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Taken from a site which shall remain nameless: a requium.

"9/11/2006: Bear Witness

I deliberately waited until after work hours to post this recently released video from YouTube, taken by a tourist couple from Seattle staying in a hotel 100 yards away from the World Trade Center on 9/11 ... because it shows many people jumping from the buildings, much more graphically than anything ever seen on mainstream media in this country.

The media has made a unilateral decision to be our collective nanny, and they’ve hidden all of their most disturbing footage away in archives. But as I wrote near the first anniversary of the attacks, if it were me standing 100 stories up, after breaking a window that was never meant to be broken, on a ledge that was never meant to be stood upon, making the nightmarish decision to die in a fiery inferno or leap into space, I’d want the world to bear witness to my choice."

I've not given the link because the images are simply too sad, too tragic.

May They Rest In Peace.

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I sat on my rooftop from about 20 blocks away and watched it all go down from the moment the second plane hit. the first hit had woken me up, and my roomate had come running into my room saying that a bomb just went off in the wtc (nobody had any idea what was happening yet) so we rushed up to the roof.

I cannot even begin to describe it, its just not the same thing as the tv, it was much much worse, trust me.

The weeks following, my neighborhood resembled a warzone less lower nyc. the air was thick with smoke and dust, the streets had armed military at every corner doing checks, the whole thing was just unreal.

I will never forget.....never forget those who lost their lives......never forget that life is short and beautiful.

god bless all of you.

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Archie I respect what you are saying but I really feel it's a bit grubby going all political in a thread that is basically a requiem for all the innocent lives that was lost.

May they rest in peace.


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Archie I respect what you are saying but I really feel it's a bit grubby going all political in a thread that is basically a requiem for all the innocent lives that was lost.

May they rest in peace.


With all respect to my fellow members and to the 9-11 dead, the above links were, in fact, posted to illustrate exactly that "it is a bit grubby going all political" with the sacrifices made by those who lost their lives on 9-11. IMO, those links prove beyond a shadow of the doubt who is going all political.

Even though I offered links without any of my political views attched, obviously they were presented to express my horror that 9-11 is being used politically.

I believe that the act of politicizing the sacrifices made on 9-11 is far more damaging than posting links that outline the process of doing so.

In deference to you and the OP, I have deleted the post in question from this thread.

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