KB Posted March 24, 2006 Author Report Posted March 24, 2006 johnnyboy QUOTE (kruzer00 @ Jun 4 2005, 07:44 AM) Welcome to Noobhood. It is a rite of passage. Although you should know that all those posts are an act of love - even the not-so-nice ones. Look how much time was spent "answering" your question. I promise you gave more hours of pleasure to RWG members on one loop than they have had in a long time. We hope you will hang around, develop some knowledge and pile in when the next question of this nature comes around. For future reference, I learned this the hard way, no matter how obscure the question always use the search function first. I have been on this forum for only a couple of months and the amount of information I have picked up is extraordinary. 2000 views in 48 hours............this is astounding your thread wiil be passed on to future generations of rwg you never actually own a thin red line.........you merely look after it for the next generation blazer you are FAMOUS marcober I'm not certain but I think the red line has something to do with polarity, i.e. n/s/e/w offshore QUOTE (johnnyboy @ Jun 5 2005, 12:01 AM) blazer you are FAMOUS I think blazer may well be Jetmid ...reincarnated...! Blazer- what jet do you have? jonthebhoy Gone a week and it looks like I missed the party of all parties!!!! Ho hum! This thread slayed me. Going for a lie down now. @ Blazer - do not...I repeat do not take it to heart. With this thread you have very much earned the right to be here. kenberg Sorry I'm confused do you guy's mean the thin red line on Submariner's or the thin red line on Daytona's?????????? jjajh @Blazer Thanks for giving us the opportunity to have some harmless fun. I hope you take it in the spirit of comraderie and know that you are now part of the inner circle and can no longer be called a noobie or newbie or newbee. You also have a special 'get out of jail card' with the mods but use it wisely grinbo Just cant believe I missed this one! Funny or what ROFLMAO repmaniac We REALLY needed some (harmless) comic relief.....and we got it!! iblake I think we are to be commended for how good we are a bullshitting. Never shit a shitter Good work team Have a nice day, -Blake™ ciaramita How do posts go from a simple question to an 11 page ramblefest. robertk I just got tracking for my TRL from Paul. Can't wait! iblake QUOTE (robertk @ Jun 4 2005, 07:25 PM) I just got tracking for my TRL from Paul. Can't wait! Haha, way ahead of you. I ordered my TRL a week ago! I've actually been tracking the history of the TRL for a long time and was glad to hear three weeks ago when they finally arrived here at RWG. I guess its just a happy coincidence that this thread started cause now EVERYBODY is going to want one. I guess we're just lucky we go ours first, robert. mikeandcompany QUOTE (johnnyboy @ Jun 3 2005, 10:43 PM) jjajh, unfortunately, until recently, the formulation of thin red lines was necessarily only perturbative in nature where the Feynman diagrams correspond to surfaces. As is also the case for many quantum field theories, this perturbation expansion is only asymptotic, so that the theory was at best incomplete. There is also no a priori reason to assume that the string coupling constant, which controls the expansion in terms of surfaces, is small. Furthermore, there seemed to be five independent perturbative thin red lines, that differed dramatically in their basic properties, such as world-sheet geometry, gauge groups and supersymmetries. However, in the last two years we have witnessed dramatic developments bringing for the first time nonperturbative questions into reach. In a confluence of a wide variety of ideas involving red lines, solitons and nonlinear symmetries, many of them dating back to the 70s and 80s, the structure, internal consistency and beauty of thin red lines has greatly improved. We have now a much better and clearer picture what the lines are about. Crucial in all this has been the concept of line duality. In fact, duality has been a powerful idea in physics for a long time, both in statistical mechanics and field theory. The transformation to a dual set of variables can translate a difficult question (such as strong-coupling behaviour) into a much more accessible one (weak-coupling behaviour). red line duality is the statement that all five diffferent perturbative lines are related in such a fashion and are just expansions of one single unified line around different backgrounds. In many respects duality can be used as an organizing principle. In a collective effort during the last two years a mass of evidence for these proposed dualities has been found. In particular the