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I hope they stick this POS In jail


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What a piece of s**t... I wish there was a hell for that a**hole to rot in. He was huge! Who beats up a skinny little kid like that?

"Who beats up a skinny little kid like that" subbie my friend,let me Introduce you to Americas pride and joy. I present to you...White trash :horse:

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If my son got up in my face like that, I'd lay his ass out too, but I sure as hell wouldn't keep slapping him while he was down... What a douche... He's going to get what's coming to him in the pen :whistling:

The thing Is T that wasnt his kid and those definately were not slaps. That MF was putting the hammer down on a kid half his size. The father also set this whole backyard brawl thing up. Lets hope a lttle RR In the pen shows him what It's like to be on the bottom. ;)

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The thing Is T that wasnt his kid and those definately were not slaps. That MF was putting the hammer down on a kid half his size. The father also set this whole backyard brawl thing up. Lets hope a lttle RR In the pen shows him what It's like to be on the bottom. ;)

Ahhhh, I was watching it with the speakers turned off, so when it said 'dad' and 'kid', I figured they were meaning his kid, not someone elses, so yeah, hopefully he'll find some new buddies when it comes to shower time... :whistling:

On the other hand, I'm also a big believer in the philosophy that if some punk thinks they're man enough to mouth off to someone, they have to be man enough to deal with the consequences, and I'll bet the kid's learned a lesson he won't forget in a hurry... :whistling: As you say, pure White Trash... Gotta love it :victory:

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That guy has serious anger management issues, coupled with an overabundane of testosterone which his feeble mind is incapable of dealing with. I hope he gets locked up for a long, long time. Luckily, they have all the video evidence they need.

You know what I'd like to see? Kimbo Slice giving this guy a beatdown, that would make for a fairer fight than a skinny white kid half his size...

Max, I don't let images like this sully the high regard to which I hold average Americans, don't worry. But this guy really gives you guys some bad press.

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:lol: Funny thing is white trash Is not always about uneducated red necks with mullets. The ass hole In the above video Is a ER tech who lives In a decent neighborhood. I guess the old saying holds true,"you take the white trash out of the trailer park but you cant take the trailer park out of the white trash". I;ve always wanted a four wheel monster vette. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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its kinda hard to tell what really happened before the 35 yr old beat up the 16 yr old

yeah I know the 16 yr old beat up the 35 yr old's kid & mouthed off after he did

but who's to say he thought he could take down senor wife-beater too and shot his mouth off ?

Lets say the "kid" did mouth off,ok shove him on his ass,maybe a little slap upside the head. This MF went MMA style on this kids head. Repeated hammer blows to the head?you got to be [censored] kidding me. This kid could have been serously hurt. To put a punk kid In his place is one thing,to use his head a pinata Is something completely different.

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Guest zeleni kukuruz

Lets say the "kid" did mouth off,ok shove him on his ass,maybe a little slap upside the head. This MF went MMA style on this kids head. Repeated hammer blows to the head?you got to be [censored] kidding me. This kid could have been serously hurt. To put a punk kid In his place is one thing,to use his head a pinata Is something completely different.

Couldent say it better!!!

Im all with you.

That Mother of all fockers sould be singing with Elvis if that where my street!!!

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Lets say the "kid" did mouth off,ok shove him on his ass,maybe a little slap upside the head. This MF went MMA style on this kids head. Repeated hammer blows to the head?you got to be [censored] kidding me. This kid could have been serously hurt. To put a punk kid In his place is one thing,to use his head a pinata Is something completely different.

Exactly. I was in a situation not long ago where I made a very light-hearted crack and took a blind crack to the temple (from a good friend, go figure), well that wasn't going to stand, so I put my MMA training to good use, wrestled him to the ground, got him in a rear naked choke and locked up his arms in a body triangle, and seriously contemplated putting him to bedsies... And what then... He threw the first punch to a superior, (much) larger opponent and deserved a beatdown. But to give him one would prove what is already obvious. Bear in mind, all his friends were watching, and all called for a chokeout :)

I really turned on the screws for a few seconds, just so he knew what he was in for, and then let him go... And do you know what? As soon as his arms were free, he wopped me again ;)

You can't win... But Mr. "hammer-fist" did the wrong thing. Period.

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Exactly. I was in a situation not long ago where I made a very light-hearted crack and took a blind crack to the temple (from a good friend, go figure), well that wasn't going to stand, so I put my MMA training to good use, wrestled him to the ground, got him in a rear naked choke and locked up his arms in a body triangle, and seriously contemplated putting him to bedsies... And what then... He threw the first punch to a superior, (much) larger opponent and deserved a beatdown. But to give him one would prove what is already obvious. Bear in mind, all his friends were watching, and all called for a chokeout :)

I really turned on the screws for a few seconds, just so he knew what he was in for, and then let him go... And do you know what? As soon as his arms were free, he wopped me again ;)

You can't win... But Mr. "hammer-fist" did the wrong thing. Period.

