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Posts posted by TomRiddle

  1. My Greg Stevens Crazy Horse arrived, woo! Here it is on Paul's faulty PAM 190, which however, is lovely overall don't you think?

    Got a little artistic here, to highlight his buckle and the reverse side of the rugged Crazy Horse. NICE AND THICK, just like I like 'em.......

    Maybe with Love American Style or Barney Miller blaring. :p

    that strap is seriously, seriously screamin for a PVD PAM

    it's like popcorn without the butter :thumbdown:

  2. my Ceramic golden beauty never ceases to amaze me.. here are two shots which I hope highlight what I feel is the watches' greatest attribute.. the way that it just catches light and dances on it..

    this was taken with the blinds closed, almost no light really.. no flashlight, no lamp, no filtered diffused photo studio gear..

    just ambient light from whatever is present and look at the way the watch catches it..

    it is unmerciful in its beauty, I think..



    love it.. hate it.. but can't deny it

    it's entirely captivating

  3. I know I sure did. Damn!

    I got the CF dial with polished bezel & black date.

    I'm staying away from REP gold no matter how good it looks. LOL!

    they raised the prices milking the surge of demand..

    and you bought one? :thumbdown:

    at least you went for the polished ceramic... i just about laughed when i saw the brushed cer and polished as same price :bicycle:

  4. I'm pretty sure the crystal will be double ar'd as they only sell genuine Omega parts in this case. Will keep updated. I will order my stuff tomorrow from them.

    please let us know how it goes

    exact info needed:

    -what version of the PO you have? UPO? case size/etc?

    -what item number you ordered

    -double sided ar?

    the easy part is basically getting one of our modders to mod the watches we have.. anyhows, keep us informed!

  5. It's more of a case of the Asian 7750 parts not being compatible with the ETA anymore... There are numerous versions of the A7750, the 28.8k ones are totally different than the ETA, whereas the 21.6k versions were the same.

    So with no source of parts to make the ETA into a quazi-7753 model, I can't do the work anymore.

    I did have spare 21.6k A7750's, but 3 of them were scrapped for this HBB, and the other ones I had, were scrapped for the other HBB...and lets just say the appreciation from the owner for all the work that was done was basically zero (not Kruzer, he always acknowledges the effort I put into his watches). After 10+ hours of my time, a few scrapped movements, and many problems and difficulties to overcome, I emailed a long detailed message of all the work and effort I had put into the watch to make it work.. and the response back was a one liner "...send me a picture of the watch, it's really important..." Hmmm, sure, I'll get right on that, thanks for asking...


    for me, I've been blunt with my main concerns with the HBB.. those being

    -someone spotting it and calling it out (let's face it, it does stand out and if you know about the HBB, you know how much it costs and can call someone out if you wish to)

    and more importantly

    -servicing the watch .. not so much transplanting or anything like that, but in terms of servicing the watch.. I'm not sure who'll be brave enough to undertake it should I ever want to go down that route

    anyhows yea, like I said.. the process is complicated and you've been documenting the effort that goes into these HBB's.. so to let a watch go after you've put so much time and effort into it is not cool

    not cool at all, imnho :thumbdown:

    hell.. truth be told this piece may go down in 'lore' now... it's the The Zigmeisterfied Black Magic.. I know if it ever goes up for sale I'll be one of the people lookin to acquire it, :bicycle:

  6. I don't see this community being in any kind of crisis, especially when the reps that keep coming are visually better than ever. What people should do is to just stop buying from the f*cking dropshippers. How difficult this is to understand, I wonder... buying from trusted members is much better alternative, even. If the watch has a few scratches here and there from a regular wear, so what... most problems in reps appear almost immediately after the purchase, and if a member has used the watch for a few weeks (or months) the watch is most likely going to survive the next several years without any major problems too.

    I agree By-Tor.. btw you were my introduction to the "site circuit" as I like to call it..

