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Posts posted by TomRiddle

  1. Corgi, that sucks. I'm sorry. :frusty:

    I have one just like that, and we had to change the bracelet finally. But though I just used Cape Cod cloth on my new Hublot gold deployant, I would suggest to heed what others are saying: NEVER on gold-plate. It WILL strip the "gold" right off.

    wait wha stop who wahaa?!

    new hublot gold??

    the Rose Gold HBB?????

    pics? pics? ^^ come on show teh goods off!

    ps: btw.. you're saying the cape cod took the gold right off the HBB? :( aww

  2. I too am smitten by this watch. I also agree that the price seems inflated for the 7750 movement. However, the argument of asking or advising others not to purchase a watch to see if the price will come down is foolishness. the market will bear what the market will bear and normal economic pressures will determine where the price will fall. My concern is really related to the gold plating - will it hold up? The black magic is more interesting to me at this point.

    However, I want the SFSO, VC overseas, Aquanaut, GMT Pepsi, Fiddy, 187, Arktos, Spitfire, Santos, Roadster, Calastrava 5127 and the list goes on.

    If you have the dough and feel informed buy what you want.

    Suspect from what I am reading most are holding back at this point - I think I will look more black magic and have to asign priorities for my preferences (likly SFSO next)

    actually from talking to dealers, it seems this watch has been the most popular in terms of HBB editions so far, even moreso than the 'failed' Black Magic.. the amount of "pre-orders" that have come thru even though the dealers have mentioned that stock hasn't come in yet (until this past Monday) is more than surprising..

    my personal reservations bordered on two things

    1. the gold plating, but that's fine i'll risk it..

    2. servicing the watch

    ^^ but oh well, like i said.. none of the HBB's appealed to me until this one, there's jus something about this combination for my taste so.. conscious decision i made

  3. I think everyone's watch choices is great and speaks highly of their taste/etc.. since this is genuine watches we'd buy if we had the $$ I know for sure I'd get a Hublot..

    I'm 29 :black_eye: and there's just *something* about this watch that appeals very highly to me..

    it's sporty, rugged, dressy, eyecatching, unpretentiously beautiful and completely enthralling -- all at the same time

    I mean.. how can one resist?




  4. King did indeed quote me with a 600usd price about 2 or 3 weeks ago, I did not invent that price just to add fuel to the fire!

    I'm sure, I'm just curious what would've happened if you went and placed an order.. would the $600 be honored or would it be changed to


    hi,is usd 798 have stock"

    ^^ I'm jus curious, is all

  5. even without reading the review let me add my thoughts and then i'll go back and read this from teh start..

    The VC overseas imo is one of the *best* reps you can get.. it's understated bling and always catchy plus it has the nice cross symbol..

    the problem with the watch is that it's dressy.. it's not a regular beater, at least.. not for me.. but definitely, one of the best out there!


  6. I often see people mention EMS tracking as not being posted, etc.. exactly what does that mean?

    you check the tracking # and it says

    "No information for this tracking" ?

    LOL i agree EMS tracking sucks :p but man am i so anxious.. mainly because it's the HBB so anytime a dent that big in the wallet leads one down teh path of anxiousness

    bleh, humbug! :D

  7. So basically, she upped her price to the rest of the Cartel. Doesn't surprize me... Oh well, I hope you enjoy the watch :)

    thank you ^^ I haven't had any regrets so far, only because of the sheer amount of information i digest before each purchase :black_eye:

    the sad part is I had my eyes set on a custom-pam project (custom painted dial) but right now that's gonna have to take a backseat for a bit.. lol $800 is a dent no matter how i balance my budget

  8. King. one of the four dealers who make up the Cartel (Andrew, Angus, Joshua and King) I'm not sure what her site is, but I'm sure someone in this thread said she was offering it for $600...

    I knew I wasn't imagining things, here's the post :

    yea, it's wrong ^^

    everyone has it for around $800..

    i read that too and that's why i contacted 'king' and inquired

  9. Personally, I think this is just another case of the Cartel trying to rip people off, but, it is good to see people standing their ground and saying they would not buy from them. Note how Angus has not addressed any of the requests to justify the price difference. If King (Cartel dealer) can sell the watch for $600, what's the excuse for another Cartel dealer to sell it for $800. Exhange rate fluctuatios are possibly a factor, but not that big a factor.

