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Posts posted by TomRiddle

  1. Ooh, interesting. I'm guessing since you're in the EU, By-Tor, it behooves you to buy it from PT. Stupid Customs. :(

    YAY! I was hoping someone might comment on the quality, since my boyfriend is worth it, but USD 288 is still pricey if it would have serious flaws. I'm sure this is one of those "where can I get a Sub?" questions, but does no one have hesitations about the Asian movement?

    Okay, it's the New Asian Valjoux 7750, and I still don't know about movements, but ETA would've been nice...

    I thought you were going to slow down? :whistling: kidding kiddin!

    gotta admit this is tempting.. but it's a TAG -.- i hope it has AR... right now i'm kinda hunting for a SS watch that has AR that has high-polish on it :X lol

  2. not rly a watch shot, but the UPO is on the background..


    i gotta take more shots of my UPO now that my digicam is back working again .. haven't really taken any shots since my cam was decomissioned when i first got the watch :thumbdown:

    UPO black bezel orange numerals on a sexy chocolate brown DeBeer Baby Crocodile strap :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    (I originally ordered the UPO with the black calf leather with orange stitching but switched it replicating the genuine more.. black bez-orange number-chocolate brown croc strap = sexy


  3. OK, drum roll please... I am on my way to pick up my UPO. The watchmaker has installed the Gen dial and Crystal. He further pressure tested the watch while doing this and has it sealed. He stated that the dial was a direct fit, and that the crystal was also. I havent responded with the part numbers because I did not actually place the order, but Im sure I will have them here shortly.

    SO, off to pick it up!!!

    I will get some pics up later tonight or tomorrow.

    posts pics and impressions please, i think we all waiting to hear what's the 411 on these crystals..

    do they have a stronger/better AR coating than the rep ones...?

  4. Well I want to say, your probably one of the few who took the time to actually read and try to understand this movement. Thanks for the feedback on the posts I did up, I am glad you found them useful.

    Indeed you did read my information correctly, and the answer is YES, the least wear overall on the movement is with the chrono in the ON position, for the exact reasons you quoted.

    In summary, with the Chrono OFF, everything except for the 12 hour wheel is turning (I dont' include the chrono seconds or 30 minute counter, as they have no wear when running...) so when you turn the chrono ON, you release the 12 hour wheel and the clutch is not wearing out anymore...

    I leave mine ON all the time...

    If you ever send a watch my way for service, I'll make sure to add an extra drop of oil for having actually read my 7750 posts :)

    Great stuff


    lol thanks for the reply, yea it's no big thing, like i said.. i'm an info-seeker -.- my mind tries to process a ton of it so i can make more effective informed decisions (one such was paying the ridiculously high price for the HBB which I didn't even want to support)

    :p glad to see i understood even a little, lol.. and if i ever send a watch for service, it'll prolly be the HBB but i'm hoping not to cross that bridge for a while ^^ thank you


  5. something happened today that has not happened to me before... I was wearing a long dress shirt today and was wearing my HBB for the first time.. maybe I'm conscious of the bling it has so I, who usually roll up my sleeve, did not all day..

    basically.. 3 people saw my watch.. and every single one has complimented on it.. one asked me what watch it was at which point I even pronounced it properly for her.. another said it looked sharp.. and of course my favorite, the lovely PA who threw out the best compliment I've ever gotten on a watch.. mostly because of how sincere it was

    she basically stopped as she was leaving, turned, smiled and said, "I love your watch"

    it completely made my day and is the best compliment i've ever received besides "You smell good" every now and then or "what's your cologne?"

  6. Hehe. Not selling the T3, which I've wanted to have for either my boyfriend or father for a while. It just doesn't look right on me, though I did wear it around to the bank, yesterday.

    Ever since I saw Die Hard 4, where the baddie wears a beautiful AP T3, I have wanted it. Happens like that all the time with me, and movies. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    P.S.: Don't worry. Slowing down MASSIVELY starting today. Didn't go to PayPal today at all...except in the morning...where I placed my last 8 orders...really, scout's honour...help.

    :p well im saying, if they don't like it, lol let me know :winkiss:

    lol and still, get a better shot of it please i want to see how it looks close-up :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    remember.. part of the fun of the world of reps is seeing people's creativities... let your imagination be aroused and let your wallet cool down a bit :p

    at least for me, das what i like to tell myself even though i'm fighting a bad bad urge to get another watch :thumbdown: a really, really, bad urge .. LOL

  7. Received Gen dial and crystal today. Off to the watchmaker for installation.


    Omega Sapphire Crystal 062SB3063



    Omega Anti-Reflective Sapphire Crystal



    I'm confused.. one says Sapphire Crystal, another says Omega AR Sapphire Crystal..

    which one fits the UPO? what did you order calsbadrolex?

    any other omega experts want to chime in? :X which one's the real one with heavy AR/double AR?

    EDIT: by Nanuq to change http to hxxp per request. 21:22AST

  8. I agree...

    I have not seen the other models, but I suspect all the parts are basically the same.

    I have not seen these in person, so I can't comment on the quality...