    I'm an info truth seeker.. I do a ton of raw information digesting before making "informed decisions" and I just wanted to point that out


    that's where I started from :wounded1: yes, the dreaded "Grades", lol

    A quick summary of the grades of the replica watches available, include:

    Grade 1A Swiss Replica Watches (Triple AAA+ grade)

    Grade 1B Swiss Replica Watches (A+ grade)

    Grade 1A Japanese Replica watches

    Grade 1B Japanese Replica watches

    Asian Replica watches

    anyhows there was a point to my reply and that was that I agree.. I don't think 'the scene' is in danger at all besides skyrocketing prices ACROSS THE BOARD. No, it's not just the HBB people.. you realize the HBB is like 2 PAMs? or just like $100 bucks more or so than an AP? or some reps are being sold for $1000-2000 with the so-called bling bling (are you people bloody insane?! $2000?! whose buying these!) etc etc.. prices are rising more and more except for the Rolexes but that's because there's bulk buyers out there from the masses for Rollies :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    personally, I think we're entering a "golden age" of reps wherein unheard of models/brands are being replicated with frightening accuracy.. it's gonna get better.. I know I for one am anxiously awaiting the stuff I missed out on last year.. the chinese new year specials.. who knows what happened during XMAS/New year/the holiday season.. what kinda sales and feeding frenzy was out here..

    yea, I don't think we in trouble at all besides the price ^^ I for one can't wait to see what the future holds..

    ...that is unless reps get to become so good that the gen brands forcibly somehow someway shut them down.. I mean, look at the reaction of the Hublot CEO who is in disbelief that the HBB's being rep'd :thumbdown:

  7. That's true, but then again, in terms of 'advertising', their sites are hardly the top results on a google search, and that's why I think they may be 'focussing' more on other forums compared to this one.

    forums such as? -.- the "site circuit" as i like to call it is limited to 4... as far as I know

    they don't post anymore because everyone knows where to find their website and the reality is this: So many people lurk and whatnot then go buy these reps that they no longer need to 'advertise' or anything like that

    sad but true :X

    just look at the latest HBB edition.. from that thread alone you'd think it wouldn't sell a single unit but the pre-orders i was candidly given says otherwise..

    someone else mentioned it before.. these sites gets hits by the millions, there's a ton of lurkers and all they need to find is one website and that's it, the entire catalogue of reps is available to them so they know where to go

    me.. I kinda am anxiously awaiting "special days" .. "specials days" I missed out on, those threads i dig up and read on about chinese holiday new year specials.. or even better, this coming xmas and see what kinda 'specials' or 'deals' will be available..

    I mean shoot, if I can get a black magic for $400ish, I'm so gonna be all over that, lol

  8. What I am afraid of is the gold plating will not last long.

    Still can see one of the screw on the lug plate poping up and not sitting into the slot properly. Hope it won't fall off when wearing it as I have already lost a few on the bezel and lugs.

    just be careful with polishing/etc ...

    ie: don't use cape cod

    also, tighten those H-shaped screws... some of them are loose, a cheapo way to do it is basically take a springbar link remove (someone else's tip) and the tiny end will have a V shape to be able to tighten them, it's what I did

    also look into that "loctite" thing, doing my homework on that now.. what loctite is/where to get it/etc what specific one to use

    other than that, no worries.. and if you really worried about the plating, get the SS or the black magic but the key is this: Polished Ceramic ..

    it 'makes' the watch

  9. This watch is not for the meek at heart and nor is it a "macho" watch. I initially did not like the yellow when I got it but it now is in active rotation as one of my summer beach watches. What is interesting is that it is the only watch that has gotten numerous favorable compliments from women rather than men. And unlike other odd-looking reps everyone always assumes it is an expensive watch. I guess it is the mix of materials and the yellow strap.

    In any case this one has been Ziggified as Riverwind's Black Magic is. I know he won't be doing this again as it required cannibalizing the parts from 3 or 4 different movements. And if he isn't doing it no one else is. Even if you have the skills (which none of us here do other than him) you need an extensive collection of the various 7750 movements to find the various parts.