so-called S-dualities that relate strong and weak couplings, can be used to probe the nature of quantum gravity at strong coupling, a unicum in history. One of the consequences of all this has been the realisation that thin red line theory does not only include strings but also various higher dimensional objects, known as super thin red lines. After compactification these solitonic objects can be thought of as black holes in the four-dimensional world. In particular the description of these lines as exact red line solitons. The thin red line is simply a place in space-time where the line can begin or end. The resulting open red lines lead to world-volume theories for these super lines that involve nonabelian line theories. This allows us to translate actual nonperturbative computations, such as the determination of soliton spectra, into the language of the dynamics of nonabelian red line theories. Vice versa thin red line theory can be used to derive new exact results in (supersymmetric) line theories, such as the mysterious dualities of Seiberg. It also has brought us a dramatically different outlook on the space-time singularities, where on short distances the space-time coordinates become non-commuting matrices. Yes all very fine except for the curvurture of the universe which indeed from the inner rim perspective on the approach to finite infinites redefines thin red lines into thick green circles perceived only by observers from the outer rim. Not to say that the spheric theory doesn't hold it's weight but given xy=(r/p+3xz2)xsum of thin red line +sphere divided by the plane, would you not agree that two parallel thin red lines must intersect at infinity. Hence the necessity for 0. Indeed, I ask the honorable membership of RWG, how many times can half the width of a thin red line be divided into its whole? iblake QUOTE (mikeandcompany @ Jun 4 2005, 08:28 PM) how many times can half the width of a thin red line be divided into its whole? An infinite number of times... spaghettiman moreover, to frame this discussion in the context of the mahayana world view, I emplore you, what is the sound of one thin red line clapping? asymtopes.... moving closer to the axis....closer to perfection....closer to zero? closer to the present... need for zero.... no need when zero is a whole in and of itself... a need to define the unmoved mover to escape relativism....makes your syllogism whole....beyond mechanical, truth with T otherwise, no thin red morality... johnnyboy mikeandcompany, Relativity views space-time as a continuum; that is time becomes another dimension of space, making space four-dimensional. This is really common sense-we know that it takes time to move through the physical dimensions of space. (thin length, red width, and line heigth) Time is a property of space that is distinct from yet closely related to the other three. (Althought we know we can move through space in any direction, we can only move forward in time, at least until wormholes in THE THIN RED LINES are discovered.) Curvature of space-time can be more difficult to understand. Although the rubber sheet model gives a picture of how it happens, one cannot easily picture the so-called nothingness of space being curved or a non-physical property like time being warped. But RED LINE relativity (a theory which has yet to be disproved) predicts this curvature and uses gravity as proof of it. In fact, red line relativity predicts singularities, points in space-time where the curvature reaches infinity. Singularities are the centers of black holes, points of gravity so strong that nothing, not even thin red lines, can escape. According to relativity, the curvature of space-time is gravity, and this raises an intersting paradox: the amount of curvature is governed by the distribution of matter and energy in the universe, but this distribution is determined by the curvature of space-time. Thinking back to the thin red line model, this becomes an obvious truth. A large object, such as a shot put, would cause a large indentation that would cause a marble to roll through the thin red line. Or, if an area of rubber sheet space contained only small objects, several marbles might roll together to form an area of 'thin red line gravity', which would in turn attract more thin red line objects. Besides creating the all-important force of gravity, space-time red line curvature also makes a major dent (no pun intended) in one of our most common beliefs from geometry and family vacations: in curved space-time, a straight thin red line is NOT always the shortest distance between two points. But that's a different topic. In order to move through the physical