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Everything posted by ekhunter

  1. I concur, it smells fishy!
  2. Soon to be Dr. Admin. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Josh has quality Reps. They look great to me!
  4. ekhunter

    Go Bears

    Forget the Bears. GO SAINTS!
  5. It appears that SEC speed just overwhelmed Big 10 ball. Ohio St. looked as if they were in 'slow motion' in the game. Heisman Trophy winner or not, Smith was overwhelmed. Notre Dame said they were tired of hearing about the speed of LSU and the SEC, in general. Well, they have shreads of green from New Orleans to South Bend after that 'ass whopping' they took in the Sugar Bowl. If one doesn't watch SEC ball, then one cannot really grasp the speed of some of the players, especially from the Gators. Congrats to the Gators!
  6. LSU-B.A. in Something Useless(aka: Frat Degree), unless you actually like to discuss the history of History itself.
  7. I've got the a lot of the same hobbies. Cool! Was it Slay who got toosted and did some wild posting during the World Cup? I forget. If so, you don't want to [censored] him off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. You did what???????????????????
  9. When you are in Kona, hopefully the boat will take you near the active volcano at night. Quite a sight to see. The fishing there is second to none. When on Oahu, climbing Diamondhead was fun, and we went to some pass, where the wind just whips through, I think legend had the King sacrificing or killing someone there, pretty awesome too. My wife took the helicopter ride in Maui (Air Maui) and loved that. Truly a paradise. Couldn't imagine living there all of the time, and did I mention the golf, the best in the world. Pearl Harbor is a moving place to visit, especially standing over the Arizona. Have fun on your trip, would be hard not to!
  10. Don't live there, but been there a few times. What island or islands do you plan on visiting?
  11. Poeple really have no comprehension of the true beauty of Alaska until they have seen it first hand. It's been 6 years since I have been there, makes one kind of homesick for the -40 below windchill. Great photos of one of the most beautiful places in the world. I'm envious as a sit here in the 79 degree heat of Louisiana.
  12. I knew somehow that he would add at least one more to his Post Count on his birthday. 40 years old. Damn, that's old! Happy birthday!
  13. Actually cat taste like Coon, or at least that's what I've been told by those who have eaten it. In fact, it taste so much like coon that in order to sell a coon, I heard you need to leave one paw on it to prove it is a coon, and not a cat. Yes, they eat a lot of Racoon around here. See, I live in a Third World Country called Louisiana. My college roommate was from Korea, and he loved to eat dog. Didn't think twice about it. It always made me nervous when he would pet my dog and look at me and smile.
  14. I've seen him wear that one. The article only stated that owned a $25,000.00 Daytona. I always take my watch off when I play. Just can't stand it on my wrist while putting, throws everything out of whack, or at least that's my excuse.
  15. I remember that one. Started with a picture of a Rep and a Pistol. Personally, don't want to go there either. I'll stick with attack dogs and trying to figure out how I can afford a Audemars Pigeut one day, or at least a Rep.
  16. Personally, I think Baseball Sucks! BORING
  17. Had we had gun control laws at the time, then we still would have been a colony today was my point. I could type the next 8 hours about this, and if you want to discuss it further, then start a new thread. You brought guns into this discussion in the first place, a thread about dogs. I suppose you are for gun control, and so am I. But until the time fits the crime, no way I'm giving mine up. Criminals with guns hardly ever do any time. Overcrowding and Liberal Judges. Totally different topic for a new thread also. We see a need, that's our right, like it or not, we have to live with it. Hasn't violent crime risen in the U.K. even with gun control? Another topic also.
  18. Not wishing you any harm, I just wish you could have witnessed it first hand. Might have opened your eyes! Didn't have to shoot anyone. Thank God! I think a German Shepherd and a AK-47 was a pretty good deterrent. Intimidate the Intimidaters! I don't live there(Big Easy) anymore, nor does about 300,000 other people. One cannot fathom the devastation unless witnessing it first hand. Where were our law enforcement officers, oh, many of them were busy looting themselves, helping themselves to Cadillacs and hauling ass, etc. The ones that stayed behind and did their job, my hat goes off to them. Back to attack dogs, the original topic, many a home was not looted because the home owner had a attack dog inside. Most criminals don't want to to go one on one with a Rottweiler, etc.
  19. If we never had the 'right to bear arms', then we would still be an English Colony! By the way, these criminals roaming the streets of New Orleans had baseball bats. The last time I checked, I don't think that we had 'Baseball Bat Control laws'.
  20. Golf Digest just listed, and showed pictures of some of the watches that the PGA Tour players wear. Of course, Tiger wears the Tag Heuer(Professional Golf Watch) for $1,395.00, and Phil wears the Rolex(Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona) at just $25,550.00, but some nice watches are on the wrist of some of the other pros. The most popular being the Maurice Lacroix(Reveil Globe) for $25,300.00, then the Breitling for Bentley for at $6,890.00, and my favorite, the Audemars Piguet(Royal Oak) for a measly $111,900.00. You would think they would just round up to $112K, but that might put it out of someone's price range. I guess they have to do something with all of that money they are winning!
  21. You must live in a fantastic place, but where we live, in a land where criminals have so many rights, and the time never meets the crime, then big guns and attack dogs are a must. This is no Fantasy Island. Reality is a sobering experience. I wish you had been here post-Katrina when bands of hodlums were roaming the streets, kicking in doors, and stealing anything they wanted, not food or water to survive mind you, but jewelry, money, art, etc. , and the police were no where to be found. I'd love it if we didn't need these things to protect our homes, but the reality is, we do.
  22. Agreed. My 100 pound German Shepherd wouldn't hurt anyone, especially a child, and that's even when they pull his ears and tail, but my parents 10 pound Toy Poodle has snapped at more people than I care to remember. Total psycho dog with a nasty disposition. Of course if a Poodle bites you, obviously it wouldn't be as bad as if a German Shepherd bit you, but so much of that goes back to the owner, and how the dog was raised. If it is genetics, and you have a big dog that is vicious, than euthanizing it might be doing it a favor. THe key to it is finding good genetics with a gentle disposition, look at the parents, especially if the purpose of the dog is a house pet. True, some dogs have been breed to fight for generations, but each dog is uniquely individual.
  23. That all sounds fine and dandy, unless you happen to have been one of the "have gots". Why does everyone always have something against the "have gots"? We lost a lot of money in that revolution. So it's O.K. for the "have gots" to now be the "have nots"? Their is some inherently wrong with that mindset, and unfortunately that is the way it worked out for most of the people that fled from Cuba. I agree with you about that gutless, womanizing, weasle of a President JFK. Don't get me started on that myself. Oh well, probably best to stick to watches. Political threads that get off of the beating path of the original topic, usually just spiral down. I do happen to agree with Chicken Manny. Try a Dominican!
  25. The curiousity is killing this Cat! What idea?
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