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It kinda hit out of nowhere today.. as I never doubt ma brotha from Colorado..

I have to take issue big time with what Ubi said the other day in the shout box..



that one of his New Years resolution was in effect .. to do random acts of kindness..








sorry Brotha...




your already there .. past and present..

so I disagree .. and I think ya need to re-do at least that part of your resolution.. cause that "no count"..

if you think that is not part of your already gracious embodiment then it's gonna take us to tell ya it is and without a doubt.. !!!!..



BIG TIME :band1:



.appreciate all you do :tu:


I agree. A resolution to change means to me that you have to change whatever you resolve. Ubi, you can't use that as a resolution!! you are already one of the nicest, most helpful and sharing folks on the forum. I can speak ferom experience, because I have known ubi from way back on the old TRC forum, and he has helped me lots and lots of times. So my friend, I'm afraid you're going to have to pick another resolution.

Kindest regards



Awwww, shucks, guys :)

I think that sharing, giving and helping is the basis of the community; every day I witness folks helping each other, and I'm just glad to be a part of it.

I myself have been the recipient of many a kind act as well, so it's a pleasure to give back when and where I am able to (both on forum and in every day life).

Let's all keep the good stuff rolling; helping one another is what keeps the good karma perpetuating :)


100% Lani!!! Ubi is a class act and a great member who is always willing to help! We should be so fortunate to have a such a person on this forum!!! :drinks:


LMAO! By the time I read this thread's header on the main page and by the time it took to scan to the right to realize 'lanikai' posted it? I WAS HOT!

Completely fell for it.

Ubi is going to heaven. With an ocean view.


LMAO! By the time I read this thread's header on the main page and by the time it took to scan to the right to realize 'lanikai' posted it? I WAS HOT!

Completely fell for it.

Ubi is going to heaven. With an ocean view.



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