dimensions of space, one must also move through time. time surrounds the axes, and although the thin red lines could be extended so that we could move in any physical direction, we do not extend them because we do not know how to move backwards in time Nanuq @Johnnyboy, Back in time? Don't watches indicate time? And you just have to turn the watch over to see its back... Can this be a breakthrough??!! johnnyboy QUOTE (Nanuq @ Jun 4 2005, 11:48 PM) @Johnnyboy, Back in time? Don't watches indicate time? And you just have to turn the watch over to see its back... you could..........or you could drop it, fry it, heat it up, throw it, dunk it, bulldoze it,boil it and then take pictures to freeze time Horrado You guys have it ALL wrong. I'm an Ex-Nebraska Cornhusker and a TRL means a bad ballclub. ryyannon QUOTE: Horrado: "You guys have it ALL wrong. I'm an Ex-Nebraska Cornhusker and a TRL means a bad ballclub." Just a moment there, you young whippersnapper of a noobie! If you had done your homework on this forum, you would have understood THAT'S ONE OF THE THINGS that johnnyboy - you can see him there, sitting day and night on his verandah, contemplating the universe for us - has been endeavoring to explain with his usual talent for making the unfathomable as familiar as one's own big toe (example): "Furthermore, there seemed to be five independent perturbative thin red lines, that differed dramatically in their basic properties, such as world-sheet geometry, gauge groups and supersymmetries. (I just don't know how i'd cope if it weren't for you, johnnyboy...) As for you, Horrado, let's see a little more respect: people like johnnyboy were winding their watches and wrestling with thin red-headed babes...err.. thin red lines before you could even tell time! Horrado With all due respect......Johnnyboy has his opinion and I have mine. ryyannon "With all due respect......Johnnyboy has his opinion and I have mine." (sighs): Horrado, do you see anything in johnnyboy's explanations that expressly CONTRADICTS the notion that TRLs, under certain circumstances, can also signify rotten Nebraska ballclubs? Have you fully understood the implications of johnnyboy's: "Thinking back to the thin red line model, this becomes an obvious truth. A large object, such as a shot put, would cause a large indentation that would cause a marble to roll through the thin red line." or not? Come on man, turn on the lights in there! kenberg QUOTE (Horrado @ Jun 5 2005, 12:36 AM) You guys have it ALL wrong. I'm an Ex-Nebraska Cornhusker and a TRL means a bad ballclub. Bad ballclub? Being an Aussie I'm not sure what this is but it sounds painful Highflyingclive QUOTE (Horrado @ Jun 5 2005, 06:36 AM) You guys have it ALL wrong. I'm an Ex-Nebraska Cornhusker and a TRL means a bad ballclub. Is an English translation of this post available? blazer Wow, this thread is still going? I think we have enough explanatons of what the THIN RED LINE really means, thanx to our knowledgeable members. With 176 replies and a astonishing 2584 hits, I am pretty sure that I broke some kind of record in the RWG history. Thank you all, I couldnt do it without you guys! Maybe I should start a official TRL charity. ryyannon johnnyboy June 3 2005, 05:56 AM oh hi blazer! nice to meet you, do you mean the thin red line? ----------------------------------- @highflyingclive: Nebraska's motto is 'The Cornhusker State' Cornhuskers - especially those in ballclubs - do things that can't be discussed on a family-rated forum such as RWG, but to his credit, Horrado has stated that he is an EX-Cornhusker. In fact, he now lives in California where people don't do such things at all. qualitime Red line means: A female Rolex having her monthly period.................................. johnnyboy i just woke up to read the posts that were made since my last..........................i am on the floor LMFAO ryyannon, kenberg QUOTE (blazer @ Jun 5 2005, 04:13 AM) Wow, this thread is still going? I think we have enough explanatons of what the THIN RED LINE really means, thanx to our knowledgeable members. With 176 replies and a astonishing 2584 hits, I am pretty sure that I broke some kind of record in the RWG history. Thank you all, I couldnt do it without you guys! Maybe I should start a official TRL charity. Thats it! If you enjoyed this thread so far, please send $1 donation to blazer4220@yahoo. Thanx for the support Psst Blazer, please don't ask about bubbles in the bezel johnnyboy QUOTE (kenberg @ Jun 5 2005, 08:17 AM) ] Psst Blazer, please don't ask about bubbles in the bezel shhhhhh! kenberg, leave that for another newbie on another day on another thread jayeff a thorough research in the