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Posts posted by Dani

  1. Nice Rob :)

    I think you will do just fine after some lesson, you have the balls to learn have to dance many don't and if you never try to learn then you will never now if you can be a good dancer.

    Good luck and don't break a leg. :p

    Me i have danced since a young age, big MJ fan when i was young :kicking: still is a fan of his music..Who can ever beat his tunes?



  2. i would never expect anything less from you.

    I don't even know how to begin this post so I guess I will just say it.

    I am the person who created the "ghost" members at Klink's new site, RC. Specifically, FakeMaster, LegendofSpeed, Daytona4me, Sub4me, By-Tor, Anubis, and Piratedzeus. At the time I was doing this, it seemed funny. Now I am deeply ashamed of my behavior.

    I had had a very brief and unpleasant interaction with Klink on RWI when I was a new arrival. I have become aware over time of some of the shenanigans that Klink engaged in himself when he was a member with considerable responsibility at RWI. So two days ago when I saw the thread started at RWGjr in which he used a membership created in Cybee's name to post, I became curious about the site and joined. I quickly realized that the vast majority of the content at the site had been copied without permission.

    Somehow in my own mind I used this fact and my own over all impression of Klink to rationalize doing a prank. So I created the fictional Fakemaster personality, posting some of his content to RC, and generally interacting with the site as I thought Fakemaster might. What seemed incredible to me was that when Klink found out that Fakemaster had denied posting on his site, Klink assumed it was a plot to sabotage the site. And those outside the site, almost to a person, assumed Klink was the author of the fake Fakemaster personality. My prank, in my mind, had been a bigger success than I could have imagined.

    At this point I lost control over what might have been funny if I had come clean at that time. Yesterday I created the remaining ghosts - and I found the resulting confusion and accusations and counter accusations entertaining, for the simple reason that Klink's own past conduct had created a situation in which both he suspected many different people of sabotaging him and those same people by and large suspected him of playing strange games on his own site. I made my puppets speak as I thought their genuine counterparts might in reality by sampling some of their posts to get a sense of their posting style. I had Fakemaster post useful information and admiration for the site, LOS express disappointment in the use of content without permission and the ghosting of members, Daytona4me back up LOS, By-Tor ask for his content to be taken down, and Sub4me be generally raucous.

    As I sit here and type this I am ashamed to admit that at this hour yesterday I was watching with great amusement as Klink ran around accusing most of these individuals of being spiteful or ungrateful, or both. I never once stopped to consider what lasting damage this might actually have to existing relationships within the entire replica community. I never stopped and thought about the considerable time and effort that Klink must have put into creating his site. Or the joy and pride that it must have given him.

    Last night before the last of my id's was shut down at RC, I saw a post by Trailboss (who I don't know if I will ever be able to face again, given that he has always been a friend but I feigned ignorance to him about what was happening), replying to a noob question, "Who is Klink." In this reply, among other things, Trailboss posted a picture of Klink. For the first time I saw him as a human being. Undoubtedly a human being with many flaws, much like myself, but a person deserving of a level of respect far above what I was showing him. At this point, my "prank" ceased to be fun. And I looked at the threads running in three forums in a different light. How could the prank be undone? Why hadn't I stopped earlier? Later I read that Klink has been battling cancer and speculation that his mind may have been affected by affected by his treatment. Someone described the sadness of a lonely sick person just trying to hang onto his hobby. At this point I began to feel like a monster.

    And this morning I awoke to find that the site has been taken down.

    I do not know what punishment I deserve but I am sure that it is greater than anything that anyone here can mete out. I deserve and fully expect to be banned from all of the forums.

    Nevertheless, I want the truth to be known. And I want to apologize to everyone. Members whose time I have wasted, the friends who I have disappointed and trust betrayed, the members whose names I appropriated for my own sick fun, and most of all, to Phil. I am so sorry. I read at one of the forums that someone has phone contact with him. Perhaps there are more that can reach him. Please communicate to him the truth and encourage him to put the site back up. If I were to be the cause of the destruction of this person's only joy, I don't know how I could bear it.

    I myself am a sick person as is clear from my conduct. But I have no excuse, no justification, no right to behave as I have.

    To FakeMaster, LegendofSpeed, Daytona4me, Sub4me, By-Tor, Anubis, and Piratedzeus... and all the other people I have been mean to in the past, and to the friends here whose respect I will now have deservedly lost, and most of all to Klink himself, please know that I am deeply, deeply, sorry.


    It's not nice to make fun of special needs kids.

    I don't give a [censored] how many posts one has here or how high one considers himself on the virtual totem pole.

    Being sir postalot does not smooth over bad behavior or give credibility to an indefensible position.

    Anyone who thinks this is funny is disturbed.

    What if it was your kid?

  3. Not all people believe in the right to life for all.

    Some think its a sin/evil act to abort a handicapped child some other will see it as a blessing/good to be able to abort that exact same child.

    Thing is in a forum different people will think different things..

    I do agree that the quote is not a good moral thing to post, i did one time and i regret it and said sorry to any one hurt by it..


  4. Well, actually Chris is not that much more expensive is he? I think the prices at Puretime is $758 or $726 before shipping. Paying a small premium to have a watch inspected is to me worth it. Also, this comes with ceramic bezel!

    I like Chris services. He responds to emails and is a patient guy! He will try to source whatever you need. May not be the fastest but after my own limited experience tells me fastest may not mean the best, in the long run, Chirs could actually be cheaper when yopu consider you may need to send your faulty watch back if bought from other dealerss and wait again. So for me, the dealer for me on this board is Eurotimez and also some local dealers. Having said that, can't wait to get the watch though!

    good service is worth the price.

    great watch post pics when you have it bro :)



  5. Visitors to a 'voodoo-style' website were invited to drop imaginary nails on a computer version of the Interlagos track hoping "he suffers a puncture".

    Ok i em sure this is a serious web site, any good motorsport forums that has racist comments and the users not bein just their to act out their racist believes? and no i dont live under a rock i live under an umbrella. :winkiss: I em just tierd of all the racist talk when ever its a black person is the subject.

    Nicky Hayden is an exception its very rare for a person to win a WC and have so few wins.

  6. Bitter much?

    Consistency, not victories, wins championships.

    Uhh both wins championships.

    Consistency alone don't help much.

    I have never read anywhere any racist comments about Hamilton where all of you read them is beyond me white supremacy F1 forum?, i just love it when its talk about blacks or different skin colour peeps then white the "racist mark" always comes up..

  7. So after you seeing the list, could you find someone who is willing to contact Jakub on behalf of many many RWG members..?

    not a good list when people have to move true 3 pages to get the complete list, but ok no problem you peeps do as you like.

    I will talk to some people tomorrow, i have his info laying around on my gmail account.

  8. So you know people there, but what it the best way to handle this at this moment, according to you?

    Because i do believe that after so many months it is time that someone will talk to him personally to see what is going on...

    I now alot of Polish people but i em not affected in this matter so i like to now more..I have used Jakubs service but never had any problem..

    Why have no mods or admins put together a list of missing items?

    Member name

    Items missing


    Missing since

    /such list will simplify things alot.

  9. I now people in Poland that can get a hold of him but I dont think that is the best way to handel this at this moment.

    But at least all of you should now he will not get away, Poland also has a legal system that works well and all the details he has left should suggest this is not a scam if it is then its a pretty bad one...

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