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What The Heck Is A "Franken" Watch :whistling:

Was wondering what the origin for the word Franken to describe replicas with genuine parts.....is Franken actually derived from being like the Frankenstein monster?

I am just wondering?????



That has always been my understanding, as in made up of different parts - rep and gen

I do remember reading a thread discussing this when using the search tool


when the watch comes out of Franken... :whistling:


but back to the topic :D

i also heard the work FRANKEN in gen forums ;) so i say its not only a rep with gen parts...i would say if you use other gen or rep parts, it makes you a franken, and yes i think it comes from the name of DR. Frankenstein, who implatet everything in his son (monster) :)

so if you implate something in your watch it make you a franken :) imo



A watch made from different part not originally destined to be together if i took a gen yachty dial and fitted it in a gen sub case then that would also be a franken


A watch made from different part not originally destined to be together if i took a gen yachty dial and fitted it in a gen sub case then that would also be a franken


Seems as if the first frankens were made from differnt parts of verious genuine watches....a sort of a hybrid or chimera

(guess some of the very first PANERAIs could fall into this category also?)


I'll go one step further and say that to be labeled a "Franken" it has to have either a Gen Dial or Gen movement dirol.gif

i have a smp with gen clasp, tube and crown and bezel is that not a "franken" pardon.gif


Maybe ther is actually need for a whole repertauare of "frankens" to distingusih one type from another

Replifranken (only fake parts)

True Franken/genuinefranken (Only parts from different genuines)

Hybridfranken (mix of the two above)

and if it has the genuine movement and dial/face of the watch it is trying to imitate in it its should qualify to the prefix SUPER-


Just so we know exactly what we are dealing with here



so you cant have a SUPERReplifranken whistling.gif


now you sound like Andrew Trusty


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