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RFID'S and other scary subjects

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It’s all about control, the control that is exercised by totalitarian states, politicians and kingdoms….the ones who know what is best for us, for our security and our well being, regardless of what freedoms it strips away from us in the process, .the manipulation and control of subjects thru’ subliminal technology and the implementation of control systems…..that condition a populace and determines the paths that the Government wish them to be led down…….and let’s the populace think that it’s their idea and that it’s a “good “ thing for them….!

Some examples of what was, what came to pass and what is still to arrive……there are as in all situations such as this, benefits that will arise, but it’s a double sided coin and where there are benefits there are also disadvantages, some apparent, some not so apparent.

How many of our older members can recall the time when they first left school or college, high school or University…….and one of the primary things you did was open a bank account…….a little deposit account that gave you the opportunity to deposit your £5.00 or withdraw £5.00 whenever you went to the bank……we drew money as we required it……and life was simple……we went in, the bank clerk took our £5.00 and wrote it in the book….and stamped it, it was a nice satisfying feeling, same when you were taking money out……only one problem with it was that the Exchequer ( taxman )…..had no idea of what you were doing with the money once you had taken it out….and the “Taxman” has always been convinced that he is not getting his pound of flesh.

So, one day a letter arrives from the Bank that says….”Dear Mr J. Doe…..as you know, you have held a deposit account with First National Royal Bank, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new and exciting system that will be implemented shortly, unfortunately the old deposit book system was very inefficient and as such we are introducing our new cheque card system, the benefits are many, you will not need to visit your branch…..etc etc……pay instantly by cheque with our guarantee card….etc etc……yadda, yadda, yadda……”

Unfortunately you as the account holder had no choice in whether you wanted to participate…..ipso facto….and now the bank and the Government have a permanent record of how much and where you spend your money…..a paper trail that is recorded and wasn’t before……!

However you can still visit an ATM and withdraw good old folding green, so the taxman still doesn’t have full control of all your spending facility, nor your earning facility, because in any economy where there is a free flow of hard currency, there will always be a black market….allowing the exchange of currency for unregistered and untaxed work…..so once again he feels cheated…..when you pay Jim for changing the clutch on your Camaro…..in folding green for a big discount that doesn’t go thru’ the register.

So the next step, ( agreed at G8 meetings and with approval from virtually all tax agencies in 1st world countries....as well as IMF and World Banks.....)………..once again implemented by your bank is to supplement your cheque facility with an additional beneficial system, the good old credit or debit card……no more writing out cheques and no more paper storage problems of archiving and filtering a paper database……all of your transactions can now be stored via an input device and stored on magneto-optical disks…..not only does this give the Government the benefit of knowing what you are doing with your money, where you are spending it, and also where you are located in any part of the country……..the Government / Banks also conveys the benefits to retailers of how they will be able to tailor their stock situations by discerning the buying habits of populations by demographic.

Once again …..you have no choice over whether you want the credit or debit card……it’s the Banks new system and everybody gets it whether you want it or not……it’s easier for them…..so tough luck…….the fact that the Banks also encourage retailers to adopt the placement of swipe machines and ATM’s on premise also helps to drive along tacit acceptance of the new practices……and of course there are undoubted benefits to the new system as well…..no argument there……but of course you still have choice about whether you use the card or not…….so the taxman is still not happy that he doesn’t have FULL accountability yet…..but it’s a slow inexorable march toward that goal.

