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Everything posted by ekhunter

  1. Shelby Cobra Mustang Convertable.
  2. My thoughts exactly, I couldn't of said it better. I will miss watching the Sopranos on sunday nights.
  3. Nothing like three days of 'hard time' to get someone's head right. What a joke! It goes back to not what you know, but who you know, or blow, or whatever. The family probably made a large donation for the new Paris Hilton wing of the prison. I can't believe only 3 days, now she will be all over the news talking about doing hard time in the slammer. Someone please shoot me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  4. Good question! Like I said earlier, just venting! I guess in reality I'm still angry that 'A Night in Paris' was so lame, and was an insult to quality porn like the 'Sopornos'. I wasted valuable time watching her run her trap on the video, when she should have been going for more 'money shots'. I'm just very disappointed in this young ladies theatrical performance. Like I said, an insult to good porn. Poor little rich girl, yea right, she looked right into the camera with those glowing green eyes and started babbling, when all of my buddies said the same thing, shut your hole, know your role, and finish the job(literally).. She needs to go on a long hiatus, or let me direct her next film, hell, I might as well even star in it too !
  5. I was watching the news last night, and a feature story was about a wax doll of Paris wearing prison garb. I was hoping with Paris going away for a couple of weeks that the press would give her name a rest. Well, now we hear about her more than ever. She sees herself as a role model, that is a sick joke if you ask me. Rumors are she is writing a book as I type, about her (three week) prison experience. I'm sick and tired of Paris, and I believe most people are too. I love the video from Live Leak where Sarah Silverman talks about Paris going to jail, and the audience goes crazy cheering. Paris said that during her time in the slammer she is going to try to figure out how to make the world a better place. I suggest she use her bed sheet and jump off of the chair, and the world will be a better place. Obviously, I'm no fan, and I'm sick and tired of Paris Hilton. Come to think of it, it would probably make her more famous than ever if she offed herself. Man, would she just goooo away!
  6. The way I improved the pearl, and I use that term lightly, on my rep sub from Josh was to add a small, and I mean small dab of model glue to it. You can still see the lume through it, and it looks a lot better. Just my two cents.
  7. Boy, that never drink cheap booze thing is across the board dead on. The worse two hangovers I've ever had was from Kamchatka Vodka(or as we liked to call it Komingatya) and some Torado tequila(if you can even call it tequila) . I'm sure it had nothing to do with the vast amounts of booze we drank those nights. That was back in the days when Modern Drunkard magazine was our bible. Boy were those the days back then, way back in the good ole days of 2006, it was crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Down South, you can talk to God, Jesus, or if you are from really deep down south, then you can also talk to the baby Jesus. In the spell it like it's sounds category, it's sounds something like this, Da babeee Gesuzzz!
  9. I would think that Jesus wouldn't need a watch to tell time. But hey, that's just me. Enough with this foolishness, which leads me to ask another question along the lines of religion. Do Kings rule by devine right? They sure seem to think so. I've never understood this. Does God talk to them, and appoint them? I mean, strange women lyin in ponds distributin swords is no basis for a system of government. You can't expect to weild supreme executive power just cause some watery tart threw a sword at you. So was it by devine intervention? Something for y'all to chew on today, especially if you are a bored beaurecrat! Have a good day brothers!
  10. These are all no doubt fine sipping tequilas, and I would never think about making a margarita with one of these. But I have to disagree with you about mixing just any cheap ass [censored] tequila(aka: tokillya) to make margaritas. Cheap [censored] like Torado, will kill you! We use Suaza 100% agave at $27 a bottle. The cheap stuff will give you a hangover from hell, where the good stuff gives you a hangover, how do you say, just a few degrees cooler. Have you ever tried Tres Generaciones? Good tequila! I had a friend make us margaritas once with silver patron, and although I personally think it was a waste of an excellent tequila, I have to admit that they were the best margaritas I've ever had!
  11. Golf to me is just an excuse to drink beer and hang out with my buddies on a friday afternoon.
  12. At $40 a bottle, the Silver Patron is hard to beat. I only hope that when I leave this life, I'll at least have a frozen Margarita in my hand at the time!