manx gaelic bible let me find this : "16. Immee as chaggil cooidjagh ooilley ny Hewnyn t'ayns Shushan, as trosht-jee er my hon's, as ny jean-jee gee ny giu son three laa, oie ny laa: neem's as my vraane aegey myr geddyn trostey, as eisht hem stiagh gys y ree, red nagh vel cordail rish y leigh: as my ta mee kiarit son cherraghtyn, lhig dou cherraghtyn." the part listed as "ny jean-jee gee ny giu son three" is litterally translated as "beware the thin red line" Mark Phelps QUOTE (spaghettiman @ Jun 4 2005, 11:05 PM) moreover, to frame this discussion in the context of the mahayana world view, I emplore you, what is the sound of one thin red line clapping? SHHHH........... ......listen closely....... Did ya hear it? ryyannon glad to see you moving this thread back on-topic, jayeff! as for what you've stated above, it must be seen in the context of a dualistic conception of the universe. For all their wisdom, even the Celts were not immune to these types of dichotomies. One has to go all the way back to the thinkers of Vedic India to find a unified-field theory of the cosmos* - and thus TRLs - all of which has since been validated by scholars like Lobatchevsky and johnnyboy, each working in their respective fields of mathematics and particle physics. In other words, jayeff, don't sweat the troncated view that the Manx Celts had of TRLs. After all, look at the kind of cats they've left us.The only scary thing about TRLs is mankind's inability to properly comprehend them. *see spaghettiman's excellent references (cf., mahayana world view) to the subject earlier above @Mark Phelps: Mark, forgive me for saying this, but are you sure that's not the sound of some Maker's Mark clapping against the ice cubes in your glass? Very few masters have ever heard what you say you're hearing, and none of them ever lived in North Carolina. jayeff ryyannon, i am deeply sorry but can't follow you on these - slippery - grounds. your cosmology radically differs from the greatest thinker of history - my master, Hegel, who asks us to consider how a struggle between two distinct consciousnesses, let us say a violent "life-or-thin red line" struggle, would lead to one consciousness surrendering and submitting to the other out of fear of thin red line. Initially, the consciousness that becomes lord or master proves its freedom through willingness to risk its life and not submit to the other out of fear of thin red line, and thus not identify simply with its desire for life and physical being. Moreover, this consciousness is given acknowledgement of its freedom through the submission and dependence of the other, which turns out paradoxically to be a deficient recognition in that the dominant one fails to see a reflection of itself in the subservient one. Adequate recognition requires a mirroring of the self through the other, which means that to be successful it must be mutual. In the ensuing relationship of lordship and bondage, furthermore, the bondsman through work and discipline (motivated by fear of dying at the hands of the master or lord) transforms his subservience into a mastery over his environment, and thus achieves a measure of independence. In objectifying himself in his environment through his labor the bondsman in effect realizes himself, with his transformed environment serving as a reflection of his inherently self-realizing activity. Thus, the bondsman gains a measure of independence in his subjugation out of fear of thin red line. In a way, the lord represents thin red line as the absolute subjugator, since it is through fear of this master, of the thin red line that he can impose, that the bondsman in his acquiescence and subservience is placed into a social context of work and discipline. Yet despite, or more properly, because of this subjection the bondsman is able to attain a measure of independence by internalizing and overcoming those limitations which must be dealt with if he is to produce efficiently. However, this accomplishment, the self-determination of the bondsman, is limited and incomplete because of the asymmetry that remains in his relation to the lord. Self-consciousness is still fragmented, i.e., the objectification through labor that the bondsman experiences does not coincide with the consciousness of the lord whose sense of self is not through labor but through power over the bondsman and enjoyment of the fruits of the bondsman's labor. Only in a realm of ethical life can self-determination be fully self-conscious to the extent that universal freedom is reflected in the life of each individual member of society. ryyannon Your master Hegel?! And when do you think was the last time old Georgi-boy ever