    King? it better not be that cct... site cuz that price quote is the same, $800

    $600 ya right.. :thumbdown:

  10. A bit of a Ship of Theseus debate really, I just wondered at what point someone considered a modified watch to be a different watch, or, if they always considered it to be the same watch, even after most (if not all) the original parts were replaced...

    Just curious really :)

    the moment you modify it, it becomes a "new watch"

    but it can never be genuine either..

    just mnho :wounded1:

  11. Been following this thread for awhile since I have the replica RG bezel version. I think you have two honest camps of opinion here and the usual "economics" opinions thrown in.

    3. Genuine buyers are having the same arguments as the replica buyers. I have several genuine watch collecting friends who asked me where they can get a good fake HBB like mine. This surprised me and changed my opinion on the watch. Although they all agree that it is the "latest & greatest" universal hot fashion statement to wear right now, they don't want to pay the market price. These are people that can afford genuine watches and have some working knowledge of watches in general. (And probably would buy this HBB rose gold case replica, myself included) Its funny, Panerai started out as a fashion statement but nobody who can afford the gens ever thinks they are not worth the price, unlike the HBB. That tells you that even the HBB genuines are so overly inflated in price a lot of genuine buyers have reservations shelling out the dough. I have to agree, I'd rather buy a genuine PP Annular for almost the same price.

    I honestly forgot where I read it, who posted it in what forum or thread.. but basically.. someone got called out on a replica they had (NOT a HBB).. I think it was a Panerai or an AP ROO..

    you know what the persons reply was? It's the best watch I've owned

    think about it for a moment, replica.. genuine.. does it really matter at that point when one can honestly say that to another? It's the best watch they've owned..

    like you've said above your own genuine collecting friends have asked you where they can get one like the one you have, that is of the highest compliment believe it or not

    personally.. I hate that I'm buying one for this price.. because like we all know.. supply-demand dictates stuff.. and I don't want to see prices continue to go up.. but at the same time it is a conscious decision I've made

    get this 1 HBB .. instead of 2 PAMs or 3 or 4 other watches/etc.. the weird thing is we're all in this thing together and i don't see why people need to be at each other's throats for what at the end of the day, are replicas..

    anyhows i've rambled a bit but whateva, I'm just trying to pass time until I get my first HBB :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  12. i have been holding my tongue on this topic for a while now. do i agree with the price tag absolutely not, but i would bet my bottom dollar that the majority of the people that are bashing the hbb dont have one or never had one. we all should know by now that the QC on reps is absolutely terrible so if you are going by what ONE person said about ONE of the hbbs he worked on you have to be crazy to beleive it is like that on ALL hbbs. i personally have 2, which i bought used for amazing prices ($655 total for ss and ceramic) and they have been working flawlessly. so if the hbb has such a bad movement or is such a bad watch i would love for somebody to show me ALL the bad reviews about it. there has been one so far i have seen. AND as you all should know by now members love to post everything that has gone wrong with their watches, but you dont see people posting about NOt having problems. everybody praises the SFSO, which sells for $300+ and i have seen a hell of alot more posts about people having problems with both the asian and swiss version. the design and finish of the hbb models are truely amazing and if somebody want to have only a couple reps and buy something they will truely love as opposed to somebody with 20+ reps i see no problem with that.

    pretty much the point in all my posts.. and it's such a simple concept too.. we see a ton of people who have 10+ reps each at $300-400 a pop and yet 1 rep at $800 is so ridiculous.. these same people are the first ones offering up their rep because it gets no wrist-time too so really, who wasted their money?

    I agree that the price is so high and should be lowered down but frankly I don't see the point of owning 20 different rolexes wearing one every day (what circle do you people have that nobody notices you wearing a different rolex/breitling/omega every day of the week?!)

    find what you like and know will wear and run with it, maybe that's why I haven't had a single minute of regret with my 2 reps purchased (1 UPO for myself, my daily beater and a RolYM for my dad as a gift which has even fooled someone who has a gen)

    the funny thing is it's all about price too.. I think that $500 is truly the sweet spot for everything (ie: PS3 was selling decently at $599 but at $499 it's become sold out everywhere) .. if these HBB's are sold at $550, there'd be so much demand the factories wouldn't be able to keep up..

