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Posts posted by TomRiddle

  1. Well here is polished (apparently with gen bezel - :D ):

    I don't see a gen in my future anytime soon. :lol:

    I can say 100% that no picture captures the polished :(

    I have taken a zillion pics of my HBB posted most of it and not one picture would I submit as a representation of the polished ceramic

    the problem is the pictures are totally lifeless.. it does not capture the rich sheen of the ceramic.. I've said that long ago whenever i post my hbb pics, no picture thus far captures it because it's totally lifeless

    heck, you can't even see the sheen really -.-

    in my shots, I often notice that pictures are lacking in the richness of the blacks.. it simply does not capture it.. the only time it comes close is if i enable the flash such as in


    but that only shows how rich the ceramic is.. it's obsidian really, but it doesn't capture the mirror-effect.. this one shows it a bit on the 5'oclock marker showing a little of the FM .. but again, imnho, it's lifeless.. the polished ceramic has an effect where the slightest movement of your wrist makes things dance on the surface.. not even Hublot's genuine pics show it off


    gen pic of hublot, looks airbrushed -.-


    :D anyhows, to me... the only HBB's that ever appeal to me

    -has polished ceramic bezel

    -black magic

    -all steel HBB

    but given the option of polished vs brushed ceramic... polished, every single chance

  2. It depends on the taste... But tehn again, sadly picturing the surafaces is just difficult, so one has to see it in person. I actually just got taht HBB because I saw the genuine in Switzerland in a shop, and it just struck me... damn nice finish.

    which one..? polished or brushed?

    :D and if you're struck by brushed cer.. did u see the polished one?

    cuz pictures do not do it justice.. it's literally a mirror-finish that captures whatever it may reflect.. it's hard to describe, it doesn't bling

    it just pops.. it pops out

  3. Why polished? The brushed ones look equally well made. :)

    JC Biver - well he should stop producing in Asia - would save him from such problems.

    :X i.. guess it's personal preference on my end..?

    i don't have a brushed ceramic so i can't ... i guess it's the same as brushed-vs-polished SS, i prefer the mirror-finish

    :lol: but yea, the polished ceramic is highly.. highly sexy

  4. TOO LATE!!!!!!!!

    And yes, there is a perfectly rational even comical explanation of my profuse usage of the exclamation mark -- even though we all know any exclamation mark used in excess of 5 times is a sign of a psychotic episode.


    you traded for the vc? :p you're a panerai gal, you should appreciate the MB TW more!~ :p

    if u ever wanna trade, let me know vic! :lol:

  5. Thanks. I'm wondering if I might've prefered the black dial version, as that's really the only difference I can think of to the AP (well, in general) which I didn't dislike... That said, I think the 'sauage-shaped- hands and markers of the AP are somewhat unique, where the VCO has markers like a Planet Ocean... I'll probably never be able to give a reason why I didn't like the VCO, so probably best to stick with 'to each his own' :)

    pretty much the only "explanation" that makes sense really :D

    I'm in the same boat... received an amazing Montblanc TW which is so accurate and good that people have been selling it on the bay as gens and people don't realize they being scammed

    but it's gotten 1 day of wrist-time from me -.- lol I think two factors affect it, well.. 3 really

    1. the biggest factor: I received a FM Conq 2892 at the same time as the MB TW..

    2. I have a HBB and UPO which get most of my wrist time

    3. I guess it's just not my "thing".. it's panerai style design just sits huge on the wrist and it just isn't my thing.. lol

    we should trade :p my mb tw for your vco

  6. Hi Tom & All,

    I'm happy it finaly ended on your wrist.

    You made beautiful pics by the way !!!

    Now the only thing you miss is the chrono version :o

    And, as I'm not wearing mine at all, never, never...feel free to buy it :lol:




    I actually prefer the classic simple minimalistic design of the non-chrono TW :p

    I think this watch is getting this injustice of no-wrist time because it had the misfortune of going up against my HBB and UPO along with being delivered literally at the same time as my FM Conq 2892..

    I've only worn this TW once, lol.. then again I haven't even worn the Conq ^^ it's kinda small on the wrist.. I think I've gotten used to the HBB/UPO size :D

  7. Two from me, first on steel,

    but now on leather...... B)


    ....my detail oriented eye has picked that badboy out! THAT IS NOT THE REP CALF LEATHER..

    what sexy strap is that? details please...

    where u buy? what kind?

    nice orange stitching.. price? DETAILS ah needs info pls ^_^

  8. $800 for a rep? (at the time it wasn't but I always round my finances up).. are you kidding me?!?!?!

    As much pull as the Black Magic had, I was able to resist all the hbb-effect until


    pretty much got mesmerized... and that's all she wrote

    as of now, besides my UPO which is strictly for bad weather/or/outings (cuz I'm in NYC and I ain't about to have a magnet on my wrist for safety reasons :lol:),

    this is my most often used watch ^_^

  9. I saw Rush Hour 3 tonight at the cinema and I'm pretty sure Chris Tucker was wearing something that looked very similar to the Timewalker... mines on order, those pics look fabulous!

    lol order mine!!! :lol:

    kiddin, jus a little :X i'm breaking one of my major rules (buy only what you will wear and never for "display" purposes only) and the main reason why i've shut down spending for the year -.- my thing is basically.. enjoy the watches, i'm not a 'collector' who'll throw them in a display case and just have it sit there.. i actually want to enjoy wearing my watches

    my collection stood at two which got awesome wrist-time... UPO and HBB

    but I wanted an all-ss watch.. that's where the timewalker comes in, but a twist of fate landed me a fm 2892 conq.. and both watches arrived at the same time

    :( woe is me.. woe is me.. 1 wrist... too many watches, lol :p

    and thanks about RH3.. gonna keep my eye on the lookout when I see that movie, I heard it's a good movie :D

    ps: and Chris Tucker would *SO* wear a MB TW.. it's got bling and it's in your face and makes people go, "Woah" without being overboard with bling.. totally him so I'm not surprised, man got style ^_^

  10. just want to give a big thank you to Stephane, you're right it is push pins, LOL ^^ sizing was a breeze once you realize it ain't tiny screws..

    now if only my FM Conq was that easy... i just resized both of them and considering i have no vice or anything, that Conq took me out for a whoopin, lol but got it resized as well


  11. The Timewalkers are designed for Mont Blanc by Panerai. Good looking watch, and you are right, huge dial.

    I can see why.. it does have that paneraish quality to it (big big dial face that's pretty plain)

    i mean, it's not a bad watch by any means.. i was just surprised by it :p

    like i said... i usually let the novelty wear off and get it some wrist time before i post my impressions ^^ but right away the dial took me by surprise (great watch tho!)

    ps: thanks for the tidbit about panerai designing it for MB ^^ nice little info that explains the design.. learn somethin new everyday

  12. gonna post pics of the MB TW I received.. initial impressions are... the dial is huge


    seriously.. big... big big big dial... not what i expected :X maybe even too big :lol:

    anyhows i'll post wrist shots later... it's definitely an interesting piece, but the size of the dial face caught me offguard, didn't realize it'd be that big <_<






    full on impressions after a few days.. gotta let the novelty wear off and get it some wrist-time.. see how it is

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