  13. Sorry. Where does he live then? Do you have an address? That I would like to have.
  14. Thanks, maybe I misspoke there. They (I believe) are out of the U.S., the money is paid to a bank in the U.K., and the owner lives in Canada. Something like that, not sure. Either way, they are crooks and thieves!
  15. BestSwiss Sucks! Pure and simple, and their watches are not of good quality, and once you know what you are looking at, they are not even that close to the real ones.. These guys are scammers, I know becuase I was in your shoes two years ago. I hadn't found the old RWG at the time, and this site was not around, so I went by some B.S. review boards that just happened to be run by the same scammers. Expensive lesson learned. My watch broke after a few weeks, and they never got back to me. I tried to get the Credit Card company involved, but they (BestSwiss) had a round about way around it, being based in Canada, shipping from the U.S., money being sent to the U.K. Nothing ever resolved, just had to bite the bullet. Found the old RWG shortly thereafter, and got educated real fast with the typical noob treatment, that was probably somewhat deserving. I then proceeded to read and read, and now do so on a daily basis here. Learning something new everyday. I would recomend a lot of reading here. No need to go any place else. If you can't learn it here, you're not going to. By the way, several dealers here have much better watches than Bestswiss has anyway. Wish I had known that then, for I would be richer and well, now wiser. Good luck in your future purchases, and please, please, if you are going to buy, read reviews here, ask questions here, or PM me, whatever.. People here are always willing to help.
  16. You appear to be getting very emotional in your words. It's idiots like you that truly believe in Utopia. I wish that was possible, but dream on. Their will always be bad people out there, they will find weapons of some kind, and they will kill. So you need to come back to reality. The world is not a friendly place. Do you actually want Iran to develop a Nuclear weapon with the sole intention of wiping Isreal off of the map. Think Man! You need to quit listening to '"We are the World' and get a clue. I guess you feel you can bully someone and quiten their voice by insulting them with your long vented threads.. Not going to happen. I've always liked reading your post, but you need to get a grip on yourself! I'm not going to apologize to you or anyone else for liking to kill my own food, or wanting to protect my family from criminals. The answer is yes from your earlier thread. The police and government has failed us to some degree. You must be a real animal lover. Maybe you should go try to hug a grizzly bear!!!!!!
  17. You are correct. This is a terrible tragedy. Let's not forget that!!!!!!! The gun control isssue pushes peoples buttons on both sides of the issue and should be discussed elsewhere.. I knew that someone was going to spout off about 'gun control' and the thread would deteriate. We had this discussion(gun control) about a year ago in another thread when someone took a picture of a Replica watch next to a handgun, and it went south real fast. People got mad, feelings were hurt, so on. It was a tragedy what happened at VT. I pray for the families of those that lost loved ones at Virginia Tech. If someone wants to start another thread, then by all means do so. I would prefer to keep religion and politics out of any discussion on this forum because it usually leads to nothing good, just MHO!!!
  18. Where ever you live must be a great place. Where is it, Fantasy Island? Where were the police after a tragedy like Katrina? I'll tell you where, GONE!!!!!!! So now you are saying that the right that I have to kill my own food, rather than go to buy chemically injected food from Wal-Mart should be denied? Give me a break! What happened at VT was tragic, but you shouldn't be blaming the gun, instead, how about the jerk who decided to do this.
  19. In some places in Africa, it's People with Machetes that kill People. Lots of people. Pick your weapon of choice. Killers will find a way to kill you. It's easy to blame the gun, but how about the [censored] that actually pulled the trigger. I've always felt that even though this is the "Off Topic" forum, that stuff like this only divides people on the forum. Just MHO.
  20. I've tried just about all makes of the stuff, and I have to say that the Goose is about the smoothest I've tasted. I prefer mine with a little Red Bull.
  21. The Black Album will always be my favorite current album to me.
  22. This silence is deafening.
  23. Discovery did a show last night basically recapping last season of the 'Deadliest Catch', and interviewing some of the key crabbers on the show. A build up to the season premiere I guess. Can't wait til the new season begins. Already have the Tivo programmed.
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