So how can it be implemented along with other Government goals about the free movement of individuals and organisations……well one way is to change the existing structures that exist in many countries…..change the currency structure……( this is not as essential in the USA where a single currency already exists…….but eventually when there is a United States of Europe…..currency alignment will follow )…..but in Europe there is a drive towards a single currency…..the Euro……now once you have managed to persuade all the major countries to adopt a single currency…..then it becomes easier to persuade the populace to accept payment in credits rather than hard currency …..and when the Banks and your employer persuade you that it’s best to be paid in credits that you can access with your Mondex card ….then the taxman has full control over all of your spending…..with a single unified currency substitute ….he can monitor all your transactions…..not only that but when everyone is paid in non negotiable credits…….no more BLACK ECONOMY……what you will be left with is a barter system……but the Taxman finally gets more than his pound of flesh….as for the smaller countries that exist outside the hard currency cartel……the World Bank and IMF will by recalling loans and grants persuade them to adopt the same policies…..benefits all round for the manufacturers of electronic credit registering systems…..and information companies……this will also re-inforce the “have….have-not” situations that currently exist……jobs will be more difficult to acquire if you exist outside the system……no more money……Government gains complete control over all citizens……the unemployed, those who live on State Benefits, there will be implementation of self supporting and financing of pension schemes, health schemes, etc etc…..we in the UK are unfamiliar with such systems by virtue of our NHS where the many pay for the unfortunate minority……hospital, health and support systems......but Tony's Magic Island is steadfastly being driven forward to this point also....!

There are many more “think tank” policies which have yet to be implemented, I’ll go into some of those at a later date….( if anyone is interested ).

The next step is how to monitor the movement of the populace….( including, once again the currency replacing credits system…) ….the Government wants to know about the movement of individuals,….not all individuals at this point in time…..just certain individuals…..but given time and the development of ever more sophisticated surveillance methods….both overt and covert….the ability to track individuals and the ability to fast process information will make it entirely possible for the Government to monitor every individual…….face recognition systems…..and the very soon to be introduced RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device )…..which will show very strong market penetration in 2004…( Wal Mart have stipulated to their top 100 suppliers that they must be online with RFID in 2004).

RFID will allow retail product and asset management tracking…(sort of Lo-Jack for all goods in a supermarket )……thru’ the implant of sand grain transmitters that can be tracked as you leave a Supermarket…..if the goods are stolen….it will alert as you go thru the checkout……but silently……you can then be tracked wherever you go by the RFID……now that’s a very good thing….it cuts down on theft……however the same technology will be implanted in “smart cards” such as Visa / Amex / Mondex……that means you can be tracked thru’ the card you have in your hip pocket.

Once you have accepted that…..it’s not too difficult to persuade people that for security reasons…( airport / ATM / driving situations etc etc…)……that it would be better to have an implant that can’t be stolen from you….whenever you go shopping…travel ..you do not have to present a card or money……all the details are contained within the implant that you have in your pectoral or mammary muscle……this card is RAM…..it can be read and written to……updating all your Passport details…..current employment status….Employer Social Security number …..DOB….. Bank details…..medical details…..driving license details….including offences……simply by writing to it at the appropriate terminal……full identification and authentication of you as the card holder being supplemented by a retinal scan which will also be stored on your card as a digital image that the scanner / reader can access and cross reference to your actual retinal scan…!

So how will they implement all of this, …by a slow gradual subliminal process…..the old old method of gradual integration into technologies that already exist and are widely accepted…( it’s amazing how sheep will let themselves be led )….they will also trade on the “fear factor”……that constant nagging “what if” scenario that we all think about from time to time…..what if my Mercedes get jacked…….what if my 42” plasma gets stolen whilst I’m on holiday…..well if it has a Lo Jack type system…….too small to find…..but ever present……then Omni Corp can find it for me……!

Some of you will remember when cellular phones were first introduced…..the only people who could afford them were businessmen……they were too expensive to be anything other than a business tool…..but the manufacturers weren’t going to settle for a saturation point with cellular…..so what did they do next…..after asking themselves “who can we sell to next”?…….simple answer……the wife of the businessman……..”I mean…imagine what could happen if she were to break down on a lonely road home”……we all imagined and bought our wives a cellular…..not only that….but we thought …”what if it’s my 17 year old daughter when she’s out with her friends”……so we bought them one also….( it’s no accident that there are more young girls with cellular phones than young guys)…..although they do talk more…..so the fear factor worked with cellular phones……!