    The Zigmeister, I need your help.. this is how much information I've been digesting before purchasing this watch.. I actually read thru and tried to understand ALL THREE PARTS of the movement breakdown







    now.. from the confusion that was my mind.. :black_eye: here's one simple question and all I need is a yes or no

    The least wear and tear on the basic movement, is actually with the chronograph running.. (big seconds), right? right? :wounded1:

    the reason i ask is that for pt3, your "Questions" is

    Running the chronograph will:

    1) wear out the second’s gear and tilting pinion

    2) load down and slow down the basic movement

    3) cause my watch to break sooner

    which is basically all bad, BUT on pt2.. your Question was

    What position(s) of the chronograph are the most likely to cause the most wear to the 12 hour wheel and clutch, and what position has the most drag or friction on the basic movement:

    Your choices are:

    1. Chrono in the OFF position

    2. Chrono in the the ON or Running position

    3. Chrono in the STOPPED position

    which the answer was 1 & 2 which basically says the best is having the Chrono running..

    anyhows I just need confirmation, I'm keeping my chrono running but some posters believe/think that keeping it off is best..


    Very good post and very good photos

    I have a question for you

    I love HBB rosegold but I have seen gold reps whit black dial 8as Daytona) and they have a defect, dial Gen is matt but in rep is very clear.

    Dial of gen HBB is very matt because is in carbonium. Has Your rep a dial so similar to gen? And hands are very similar ?

    The Zigmeister in a post to day claim that HBB is not good. What do you think about it ?

    Thanks for answer

    the outside presentation of the HBB is flawless, the inner engine sucks

    is it worth it?

    every person answers that for themselves

    but keep this in mind, the recent price-hike is due to the demand of HBB's.. it's a blatant milking of $$

    if this happened before i got my HBB, no I would not buy one now

    but I already had mine

    ultimately, is it worth it? each person answers that for themselves..

  10. The Zigmeister

    you are very good, the collector desire to see theses post in RWG, whit great expert valutation.

    I have 2 questions for you

    1) rose gold HBB has identical defects of stainless ?

    the HBB's are all cosmetic differences, the innards are one would assume, the same

  11. just had one.. today was my first day wearing my new HBB

    so I'm wearing a long sleeve dress shirt, I work in the hospital and this P.A. was requesting some medical charts and she asked for my extension.. in the process of writing it down my sleeves shift and stuff and the HBB showed so after I gave her my extension and whatnot before she left she smiles at me and goes

    "I love your watch."

    and she meant it too.. I could tell from the way she said it ^^

    this made my day, getting a compliment from a hot girl.. yea, I'm all smiles right about now :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  12. i mean, it doesn't have to be double-sided AR... even just ar on the underside is ok as long as it is strong enough..

    mnho, i think AR is becoming a necessity these days as reps are becoming more complex dial-face wise...

    I made this thread because I was on the edge of getting the IWC Exupery but upon doing my 'research'.. nearly everyone complained of the non-existant AR on it :(

    that's what had me thinking... everyone's favorite watch has one thing in common.. really really good AR and i think it's becoming a necessity now as we go forward... the reps like FM's, montblanc's, AP's, IWC Diver's, Breitling's, etc...

    I think lack of AR or weak AR hurts the overall presentation of the watch.. and like I said... in reality

    no one's gonna point out your watch and go, "man that's a fake look at how clear that crystal is! the genuine doesn't have AR"

    it's more like they're actually fooled that it is a genuine because of the watches' presentation..

  13. how often do you see, "if only that had.."

    basically, I know some people try to pass off reps as gens and thus if the gen doesn't have AR, the rep shouldn't as well.. but honestly speaking.. in reality, isn't the effect the opposite? people see a watch with great AR (HBB, SFSO, etc) and are convinced it is the gen BECAUSE of how marvelous it looks..? Nobody ever says, "wow that is a fake cuz the real one ain't that clear" .. more than anything most if not all comments from people convinced you're wearing a gen is because of the quality of the crystal..

    case in point, the IWC Exup's.. the reviews have been downright :thumbdown: mostly due to the lack of AR.. even though the gen doesn't have AR or has a weak AR as well.. it doesn't seem to matter.. this watch would've benefited STRONGLY from great AR.. seriously, the only thing holding me back from purchasing this bad boy is the supposed lack of AR :wounded1:

    are we at a point in reps now because of the watches and how they look that double AR is simply mandatory? imagine the FM's, AP's, MontBlanc's, VC's, etc etc etc which would look doubly much better with really strong AR

    ...anyhows my question to you all: Are things at a point now where double AR or strong AR is mandatory to be applied to the reps?

    what do you think?

  14. there's already a thread about this, should combine them both

    but yea, this is a blatant milking of the recent surge of HBB demand..

    it wasn't like this for the 'Black Magic'

    ...but with the recent RG/CER edition and that other 'Tulga' thing.. they've hit on the proper combination to seduce the masses

    and yes that is exactly what is happening, people are being seduced because it is a deadly combination...

    Polished Ceramic + high reflective finish (SS or RG)

    ...I've aleady posted my thoughts on this but like I said.. it's a blatant milking of the demand.. as for the actual watch when people say "i don't get it" or "i don't understand" or "why has it won design awards"

    ...the answer is this as I said on a thread I made


    and let me quote myself :bicycle:

    "first off let me say.. the HBB has won design awards and whatnot and I can see why.. it's not because of their propaganda about fusion of materials.. the genius in the design is the combination of textures..

    brushed, polished, ceramic, steel, smooth sleek lines and unforgiving sharp cut angles lead to an imnho, flawless presentation"

    the masses are being seduced and damnit they milking the price ... das the only reason/logic/justification i see for this price hike/bump

    least i got mine already :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  15. This week will be my Sub, Picture shows Why NOT to play Wii while wearing your watch....It cuts into the back of your hand. :black_eye:


    is that real? :bicycle:

    :p sorry, everytime i see a Rollie I feel like askin that question, lol ^^

    and ouch on the cut, lol put the wii down get a ps3 ;P

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