peeled off a TRL? Never even got close to one, if you ask me. And once again, I'd like to remind you that this is a family-rated forum. Your references to light S-M and Doms should be re-directed to RWG's sister-site, RWG.xxx. Makes me wonder what your interest in Hegel is really all about... Demsey Wow. I thought leaving the forum for two weeks was going to get me far behind the intel curve here. I think I'm going to take a shitty airplane and drive it straight into 'Arlene'. My life has gotten to the point where; if I'm not trying to navigate an extreme "Low" in the Gulf of Mexico I'm bored. Anyone else up for breaking the monotony with a 'sure' death experience? Clive? I'll give you first choice of parachute. I promise, yours won't be packed with dirty laundry. Serious. johnnyboy spaghettiman, i think something sinister is spreading through all your posts on this thread it seems a THIN BLACK DOTTED LINE has manifested itself and eaten allmost all of your posts i fear this could be the dark side..........the alter ego of the THIN RED LINE as much joy and laughter we got from trl, i fear great chaos and destruction from the THIN BLACK DOTTED LINE johnnyboy if this THIN BLACK DOTTED LINE is not dealt with it could spread like a virus throughout rwg and delete our whole entire history ..........we must unite and address this issue scroll back a few pages and see for yourselves spaghettimans posts johnnyboy dotted: a dotted line dashed: a dashed line solid: a solid line double: two solid lines The sums of the two lines and the space between them = border-width groove: a 3D groove that make the box funky ridge: a 3D ridge inset: A 3D recessed line outset: A 3D extruded line The order of the values is the same as described above for the border-color (you can use between 1-4 values) The borders below are blue and thick and vary in the style value The basic form of the rule is: .dot { border: blue thick dotted } This is the dotted border. Here's what the dashed line looks like. Notice the space between the two lines in the double border The ridge! This is the inset border And here, last but not least, is the outset border border-width You can set each border individually or do them all at once none: this is the default, so boxes' borders will not be displayed border-top-width border-right-width border-bottom-width border-left-width border-width; this declaration accepts 1-4 values Each of these declarations can take types of six values none: this is the default, so boxes' borders will not be displayed thin medium, which is the default thick: the sizes of these first three values a length measurement a percentage value none The borders below are black, solid, and vary in the width value The basic form of the rule is: .dot { border: black thin solid } THIN BLACK DOTTED LINE Isoroku that looks like math/logic homework I had in high school....the whole if-then thing. I got a C- in that class....and the teacher used a red pen, so in essence, the C- was written a curved THIN RED LINE and little THIN RED LINE after it Nanuq Like a TRP (Thin Red Phoenix) this thread is struggling to its feet once more! The awe! The beauty! The unspeakable majesty of the........... (drum roll) TRL!!! ewolf insert pic MCR Someone gave me a Seiko watch yesterday and I just pulled off the plastic protection with the "thin red line". I'll send it to anyone overly concerned that theirs is missing BlueFin QUOTE(MCR @ Nov 19 2005, 03:50 PM) Someone gave me a Seiko watch yesterday and I just pulled off the plastic protection with the "thin red line". I'll send it to anyone overly concerned that theirs is missing. OMG,,this Thin Red Line will never go away. MCR please please please before you send it it out to your fellow members, I would suggest that you PM Slayer (a respected member here) for specific instructions on how to peel it pack it and mail it the right way. You just can peel this thing off just like that. Nanuq Are you INSANE?! Haev you lost your MIND???!!!!! There are people who know where you live. And you have a TRL in your home? GET RID OF IT!! RUN!!! (send it to me) The horror! THE HUMANITY!!! Blindman Damn Guy's, you all are such putzes. Here Blazor, you can have mine; ________________________ I prefer to live life on the dangerous side They'll never take me alive Klinkster Bird Flu? Sheeyite, ain't got nuthin on Red Line Fever!!! haw haw haw haw haw! red line brain blood poisinin!! Life is Good! Klink
Nanuq Posted December 14, 2007 Report Posted December 14, 2007 NEWS FLASH!!! TRL SPOTTED!!! That's right boys, a real, genuine TRL has been spotted. For only $9.95 you can click this link: Link to a Genuine TRL Paypal accepted.
