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Posts posted by Fidestro

  1. That's CRAZY!! No time?? Did you get free shipping or was it considered unusual weather so no freebie?

    Weather was fine as it was a bright summer day, I guess he was just busy that day.

    The worst part about it is that they actually don't HAVE to attempt to deliver a package on a given day unless you purchase something with a speficied date, like "Next Day Air." Standard FedEx, UPS ground, etc. delivery dates are flexible. I have tracked many a package and the date changes and says "rescheduled" and FedEx has had other items on the truck driving around town and never made a stop at my house. When I check the tracking at the end of those days it says something like delivery attempt not made, delivery rescheduled, etc. This time of year I am always concerned that they would leave my package on the truck and my item would be subjected to extreme cold.

    They probably get tired of seeing me though, I get a lot of deliveries. The UPS guy knows me well enough that I was eating a sandwich in a resturant and he walked in with the stuff for the resturant and a package for me as well. He also recognized my car and saw me sitting in the window so I got handed a watch while enjoying a meal.

  2. Not having read the whole article, was it only 8 embryos implanted? If so, I thought that was standard practice because of the low rate of them actually attaching and so if 8 are implanted, there is only a 20% chance or something low like that that any will actually take? Having said all this, if she is single, living at home, with 6 kids already, there is no way this should ever have taken place in the first place.

    It is my understanding that the most that they usually do is 6 at one pass.

    I did read where once they discovered that all eight kids were going to come out they tried talking her into aborting some of the children to keep from having complications or loss at birth. She declined as she did not want to make that choice. But apparently making your family a circus, that choice is fine.

  3. I once got RSI waiting for a Richard Mille.

    Then it arrived and I wondered why I had got into such a state. :huh:


    I drove myself batshit crazy over a gen Monaco. Shipped FedEx, I know the local FedEx driver really well. Waited and waited and waited. Finally on a Friday it said "On FedEx truck out for delivery." I took a long lunch so I would not miss it at the house. Called my brother over and had him wait on the FedEx guy for me while I went back to work. Got off work, stormed in the door. No watch. No FedEx driver ever came. Called work to make sure he did not leave it there. No watch. Called the 800 number and asked if they could reschedule delivery, nope, can't do it. He was already on his way back to the dispatch office. I decided no way in hell was I going to wait until Monday on my new purchase with that much money wrapped up in it. I went out to the car and drove the 40-some miles to the FedEx center where the driver operates out of to pick my package up. I beat the bastard back there! I got in and they said he was not back and that I could wait. Sat in the lobby for 20 minutes, he finally pulls in and walked my box directly out to me. He recognized my car in the lot and grabbed the box out of his truck first thing, told me he did not have time to stop by my house.

    After all that I got my watch. And it was damn well worth it!

  4. So Obama has attempted to appoint two people to his cabinet who owed large amounts of back taxes. Once got in, the other got the boot. The one that was confirmed was the one who will be in charge of, hmm, THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT!

    On top of that he has another person involved in his circle of influence who had similar issues, although for less money.


    Willie Nelson got the book thrown at him for tax reasons, one of the Isley brothers is in the slammer for tax evasion. Moral of the story is don't sing and steal, vote and steal!

  5. Sennheiser are good but they don't make a lot of their own stuff. I picked up a pair of Sennheisers last year and then found out you could buy the exact same set branded under Creative Labs instead of Sennheiser for under half the price. I don't remember the model numbers off the top of my head.

    I just picked up a set of Shure headphones for 60 bucks, marked down from 150. I have not tried them out to comment on the sound quality.

  6. Well it gets even weirder in that she now claims to have done it for the money and the chance to get her own TV show on childcare.

    The talking heads (Oprah, Katie and Diane Sawyer) are already jockeying and tossing in millions to get the interview.

    A clear indication that the wheels are coming off the bus of our culture

    They were well off before that. I read an article a few months back about some show, I think it is called John and Kate Plus Eight, about a husband and wife and their eight children. The article focused on how unhealthy it was for these kids to grow up in the spotlight and how previous shows have produced children with a plethora of problems. I mean think about your childhood and how hard some [censored] was to go through by yourself, then imagine that everyone you would ever meet could possibly know about it all. Too weird.

    I suppose things like this reflect my distaste for reality television, which anymore means that I don't watch television at all. There is a reality outside right now folks, and it is strange and scary enough that I don't need the TV version thank you very much.

  7. Doesn't bother me one bit, as long as it costs the taxpayer $0. Unfortunately, though, it looks like this crazy broad is going to cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands at a minimum.

    Here's a great analysis: http://market-ticker.denninger.net/archive...Up-Against.html

    You also need to take into account that the chances of any of these kids are going to grow up to be well adjusted members of society. A kid, with 13 brothers and sisters, born into this well publicized circus of a family without a father figure had almost no chance to make it in the world. Eventually one of them will cost us something when they end up in the slammer.

    I am not knocking those of you from large families or those of you who grew up without a mother or father, but it is important for a child to have a support structure, and this lady obviously does not cut it.

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