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Apple spawns new accessory line: nano Watch straps

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Well, even though I use many Apple products, I am not sure how I feel about this, actually short of using it for fitness, I hate it. Lets hope Apple doesn't create something akin to the Quartz Revolution of yesterday. Your thoughts?

Apple spawns new accessory line: nano watch straps

by Dave Caolo (RSS feed) on Sep 13th 2010 at 12:00PM


The success of the iPods, iPhone and iPad have been a boon for Apple and accessory makers. Shortly after each product's introduction, a small but highly competitive cottage industry of cases, sleeves, stands and so on emerges. Now, the new iPod nano's unique design has many manufacturers thinking the same thing: wristwatch.

The nano is small, light, square-ish and features a touch screen. When popped into a strap accessory like the Linq by Incipio, it looks good! The Linq will be available in five colors when released (grey, black, pink, blue and white), though a release date and pricing information are unavailable as of this writing.

It looks nice and the iPod seems well-protected, but I wouldn't want a wire going from my wrist to my ears all day. But that's just me.

[Via Oh!Gizmo]

[url=http://www.ohgizmo.com/2010/09/13/incipio-linq-ipod-nano-6g-watch-case-here-comes-the-flood/]Incipio Linq iPod Nano 6G Watch Case


Actually I think it's pretty slick...

I have the original Nano, and it gets used 5 days a week at the gym...

I clip it on my sweat pants pocket...

Think I'm gonna pick up the new one along with a strap for my forearm - assuming they come in 21'...

Apple products are pretty f***ing cool as of late...

My MacBook Pro, Nano, and iPhone get a hell of a lot of use [daily]...

Double T


What would be awesome is if Apple comes out with "Mini Apps" for the Nano so that you could download different watch faces :D

That would be field day for the B&R litigation because that's the first gen watch face that will be jailbroken and e-repped.


That's exacly what I was thinking! In fact, if B&R was smart, they would come up with a case/strap that looks like a BR-03 with an App for the dial face! Now there's something I would buy in a heartbeat! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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