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Everything posted by cwai02

  1. The rule is that you don't answer religious riddle scientifically. Btw, I would believe Gods are some aliens from trillion lightyears away from earth who just happened to breed the earth as a part time project and eventually abandoned it.
  2. nope, pretty fast here in NYC.
  3. The Prime Minister is in NY, right? Do I get $$$ if I get him?
  4. Religion is always used as a tool by politicians. We ve seen how the God told Bush to invade Iraq, but we all know religion has nothing to do about it.
  5. What a beauty. I love the pearl.
  6. well, it's illegal to eat dogs and cats in Hong Kong, but I don't really care about some people eating them. They are animals. cute, smart, or whatever...
  7. If you are going to change, consider chinese folk religion. With chinese folk religion, I can eat/not eat anything I want. I don't have to spend 1/7 of my life in church. (no offense, just a fact) and the most importantly, I don't have to kill others because they believe in something else. Btw, no gambling, no alcohol, no sex and no meat with Buddhism. Also, no Luxary, i.e. no Watch for you.
  8. Paypal Scam. Common sense. When it's too good to be true...
  9. All I can say is that people are too sensitive.
  10. It's called cost efficiency (check business 101.) It's the same as how McDonald kills chicken for your children's favorite chicken nuggets. You just don't get to see the killing process. Unless you are a vegetarian, otherwise I don't think you have much right to complain about it. Or if you want to pay $50 for chicken nuggets? I am sure they will treat the chicken very nicely and kill them in a more humane way.
  11. Wake up! The world is cruel. The video is disgusting. It looks like a Nanking Massacre in the dolphine's world. But why is it okay to kill and eat cow, pig, chicken... but not dolphins?
  12. My PAM 24A looks great, but I really don't like the weak cyclop and and thin crown.
  13. MBW is the game.
  14. buddhism!
  15. wow...this sucks. But Michael (Hewhoislikewhatever) has been on the old RWG for a long time. Let's act calm and no F words before everything clears. and if he is a scammer, you can find him in New Hamsphire. Btw, that's the main reason why I don't give out George's info when people ask me about MBW.
  16. You should have bought from Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Sony-Cybershot-Digit...TF8&s=photo It's cheaper and no tax. Bestbuy's return policy sucks and I never buy anything from them. Those blue shirt kids are always pushing so hard to force you buying the extended service plan. Btw, you may consider getting a UV filter or Polarizer filter, so you won't scratch the lens of your new camera.
  17. Maybe you can post your question. Anyone can be a doctor if he knows how to utilize google. At least that's what I do when I need some health information. You should be able to find your answer in google.
  18. The myth of 117 = sapphire was busted.
  19. It's easy. The rep doesn't have a serial number.
  20. Then don't. Btw, you never have to worry anything if you have Amex. Btw, It's on the front page of Amex. http://home.americanexpress.com/home/mt_personal.shtml
  21. This is an Amex promotion. I got a few broadway show tickets and lots of movie tickets. The movie tickets are still available. they are supposed to be for NYC only, but the fandango code works nationwide. So if you have an Amex card, claim your movie tickets here: https://www.membershipchangeseverything.com/movies/form.do
  22. Who has the best SD? Sandisk.com j/k MBW 1665 is the best.
  23. How about a PVD fiddy.
  24. Check tripadvisor also try priceline. You can get <$150 per day in the city. Hilton NY at 53rd st should be between $100-$200.
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