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FYI A new rep friendly watchmaker in the UK..

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This stranger is back again! :)

Just thought I'd tell you guys about a good friend of mine who does all of my complex watch work for me; he is going solo and opening his own fulltime workshop with another friend of his!

He's always been very open to my replicas and facinated by the quality! I was hoping to introduce him to the forum so he can potentially offer similar services of some of our american members to us members here in the UK.

If anyone would like more info when the workshop opens please PM me your email address and I'll be sure to drop you all of the relevant details and I'm sure I can get him to register on the forum :)

I hope this post doesnt infringe on any rules!



Thanks for the PM's :)

He has been a watch maker for many years and he currently works for a well known international watch company, but his intentions are for him and another local watch maker to setup on their own as it is now an extreme niche market and there are no other local watch makers worth their salt (none that I have found anyway).

I should be going to see their new premises on the weekend so I'll come back with more info!


Hi Davey, get a PM together with all the details and pop it off to our Admin or one of our Co-Admins please.



I went to take a look at his new premises today, at the moment there are two of them and they have leased some serviced offices, they have a service center contract for one large watch manufacturer and they are bidding for some more work. They have been doing loads of watch and clock services for local people already, there was an amazing grandfather clock there for a tear and and service plus what must be the smallest mechanical watch movement I've ever seen :|

They are both far to busy at the moment to even talk about working on replicas but he says once he's sorted out a comptuer and internet access at the office he'll be on here.

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