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Everything posted by ekhunter

  1. I've been very fortunate with mine. My current one has some minor health problems with heat spots and his anal glands, but all in all, no hip problems or anything like that. He is a large frame dog that weighs just over 100 pounds. His mother came from Germany, so maybe it helped getting some new blood over here in America. I talked to a neighbor one day who has a German Shepherd, and he says he got his from the Czech Republic, and swears by that bloodline. All of mine have been gentle giant house pets, and I got my first one when I was less than a year old. Every photo of me over these past, fast, 41 years, usually has one of my beloved Sheperds in them. I can't think of a more loyal breed out there, and of course, I'm not biased here.
  2. I have an 11 year old German Shepherd named Poco Oso.. I've had 8 German Shepherds over my life span, three at one time. IMHO, thier is no greater breed! They get a bad rap for being aggresive dogs, but all of mine were better with kids than my parents psychotic Toy Poodles.
  3. This episode ran locally during the World Cup. Really funny!
  4. Didn't J. Lo and Bennifer win Academy awards for that one? That movie has to be the worst movie ever made! I watched for 20 minutes and feel asleep. No plot and bad acting, a lethal combo at best!
  5. And still no tips on the Swedish women!
  6. Texas Metal Band in the 80's was the clue I needed. Pretty sure it was Phil then, but if it wasn't, I would have been fried. Pantera, now that's a band that has seen some tragedy! It's a shame!
  7. Phil Anselmo of Pantera!
  8. I've drawn a blank. It's not Stanton Moore (too easy and odd), so you got to throw me a frigging bone here, Alcohol is taking it's toll on the brain, and it doesn't quite work like it use to.
  9. I'm so disappointed that no one metioned two all time greats in "Behind the Green Door"' and "Debbie Does Dallas". I guess I'm the only real movie critic here that enjoys, how can I say it, butter somewhere and a lolipop in my mouth. . Which leads me to another classic in "Boogie Nights".
  10. When you say someone that is a very popular metal guy, I'm assuming that you mean someone more mainstream, and not some of the local guys from Goatwhore, Acid Bath, or Eyehategod? No one sucks Better than Ezra! So I'm stumped, how about another hint!
  11. Are you a Motorhead fan? Now that's Metal! So, maybe we should start another thread about Top Metal Bands. I think we may have done this a long time ago. Maybe it's time again!
  12. It might have been their downfall by some, but it made more money for Metallica than they had made to date. Their Motorhead like heavy metal sound is great, but the so-called Black Album if made by anyone else, would be worshipped like AC/DC's Back in Black album that is a metal classic. It just wasn't very Metallica like, however, they were flexible, and it was a great album that veered them a little away from their heavy heavy metal sound. I think it made them more mainstream and brought their music to a larger audience, which subsequently got more converts to Metallica and ultimately sold more of their other albums. Finally, it made Metallica a household name. I'm sure they are very happy for that album now, for they have mouths to feed, and that album kicks ass and still sells well. Metallica will always Rock! I just hope my daughter grows up to be a Headbanger one day and not listen to that Rap Crap that all of the kids are listening to these days. Metal will always rule in my house! I married a Headbanger.
  13. No spelling mistake! Oh!, and I almost forgot another movie classic. (On Golden Blonde)
  14. I know a lot of die hards still think of the 'Black Album' was a sellout by the band, but that album kicks ass! I was listening this morning to 'Enter Sandman', I never thought I would think of Metallica twice today. Thanks!
  15. Hard to beat SCARFACE with Al Pacino as my top movie. Any sphaghetti western with Clint Eastwood is great on a sunday afternoon. COOL HAND LUKE is a classic too. And if your really drunk, WEDDING CRASHERS or OLD SCHOOL are pretty funny. But no list would be complete without THE SOPORNOS.
  16. I'm curious what are the women like and why didn't anyone give him any tips on the Swedish women. I mean, the guy is obviously going to try, throw the man a bone, no pun intended. Do the Swedish women prefer what American girls prefer most, that the man have lots of money to spend on them? Money gets Bill Gates laid. That's saying something, but he has lots and lots of money. The Southern girls in the U.S. are still sometimes old fashioned, they want doors opened up for them, want the man to stand when the girls sit down or leave a table. Some modern women take offense, but most think it is polite. So what do Swedish girls like?
