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Posts posted by Fidestro

  1. I am waiting on my 3717 to arrive and decided that I need an Ingy as well. I read SD4k's excellent review and must have one. I see where some dealers have the standard Ingy and some have double AR versions. Are they the same watch other than the AR? I know on the 3717 when they added AR on the V2 they also screwed up the dial. Reference dealers if need be.

  2. i don't get into the political crap anymore on the forums.

    I will just simply say, just about everyone that commented was wrong and i highly recommend that right wingers start listening to something other than Fox news and Rush limbaugh, you may wake up to realize your not living in the same america as the rest of us.

    if you didn't think a black person would have any issues becoming president, you don't understand the nature of the mindset of the US.

    all of what i say is independently verifiable 1. read polling related to obama, does not match rhetoric of the right. 2. read the reactions to those who have been around and have tremendous perspective and you will understand the significance of a black president.

    Corgi man, you aren't even on planet earth with your views - he didn't get elected cause he was a celebrity - -although he is a celebrity because he got elected. You will be amazed to find out, that he is nothing like the character that the right have concocted.

    in 2004, the country was with bush, many liberals couldn't understand, the country is now with obama, many conservatives just won't understand.

    no matter what and no matter where you are in the world, you all need him to succeed - or were all in deep [censored]

    How convenient for you to start this thread with a post that is almost useless and then call everyone wrong for responding.

    This argument is what you should have started with, now you just started addressing the issues. You should have lead with this type of post instead of the racist drivel you started with. Also, you can't get much more conservative than a morman!

    You are right, we need him to succeed. We need him working on the issues, not the race card. The US would be a much better place if we worried about the issues instead of the color.

    By the way, I voted for him.

  3. Yea, seriously. Give me a purple president if he or she is THE most qualified to lead.... And here we have Obama unable to even recite the oath of office coherently without a teleprompter. Just sayin' ;)

    And it seemed the only people making race an issue in this election are/were the Obama campaign officials and/or supporters.

    Yeah, I can't believe he flubbed his lines swearing in. I know he is under a lot of pressure and all but come on! Listen and repeat!

  4. My grandfather is the one who got me into watches. He gave me a cheap gold watch with a digital display that looked like analog hands. He got it free in the mail with some magazine subscription or something. Sadly I don't know where it went but if I still had it, that would be my most treasured watch, worth more to me than any rep or gen I own.

    Cheers for getting him started at a young age.

  5. My god... I just watched that... shoot me please...

    Protools does this about 20x better at 20x the price.

    Its not a BAD idea... but the advertisement for it is terrible.

    I blame Protools for shitification of music today. ProTools is responsible for the release of "music" that should have never seen the light of day making it big. Paris Hilton had an album due to PT for christ sakes. I am a big fan of going to concerts and you can tell which bands are good in the studio and which ones phone it in on PT. I miss the days when bands went in and put [censored] on tape and then performed it the exact same live. Compare the bands that recorded on tape (Beatles, Black Sabbath, Led Zep, etc.) to what we have today, I don't think Protools was a development that helped so much as an aid to [censored] music. I can't wait to see what my kids will listen too with a generation brought up using this Microsoft thing to record albums.

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