very long ago.. I said that one of the amazing things about the big bang is that the mixture of surfaces and textures capture any and all available light and i took pics in my room with nothing but the tv on and sure enough, light was bouncing and dancing on the hbb :D


    alas, thanksgiving eve i'm going out to a party in the city and well.. the hbb's strength is its main weakness.. can't have such an attention magnet while i'm out on the streets, so gonna wear my newest toy, the 'homage' pam 111e with gold hands



    Have a wonderful week everyone, specially those celebrating thanksgiving with loved ones

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