Mark Eleven Posted December 14, 2007 Report Posted December 14, 2007 ha, ha,... Jetmid, TRL,... those were the days.... Who has the best Thin Line?
ryyannon Posted December 14, 2007 Report Posted December 14, 2007 cRAzySaLEMaN is the absolute best source for TRLs - as well as same-day (sometimes same hour!) delivery. Personally, I wouldn't order from anyone else.
KB Posted December 14, 2007 Author Report Posted December 14, 2007 Actually I found he cornered the market to such a point that you........err..........can't order off anyone else. :ohmy: Ken
Crazysaleman Posted December 14, 2007 Report Posted December 14, 2007 Actually I found he cornered the market to such a point that you........err..........can't order off anyone else. :ohmy: Ken Herro? Is someone to mention CRAAAZYCARTEL?????? IS nObOdY notice CARTEL has letter TRL in? BUY MANY TRL NOW!! FRESH TRL!! DO NOT HESITATE! Do not be like one who waits: BUY NOW! DO NOT BE LIKE THE ONE WHO TEMPT FATE!!! Be STRONG! HAVE BIG ROCKS, buy now!! Be like STRONG SQUIRREL!! Make good buy! Buy now!! Be smart, have happy life! Be like SMILEDOG!!! CRAAAAZY'S BEST!!! CRRRAAAAAAAAZZZZYYYY SALE!!!!!!!!
ryyannon Posted December 14, 2007 Report Posted December 14, 2007 Rare photo of CrAZySAleMAn hard at work with his specially constructed industrial-strength CrAaaZy FAx MaCHinE: I wonder who the lucky customer is?
Nanuq Posted December 15, 2007 Report Posted December 15, 2007 Well his local time appears to be 7:12 so that makes it about two hours behind me... Hmmmmmmmmmm.... Ken? Is that you? And is that a DRESS hanging in the closet???!!!?
Crazysaleman Posted July 9, 2009 Report Posted July 9, 2009 In new President ObAmA STIMU "Я" US PROGRAM for buy many many BIG ROCKS watch!! Buy now! Buy NOW! BuY nOw!!! Be PrEsIdEnTiAL! Be like one with BIG ROX buy NOW pay later DO PART TO STIMU"Я"ATE ECONOMY! BUY BUY BUY!!! Fax machine "Я" stand by now!
Nanuq Posted July 10, 2009 Report Posted July 10, 2009 Who keeps letting this guy in here? Ken, did you let him use your key again?
KB Posted July 10, 2009 Author Report Posted July 10, 2009 Ken, did you let him use your key again? He scared me, he got big rox like mighty squirrel Ken
trailboss Posted July 30, 2009 Report Posted July 30, 2009 LOL, yep, a RWG1 classic. Thanks for saving it mate. Do you have much more from the old place? AFIK no one saved any more than fragments of the Jet Mid thread wose luck. Col.
Nanuq Posted February 10, 2012 Report Posted February 10, 2012 Just for the heck of it, I went to the Internet Wayback Machine and tried to scrounge out the old TRL thread... no luck. Here's as close as I could get, but the topic ran on June 5th, 2005 and I can't find a capture for that date in any of the subforums. Ah well.... it was a glorious day! And this is a nice peek back at how we "used to be". http://web.archive.org/web/20050609024440/http://www.replica-watches-guide.com/forum/index.php
maxman Posted February 10, 2012 Report Posted February 10, 2012 Thanks Nanuq....great read Indeed. I have to admit...I really like that crazysaleman dude...he crazy. Mike
Nanuq Posted February 10, 2012 Report Posted February 10, 2012 CrazySaleMan is an incarnation of the original "Paul" -- he would send out these bizarre emails about new products and they weren't far from what Crazy does now.
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