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Everything posted by mikellem

  1. Prsist, You better do some more homework as you are all wet! Please don't waste anymore time on this.... MM
  2. Freddy...What are the current flaws?
  3. Thanks Lani... Your love for our forum is in full bloom (like always) Thanks again for all your hard work to help people realize that we have re-occurring bills every month to keep this place open like you mentioned... If you haven't upgraded....Please do and get a free ticket~ You will not regret it... The cost is very nominal and we all need to help support our second home... I just purchased 3 tickets to help support our spectacular forum. Any other Platinum members want to join me? I know times are tough and money is tight.... If I can afford 3 tickets...I am sure other members can also... Thanks guys... And Thanks Lani... MM
  4. Hey Sttranger.. Glad to see your back! Cheers.. MM
  5. mikellem

    i am back

    Welcome back T, I know you will see better days very soon~! MM
  6. I agree wth my boss here! Good call Mike.. MM
  7. Very impressive tutorial... Thanks again mate... I knew I missed you for a reason MM
  8. I agree Ken. Very sad. I also think they just might be jealous of our wonderful BT ? BT, You sure do not deserve this.... MM
  9. CBR, Glad to see you stop in! Hopefully after you get situated you will be back again.. Cheers, MM
  10. Congrats Dems, This is the only way to fly here at RWG... Thanks for stepping out, you are greatly appreciated here! Cheers, MM
  11. Happy Birthday "Shundi"... You are a wonderful asset to our community! Thanks for all your contributions... Cheers... MM
  12. Congrats T, The day a child is born has to be one of the happiest days of ones life... Enjoy my friend... MM
  13. Speechless... Thanks Rob.. MM
  14. Good to see you Viennawatch.. Long time no see.. Glad you are back my friend.. Lot's of good stuff.. MM
  15. Nice Stuff my friend... I would love to see more! MM
  16. Thanks for the heads up Tribal, I always respect your opinion.. And yes, I am waiting...
  17. All the imfo you will ever need is here, Right Here... Use the search button and you will have a ball... Enjoy your stay... MM
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