The next step is looming……..”how many older members can remember back to the 60’s or 70’s……ask yourself …..how often did you hear about women walking into a hospital and walking out with new born infants…….it didn’t happen very often……it seems more common nowadays……I often ask myself……”is it entirely possible that a Government could be instigating some of these incidents”…..in order to create a climate of fear amongst parents…..especially young parents who are going to be more sympathetic to the notion of some sort of transmitter that will sound an alert when some “crazy” woman tries to take THEIR baby from the hospital……but the baby is wearing a tag…..so the tag helped to stop the kidnap……..the next step is to overcome initial resistance to implant an RFID in the baby’s heel……because the normal tag worn around the wrist can be cut off……but this new method…..will be more secure……not only that…..but the additional benefit is that when your precious baby reaches the age of 5……..and wandering around your garden…….you can have a proximity monitor that will alert you should she wander out of range……and horror of horrors….should she be abducted…..the authorities will be able to pinpoint where she is in minutes……..!

Once that is accepted …it’s not a far stretch of the imagination to see that it’s going to be easier to implement a full system that can monitor everyone……but it will take a little more psychology to get the lambs to the slaughter……so one of the other ways that Governments will exercise manipulation of the population is thru other technologies……such as your vehicle……all manufacturers will soon be required to fit a transponder in the ECU of your vehicle…….this transponder can be tracked on the motorway….it will show when you enter and exit a motorway (highway)…..that will allow the Revenue authorities to implement highway tolls……with an automated invoicing system sending you out a bill automatically as soon as you leave the highway…and in addition it can also determine time over distance = speed……so they can tell between two points on the motorway if you’ve been speeding or not and issue a fixed penalty notification and fine automatically..…not only that…it will read from your ECU…whether your car is insured at present….taxed for the road……..is roadworthy with a current safety certificate…..also pinpointing where you are within the OS sytem…..using GPS to pinpoint you…….it will also determine by sensors in the seat……whether you are alone in the car….or have 4 of your buddies with you…….not only that…but if your buddies have their Mondex card with them…..the ECU will read each of them….and identify the occupants of the vehicle……if they don’t have Mondex cards…..it will read the implanted RFID in their pectoral muscle……not only that …but the RFID in YOUR pectoral muscle could be sophisticated enough to take an alcohol blood reading……now that’s a good thing……but as I said at the beginning of this…….it’s a double sided coin…….there are many more areas that I haven’t covered…..so let’s leave it at this.

The technology to implement most of this already exists, so does the will to use it,..once the United States of Europe comes fully into being…( Russia and most of the other Balkan states will shift to accommodate this )…..we will then start to see the beginning of a Novis Ordo Seclurum…….the greatest obstruction to this will be the Asian and Middle Eastern states……that’s why it’s important for the West to establish order and alignment in these territories.

Most of this will not happen in the remainder of my lifetime, but it will come…..as sure as my ass points toward the ground…….I could go on and tell you more…..but I don’t want to scare you…….

Edited by TTK

And some people had the temerity to call Orwell a fruitcake.

I like this passage which describes another state tool used to placate the masses:

It was nearly twenty hours, and the drinking-shops which the proles frequented ('pubs', they called them) were choked with customers. From their grimy swing doors, endlessly opening and shutting, there came forth a smell of urine, sawdust, and sour beer. In an angle formed by a projecting house-front three men were standing very close together, the middle one of them holding a folded-up newspaper which the other two were studying over his shoulder. Even before he was near enough to make out the expression on their faces, Winston could see absorption in every line of their bodies. It was obviously some serious piece of news that they were reading. He was a few paces away from them when suddenly the group broke up and two of the men were in violent altercation. For a moment they seemed almost on the point of blows.