    Apologies for the Smudges:

    Genuine Mellow Yellow (1 of 100) - $10,000

    Ziggified Mellow Yellow (1 of 1) - Priceless :D

    lol I think it's because of the HBB styling and in all honesty... the yellow strap :bicycle:

    you don't really see too many yellow straps and since you have an HBB, the "tire rubber strap" on pictures is misleading cuz you'd think stiff, yucky and ugly.. but it's not.. it's nice soft pliable natural rubber and I'm sure the watch stands out as any HBB does, on your wrist at the beach

    :p just don't go swimming with it, lol

  10. Wow, cableguy...me too.

    I was really down in the mouth today, and told a collector that I was thinking of quitting rep watches altogether, and consequently spending less time on rep forums, because of my crappy recent luck of late with them.

    I told him that I'm not expecting a perfect science, but now my "success rate" is...1 watch delivered that didn't have some kind of issue, whether minor or major. Out of 16/17. I lost count.

    (edit-- 2 out of 17. I forgot the HBB I just got. Fingers crossed...)

    Of course I'm over-dramatising this, and I'm sure my mood will pass the moment I fall in love with a watch all over again, but damn. It's not just me that feels this way today!

    Not sure if that was a good thing, or a bad thing, though. Sorry for your bothers. :wounded1:

    ....maybe you're getting too many reps? :thumbdown:

    I'm at 3/3... UPO, Rolex YM, and Hublot

    I will eventually be 4/4 (since this will be a custom-project thingie, it can't fail :X) but who knows when I'll be able to undertake the PAM project I had in mind.. but yea.. slow down.. you got way too many reps :X

    remember even in the land of reps.. quality > quantity

    go with the consumer-rated rep faves... PAMs, Breitlings, UPO's, certain Rollies, etc.. and also from trusted dealers :X I don't have any dealings with womar... so I wouldn't know but from some recent posts I think that's a mistake right there :thumbdown:

  11. This is my 3rd piece added to my 'collection'..

    one is my UPO (which right now is in danger of not being worn due to the HBB, lol), another is a Rolex YM I bought for my dad as a gift and this one.. the latest HBB

    first off let me say.. the HBB has won design awards and whatnot and I can see why.. it's not because of their propaganda about fusion of materials.. the genius in the design is the combination of textures..

    brushed, polished, ceramic, steel, smooth sleek lines and unforgiving sharp cut angles lead to an imnho, flawless presentation

    wear this on your wrist and instantly you'll be enthralled and captivated.. the slightest movement have everything dancing on the Big Bang.. the television in the background, the sunlight, the computer screen.. it just dances.. it's not a "bling" effect.. but I liken it to a "diamond cut" in that no matter what angle or side you look at it.. there's always something that catches your imagination

    I got my HBB from Angus based mostly on the strength of his reviews.. all throughout this site circuit (all the rep sites).. I have seen positively glowing reviews of him and even testimonies of him going out of his way to earn the business of his customers in the past..

    sure enough, thee days--his forum section is almost dead without any watches being offered for sale but that's mostly due to him probably being involved in a ton of projects.. I still had to try, he was really the only one I was going to trust with my $800 with :X he delivered strongly and I know if I encounter problems with this watch in the future he'll try to help me resolve it

    anyhows on to the pics, I hope you guys enjoy, I'm no expert photo like Pug or others nor do I even bother stopping the seconds hand, so forgive me for the shoddy pics, it can't do the watch justice and I'll explain why later..

    first shots I took, just goofing around




    some angled shots for the AR.. again it doesn't do it justice because the AR is magnificent on these wherein it doesn't have to be angled for it to have a vanishing effect.. every single time I look at my wrist I have to stop for a second in admiration because it's that clear




    case back shot, T misaligned but not as bad as a static picture shows.. it really depends on the angle you view it, but no question the T got drunk :bicycle:


    I mentioned above how the watch "catches fire"... here's some shots I hope shows some of it.. it just traps it and the watch becomes enhanced.. almost highlighted really.. in natural conditions.. this watch excels

    the Hscrew is kinda rainbowish because it's reflecting the television above the watch -.- lol yes the screws are polished




    ultimately.. this watch *EXCELS* in natural condition.. it's beautiful without being pretentious.. for the life of me.. I couldn't capture the Polish on the Ceramic.. it's a shame because these pics I've taken honest to god, doesn't compare to the watch.. there's a certain synergy with the entire thing that can't be captured with pictures.. *specially* with the polished ceramic which is close to a mirror sheen, anyhows these next shots I call unfiltered.. basically just the watch and me trying to capture it naturally


    natural shot with a slow-sync flash


    I'll post a follow-up later on my thoughts overall on the HBB, the pros the cons what I want to hopefully come, etc etc :whistling:

    anyhows, I hope you all like the pics ^^

  12. Remove all the screw around the bezel (you can do it with a springbar remover)

    Put a very little of loctite this is important as you cannot tighten the screw there are too much thin and they can break if you tighten to much

    As soon as you have put loctite, gently tighten (NOT TOO MUCH!!!) your screws

    And you won't lose anymore your screws


    thank you so much for that tip regarding the springbar remover.. I'll try it later and see if it works on the H-shaped screws! lol and here i was wondering where the hell to get an H-screwdriver


    also, does anyone have a specific loctite edition in mind? i did a quick amazon search and came with a lot of hits -.- anyone got a link for what to use?


  13. Is it me, Kruzer00, but are Hublots the next big thing? Are they going to overtake the Panerai in terms of "must-haveness" for many rep collectors?

    You yourself intimated that Panerais were the jumping off point when the rep industry took on a new, improved character, and I wonder if the same will be true of Hublot. I only say this because in the three other forums I visited this weekend, all I heard were members hoping to buy an HBB, by selling this or that piece of theirs.

    I honestly don't think that the HBB is the "next big thing".. but rather, more and more we as the consumers are coming to a realization that even in this world.. "quality" beats quantity

    yes I know all the flaws of the HBB but it's still a quality piece.. and when people say they're selling their other reps to get an HBB/etc, it's simply them saying what I've been saying all along..

    I'd rather spend my money on watches I know I would enjoy and be proud wearing.. than buying 6-7+ reps, 1 or 2 of which get wrist-time.. the truth of the matter is the HBB isn't much more expensive than some of the AP's or the Breitling's or PAM's out there.. so people start seeing it.. looking at the 6-7 reps they have they don't wear and wonder what's the point of having so many that doesn't even get worn :X then they start thinking of how much they've spent on these pieces and then the regret comes of not goin for that 1 piece they'd really like


  14. From Paul?? Good luck...

    Seriously, though, it's the best version I could find (did you see the correctly-placed date, and Hublot-type screws?), and was a steal at $119, no shipping.

    But at this moment, mes amis, I cannot recommend Paul anymore. He's a more than usually bad drop-shipper, than the rest.

    nah, from one of the best dealers around although lately he's been pretty silent.. (probably because he has so many projects going on)

    but I'll post it once I get it which should be hopefully soon :bicycle:

  15. FRIDAY

    My new fantasy HBB in yellow gold/black, with non-working chronos, and faux subdials, minus the 6-o'clock 24-hour dial. I got it from Paul in the same order as the crapola PAM 199 (he's ignoring my emails asking for redress, so if you want this, do it at your own risk -- I mean, more than usual).

    Let me tell you, it looks great. It doesn't have real ceramic, and the gold may look a bit dodgy very up-close, but within hours of putting it on, I've had two compliments at Starbucks and from one of my neighbours. I'm still a Pannie girl, though!

    that's the Big Bang effect, it's entirely enthralling and people just can't help themselves! ^^

    LOL@non-working chronos and faux subdials... DAMN , total tell! :p

    still... HBB :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    -gettins jealous and impatient cuz his HBB ain't here yet- :wounded1:

  16. you will love it!! i am a huge fan of the hbb, although these do come with one problem.....youre other watches will not get any wrist time. also, be sure you dont stare at it while youre driving like i do....almost got into a couple accidents!!

    I just wish we had the option of having the dynamic contrasting bracelets.. with the rubber/polished hybrid

    that imo really puts together the HBB :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  17. great choice!! i also have the ceramic bezel and i have the ss hbb too...by far my favorite watches. you will now find it hard to wear anything else, but you big bang. wear it well.

    -joining the HBB club soon-

    got the latest Rose Ceramic Sexmachine from Angus :bicycle:

    -impatiently waiting-

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