    Regret? I don't know the meaning of the word and yes I will post pics once I receive my HBB cuz well.. people want one but just don't want to buy it :winkiss:

  13. truth be told, I think Omega will soon surpass Rolex as the 'rep of choice'

    ...due to numerous reasons

    -it looks sexy :thumbsupsmileyanim: (then again so does the sub)

    -oversaturation of the Rolex sub (check that thread of the guy vacationing and nobody even looks at a rolex anymore)

    -Rolex 'image' being that for the older generation

    -Omega having a younger more hip image

    etc etc.. ultimately I think that Omega's hit a gold mine with the Planet Ocean line.. so yea, we all win in the end :victory: competition is good for the 'consumer'

  14. And as long as there are still many people like Tom here (and there is) buying these watches are these way over inflated prices they will continue to stay high.

    I say if people had some sense they would collectively vote with their wallets and refuse to pay these prices, believe me they will soon come down.


    yea, can't explain it myself really :whistling: never was interested in HBB at these prices even when the "Black Magic" came out.. but there's something about this particular piece I had to have

    in spite of all the things wrong with it -.- but like I said, I guess I'm not as big a collector as some of y'all..

    ...either that, or I just choose to spend my money more strictly, ie: get 1 Hublot at this ridiculous price than get 2/3/4+ PAM's at $400 a pop

  15. btw jus wanna say that's the 'tricky' part about gayfolk taking up Panerai as "their watch"

    ...it's not so much that everyone will look at us and see us wearing a PAM and think, 'oh he's gay'.. it's not about that.. there's a reason it's a "gay radar signal"

    basically it only applies to OTHER gay men, lol.. to them it's a signal, but to your local average joe.. it's just a cool looking watch :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    so just wear whatcha like and if you get some guy wearing another pam hitting on you, well.. cross that bridge when you get there :thumbdown: but yea, it's only a gay signal to other gays but for the rest of the world .. PAMs are jus another cool lookin watch

  16. Well said Tom, I concur with your POV and will be having this fantastic watch on my wrist soon. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I myself am ordering one.. :black_eye:

    -do i find it overpriced? yes

    -am i aware of the crappy 'innards'? yes

    -gold plated? yes

    etc etc etc, it doesn't really matter.. i'm not interested before in Hublot until this one.. and frankly, i cannot explain it

    it's like art, or poetry.. when you explain it, it becomes banal, more important than the explanation are the feelings and emotions are the things it reveals in the eyes of someone open enough to understand it

    that's what this HBB is to me.. there's just "Something" about the combination and colors and style that speaks to me.. and $800, as pricey as i admit it is.. isn't really that much considering how many reps i buy (aka not as much as you other folks)

    my main worry are these:

    -servicing the movement :wounded1:

    -having someone who knows about Hublot, see the beauty of the wrist and basically know you wearing a fake cuz there's no way you wearing a $10,000+ watch... right? right? :X LOL but i already got an excuse for that, it's just a movie prop for a movie we're makin on youtube :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  17. Needless-to-say you haven't been reading the authoritative reviews on this #^$*%# "thing." You want an over priced show piece or a watch? Try one of the new TX watches if you want a show piece with a lot of glitch, and, to boot, IT WORKS!

    it's the other way around, I'm actually very informed

    and btw, The Zigmeister did not say the watch is crap, he said the inner details were not up to par, basically he said the outer materials are ferrari quality and inside's bad

    you guys make it out to be a condemnation of the entire watch, but that's not even the point

    the point is, i find it ridiculously stupid for people for example to buy 6 PAM's at $400 a piece... and have it sit and gather dust, maybe that's the collecting aspect, i dunno but i see that as wasting $1600 or maybe even more

    anyone who buys this HBB has a showcase piece which will be worn .. hey like someone else in the thread said who already bought a $400+ pam, the HBB is jus like buying another

    anyhows, to each his/her own, but from someone who calls it as he sees it, i just don't understand why people can drop $1200 for 3 reps only 1 of which actually gets worn but would visibly flinch at the mention of an $800 HBB which they would die for if sold at $400

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