Remind me to never to fuk with you Subbie :victory: It's true some people deserve a good ass whooping,the guy In your situation,absolutely. I have to give you credit for showing restraint,next time he may not be so fortunate.

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Can't do the time... etc etc... Hard to feel sorry for someone like that :pardon:

Being raped isn't part of the state imposed sentence.

Sorry, I don't find that sort of comment civilised in any way. You seriously want convicted prisoners to be part of he justice system?!? You condone rape as a form of justice?

Nope, not in my name, not in the name of justice.

Sheesh, I know watch forums tend towards the right-wing blood and glory, but what you're wishing for is a penal system that allows prisoners to forcibly rape other prisoners. Can the guards take part? How about members of the public? Hey, how about turning womens' prisons into revenue makers and pimp out the ones that hit their kids? Hey, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

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Being raped isn't part of the state imposed sentence.

Sorry, I don't find that sort of comment civilised in any way. You seriously want convicted prisoners to be part of he justice system?!? You condone rape as a form of justice?

Nope, not in my name, not in the name of justice.

Sheesh, I know watch forums tend towards the right-wing blood and glory, but what you're wishing for is a penal system that allows prisoners to forcibly rape other prisoners. Can the guards take part? How about members of the public? Hey, how about turning womens' prisons into revenue makers and pimp out the ones that hit their kids? Hey, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Sorry, but I don't really care if you find it civilized or not, I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are yours, and, going by the majority opinion, it would appear that most of the posters who have commented here feel the guy deserves raping. As for the rest of your assumptions on what I condone and am wishing for, that is all they are, assumptions... Do I think prison rape should be allowed? No. Am I surprised that dominance-based behavioral rapes occur in prison (and other institutions)? Again, no. Equally, I have little sympathy for people who do get raped in prison, because had they not done something worthy of being sentenced, they would not be in that situation for said rape to occur... If the judicial system was to get down to the 'eye for an eye' punishments outlined in the Bible, then rape would be the prescribed punishments for rapists...

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Being raped isn't part of the state imposed sentence.

Sorry, I don't find that sort of comment civilised in any way. You seriously want convicted prisoners to be part of he justice system?!? You condone rape as a form of justice?

Nope, not in my name, not in the name of justice.

Sheesh, I know watch forums tend towards the right-wing blood and glory, but what you're wishing for is a penal system that allows prisoners to forcibly rape other prisoners. Can the guards take part? How about members of the public? Hey, how about turning womens' prisons into revenue makers and pimp out the ones that hit their kids? Hey, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

I dont think anyone In this thread stays up late at night hoping this guy gets raped. But If he does,I dont see anyone shedding any tears for this gentleman neither. Rape is a cold hard fact about prision,reguardles of someones personal feelings on the subject. With all do respect Pug,I dont see the connection with the "turning womens prisions Into revenue and pimp out the ones that hit there kids". Sometimes things look a little different when It hits closer to home. Example...lets say that this was your son who was beaten. Lets also say that your son was seriously hurt. Would you still feel the thought/wish of his rape uncivilised? If so you are a better man than myself. Maybe your son could have suffered some kind of brain damage,maybe permanant. Situations like this are well documented,comas are not uncommon. This grown man who happened to be a father, brutaly attacked this 16 year old kid, with little provacation. If you look at the video again you can see this pos doing his best to hurt this kid. I say "he deserves whatever he gets". If not anything else,a really really really good ass whooping. So maybe...just maybe... he will think twice before puting his hands on someone else's child...God forbid his own.

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I dont think anyone In this thread stays up late at night hoping this guy gets raped. But If he does,I dont see anyone shedding any tears for this gentleman neither. Rape is a cold hard fact about prision,reguardles of someones personal feelings on the subject. With all do respect Pug,I dont see the connection with the "turning womens prisions Into revenue and pimp out the ones that hit there kids". Sometimes things look a little different when It hits closer to home. Example...lets say that this was your son who was beaten. Lets also say that your son was seriously hurt. Would you still feel the thought/wish of his rape uncivilised? If so you are a better man than myself. Maybe your son could have suffered some kind of brain damage,maybe permanant. Situations like this are well documented,comas are not uncommon. This grown man who happened to be a father, brutaly attacked this 16 year old kid, with little provacation. If you look at the video again you can see this pos doing his best to hurt this kid. I say "he deserves whatever he gets". If not anything else,a really really really good ass whooping. So maybe...just maybe... he will think twice before puting his hands on someone else's child...God forbid his own.



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