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Another question for the computer gurus

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I've played a certain game for 5 years straight, using an additional mod by a user. The file that launches the mod is a EXE file and it has been on use since 2004.

The file is perfectly ok and my system is 100% clean of viruses. But yesterday with the new AntiVIR update it gives this alert:


I know this alert is 100% bogus and the file is perfectly safe. Other users who play this game get this same alert with the newest AntiVIR update as well.

Is there any way to get rid of this crap without disabling the AntiVIR guard... i.e is there a way to mark this certain file as "Trusted"? I haven't found that option from AntiVIR.



You don't have any viruses. It looks like spyware. (A more evil, yet let threatening style of virus) You can get it from all sorts of places, but the most annoying one is things like MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, etc....

Go and get this program. It is a brilliant software program that will remove trojans and spyware.

Another good one is this program called Spy-Bot Search & Destroy


Put your AV into learning mode BT. It will learn the files and programes that you run and will stop the bogus shouts. Just press ignore on that one and it shouldn't come up anymore.

Sixx :bones:


@RedWatch: It's not Spyware, there is a big gaming community that has used that particular file for over 5 years. I'm talking about thousands of users... it's 100% safe file, it's just that the newest AntiVir update keeps giving this idiotic alert every time without any reason. There is probably something in the EXE file structure that it doesn't like.

@nikki: Thanks man. Where can you put it to learning mode? Is that option available with the free version?


Yeah it will be BT, if you go into the setup of the AV, it should give you different levels of protection. One of these will be the level you want with learning mode. It's a really good wee tool, there is nothing worse than a ton of bogus alerts all the time, but you don't want to turn the warnings off incase it's something bad!!

But doing this means you will only be bugged a few times and it will just run in the background from then on.

Sixx :bones:


@nikki: I tried to look but I don't have "SETUP" anywhere. Not even when I go from Programs -> AntiVir.

No setup, just this menu which definitely doesn't have the learning mode.



@ammandel: Yep I have pressed ignore each and every time but the program doesn't remember it and it keeps popping up every time.

@Shundi: I don't have "Exclusions" menu, either. There is no such feature.


There's a simple solution... get Kaspersky antivirus. It absolutely ROCKS. Cheap licenses on Fleabay too.

And no, I don't use it on my servers so forget it, boys. ;)


BT, hope you can find your way through these directions: Run Avira in >>>EXPERT<<< mode, find the dialogue for 'Guard' then find 'Exceptions', enter the FULL path of the problematic program into the exceptions list. i.e. "C:\Windows\System32\Example.exe"

I think maybe you havn't got it running in expert mode, thats why you cant see exceptions.

edit: And you put it in expert mode by going to that 'configuration' button


Yep... great advice guys... but how the hell do I run it in "expert mode"? :D

I only have an option to start it from either the Start -> Program Files -> etc... or then from here:


Maybe none of these features are in the free version? The configuration/option screens don't contain any of these features.

When I click "configure" I get this:



Sorry BT, I think my guide dog spied something shiney and wandered off with me!!

Ammandel's advice is sound, sorry I didn't realise you didn't have the whole menu there. You should be able to tweak the settings once you are in expert mode, just try not to get too exotic!! lol

You said this was a free ware piece of kit? Is it a trial of some kind or is it a piece of software someone has cracked for you? HA mentioned AVG which is really good (NOT AGV which is motorcycle helmets and not the kind of protection you need right now!! Unless of course, like I used too, you get a bit excited while playing games and find yourself on the floor more often than not!!! Then it's the very chap you're after!! lol ) They do a free month trial, you get everything from identity control, ie, there is noway anyone can lift your accounts details etc from your machine, really good firewall and excellent AV and antispyware. Kaspersky is very good too, I haven't used it personally, but had customers who swore by it.

I use Zonealarm on mine, really solid bitof kit, got a cracked copy if you're on the sniff!! ;)

Sixx :bones:


Damn... the expert mode button is on the top left corner... I am blind! :D

Where can I access the exceptions?



Thanks man... but there is no "exceptions" anywhere in the Expert Mode.


Oh, makin fun of the blind now By-Tor huh?!? Last time I help you then!! :p lol

Try using the 'file extensions' option BT

Sixx :bones:

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