  17. You're definately right about a lack of new ideas. I thought the third party idea really had a chance when the 'little general' Ross Perot was going to fund it years ago, but when he decided to be the party's representative for President , I think it lost a lot of momentum. It's a shame we(Americans) keep electing these same people over and over. Big money in the campaign war chest have a lot to do with that, but remember Jesse Ventura. He did it with little money, and a lot of people didn't take him seriously, but he had a lot of great ideas, and actually wasn't that bad of a Governor. I guess corruption is just a way of life here in Louisiana, but I notice it is a big problem everywhere, it's just who's getting caught or not. We have an ex-Governor in prison, the last three Insurance Commissioners have gone to prison, and probably soon, our most corrupt congressman--U.S. Rep. William Jefferson. The people unfortunately keep voting these bozos in. I'm not a fan of the two party system, but the money in this country is. Unfortunately, this country that we live in reminds me so much of the Roman Empire in it's waning days. Hopefully it won't end the same, but I'm not so sure.
  18. It goes back to what I said before, same old faces. We need new blood to run for office, businessmen, bankers, hippies, I don't care, anything is better than what we have every four years that runs for President. I'm sick of the politicians hopping from one office to another. I jokingly said Ron Jeremy for President in an earlier thread, but he might actually be more qualified than half of these assholes. Al Gore is a power hungry [censored], just like all of the rest of them (including GWB). Career politicians are just that, not statesmen, not people that really care about the public, just big egos looking to fulfill their pockets and ambitious dreams on the public dime. We voted in term limits in Louisiana (much to the chagrin of the politicians) and now they are trying to circumvent that left and right. We now have all of these term limited Senators running for everthing from Insurance Commissioner to Dog Catcher. They just can't walk away from the power and corruption. It's their nature, they just can't help it. Our politicians can get caught on tape taking bribes, extorting money, and still get reelected. I guess Louisiana is the worse when it comes to corruption, but nationally, they aren't that much better. Like the Abramhoff scandel, just follow the money! It's sickening! to the same old same old. Retreads, that's all we get!
  19. Rehaut! Damn Rehaut! Where has WatchFinder71 been? He's always talking about the damn rehaut.
  20. Colston was definately a Sleeper. I wish I had him! I went into last nights game 6 points up, and the guy had Warrick Dunn still to go, and I was kind of sweating bullets, but, how Sweet it is! The Saints shut him down and made me 3-0 in my league. Made the game even better, if that's possible!
  21. Just had lunch with a friend that went to the game last night, and he said it was loudest game he's ever been to. He said people screamed the whole time. It was a lot of energy in the air with a lot of pent up frustration being released. The City, State, and Team needed the win. I had goose bumps just watching it on TV. It was kind of sad seeing one of the greatest Saints getting booed, in Morton Anderson, but that's the game. Made me think of a old cheer from the Bobby Hebert and Dalton Hilliard days. WHO DAT TALKIN ABOUT GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS! WHO DAT! WHO DAT! GO SAINTS!
  22. To want to be President... you'd have to be insane or a megalomaniac. Or Both!
  23. True about Mickleson. Looked like he was just going through the motions. I've never had the fortune of playing in the U.K., which is a dream of mine, but I have played in Germany before, and I really liked it. The holes weren't very long, but narrow, with trouble and brutal rough. I wish more PGA events were like that, and like the U.S. Open. The Tour needs to be tough like that. Maybe more Euro's would play the Tour then. Way too much emphasis in the U.S. on hitting it long, and not necessarily straight. The two year thing on the U.S. Ryder Cup Team is too long too, they reformatted and tweaked it a bit this year, but not enough. You need to go with who's hot now! Anyway, the Americans have two years to think about it.
  24. I don't know if they(the Europeans) are the best in the world, but they definately play together better than anyone else in the world. I only say that because they tend to struggle on the PGA Tour for wins. No doubt Tiger and Phil are the best in the world, but they really only get up for the fat paychecks. Look at it this way, the American basketball team has the most talent in the world, no doubt, but do they play well together, well let's see, just ask Greece. The Ryder Cup brings out the best in team spirit and pride, and the Europeans have that hands down over the Americans.
  25. Ironic that one of his biggest contributers to his charity is Rupert Murdoch of FOX fame! Americans have been selecting slackers for a long time for President. Most people don't want the skeletons or their dirty laundry aired in a campaign, so a lot of good people don't run. I mean, if you don't have any skeletons in your closet, then have you really lived. I don't think so. We need to shake things up a bit. This next election is going to be worse than the last one. The Republicans leading candidate will probably be John McCain(potential Manchruain candidate) or the Dems leading candidate Hillary Clinton (Vast Right Wing Conspiricy out to get her and her husband). Enough said. Maybe we could get a good independent like Ron Jeremy to run for President with Ginger Lynn Allen as V.P.. Now that would be a sight to see. I honestly don't think they could do any worse than the status quo.
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