"Can't you bleeding well listen to what I say? I tell you no number ending in seven ain't won for over fourteen months!"

"Yes, it 'as, then!"

"No, it 'as not! Back 'ome I got the 'ole lot of 'em for over two years wrote down on a piece of paper. I takes 'em down reg'lar as the clock. An' I tell you, no number ending in seven—"

"Yes, a seven 'as won! I could pretty near tell you the bleeding number. Four oh seven, it ended in. It were in February—second week in February."

"February your grandmother! I got it all down in black and white. An' I tell you, no number—"

"Oh, pack it in!" said the third man.

They were talking about the Lottery. Winston looked back when he had gone thirty metres. They were still arguing, with vivid, passionate faces. The Lottery, with its weekly pay-out of enormous prizes, was the one public event to which the proles paid serious attention. It was probably that there were some millions of proles for whom the Lottery was the principal if not the only reason for remaining alive. It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant. Where the Lottery was concerned, even people who could barely read and write seemed capable of intricate calculations and staggering feats of memory. There was a whole tribe of men who made a living simply by selling systems, forecasts, and lucky amulets. Winston had nothing to do with the running of the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the Party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being non-existent persons. In the absence of any real inter-communication between one part of Oceania and another, this was not difficult to arrange.

The little bank book thing, Neil......I remember it like it was yesterday. :cry:

Enjoyed the piece.



Great post Neil... and this IS happening as a sublimnal and very gradual process... Enter the brave new world of technology that we are in.

All these 'experiments' are happening now, especially in New Zealand and here in Australia,

The small populations, or microcultures, that exist here are the perfect petri dish, adding the fact that most of the population will just go with the flow without putting up too much of a fuss.

Maybe one day the world will wake upo to the beheamouth that's getting ready to smack it on the back of the head and do something about it... but I doubt it will happen any time soon... more like too late.

There's always a way to fix all this... and numb the people into submission... Let's start a war on terror, lets raise petrol prices, let's bribe corrupt governments to buy our wheat, lets assasinate a dictator... they won't even see us smacking them on the back of the head while we're squeezing their balls and blocking their eyes.



And John Q. Citizen will fall for it hook line & sinker every time!

I'm sure if Tony 'the Poodle' called a National Road Safety Day - and spouted some stats about how you and you loved ones were say 95% less likely to be injured on the road wearing a traffic cone on your head - they would turn out in the multitudes wearing them! (well if a talentless [censored] like Lenny Henry can get them wearing red noses!!!!).

I recall as an aside when France foisted the mandatory seat belt wearing on its populace, nationwide there was a total disobediance to it on principle. Whereas on TMI it was buckle up and shut up and do as you are told - as usual.

I'm sure if Tony 'the Poodle' called a National Road Safety Day - and spouted some stats about how you and you loved ones were say 95% less likely to be injured on the road wearing a traffic cone on your head - they would turn out in the multitudes wearing them! (well if a talentless [censored] like Lenny Henry can get them wearing red noses!!!!).

Damn.............its started!!!!!!



ttk - thanks for your post on this. there's a lot one can read just on rfids now that would made one cry (eg, patents for remotely going through your garbage)... though there's about 1000x times as much good press being produced by the rfid consortia and other interested parties. one thing i'm sorry to say you were very wrong about, though... unless you're 99 and in bad health, this is all going to play out real fast, very much during your lifetime. if entire communities in texas are voting unanimously to have their all their children tagged with rfid for their own "safety" (and stuff like that has indeed happened already, for at least a year or more), and if 50% of the populace are of below-average intelligence, then we're in for a real treat, real soon. oooh, and i forget if you pointed this out, but since the fda has already approved subdermal rfid tags, there's really nothing to slow it down.

sign me up! where are my happy pills?! :help:

v for vanquished,



Yeah.....Josef Mengele was in the anthropological experimentation business.....what was it he said....."trust me....I'm a Doctor....." ! :blowup:

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