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Democracy And A Chance Of A Lifetime...

Richard Tracy

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I think "well i just don't vote in polls" is a lame answer. But i don't think you should be down on those of us who particpated, but didn't vote in the end because we didn't want to effect the outcome of those who were interested in the pieces presented.
Not in any way referring to you Phoband... You did your part and added some interesting horses

to the project ! ^_^

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I thought the original post, way back when the idea was first floated, was in the interest of opinion gathering in service of selecting a limited number of potential pieces to be polled. I think it became something of a wide open primary field in service of letting everyone have a voice but perhaps the overall process would have been better served by having a "special master" (RT!) gather opinions and select just a few (based on the limitations and discussions with Jay) for our selection. It seems the selection process just became too fractious with too many candidates and too many hurt feelings and defections.

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Regarding Tags,...Personally I find the brands though beautiful in some cases, out classed,

and priced for mall fare, however had to admit, that they have a devoted following, thus due

to a lack of posted alternatives, I allowed the Aquaracer to remain.

The Titan, however great looking, was priced much to low.

I could understand the requirement for an objective ceiling price for the project watch as the genuine was to be purchsed by Jay, but I always thought the floor price (especially when so many top selling replicas currently available have genuine retail prices that fall below that floor) was a superfluous condition simply to impose some peoples' idea of what a rep watch should be.

The fact that the rule was enforced 'liberally' made that even more apparent.

If this sounds like sour grapes because my choice didn't make the cut, then let it sound that way, but it doesn't change the fact that the whole process was maybe a victim of its own lack of credibility rather than anything to do with the people who did or didn't vote in the end.

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I could understand the requirement for an objective ceiling price for the project watch as the genuine was to be purchsed by Jay, but I always thought the floor price (especially when so many top selling replicas currently available have genuine retail prices that fall below that floor) was a superfluous condition simply to impose some peoples' idea of what a rep watch should be.

The fact that the rule was enforced 'liberally' made that even more apparent.

If this sounds like sour grapes because my choice didn't make the cut, then let it sound that way, but it doesn't change the fact that the whole process was maybe a victim of its own lack of credibility rather than anything to do with the people who did or didn't vote in the end.

A price minimum makes perfect sense,... Why rep a watch that will come to half the price of genuine ?

I guess you didn't take the time to notice that Jay was requesting Eta movements, including a Swiss 7750.

This is the sort of rot that wasted energy by spining the discussions in dead-end directions which stalled

the process and wasted votes.

Because I bent the rules for the sake of the Tag lovers, only means that I'm a part of the community

and want what we all want.

As far as 'credibility',... your perception of it, tells me much more about you, and about now little you

know about me, my time here, and at the old rwg, and how ridiculous it would be for a person to

post some fantasy lie, then waste precious hours trying to bring it to fruition.

Not to mention that Jay himself is a part of this board and reads what goes on here as his income

depends upon it. :yawn:

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The reason the more interesting and unusual candidates didn't win was, like TTK said, because they didn't fit. The IWCs appear to have won and that is almost entirely down to the fact that they are exactly what Jay/RT specified. The movements are clean and unmodded, they were answers to the question that was asked.

It's not that the public voted for 'boring' watches, it was that no-one could come up with any 'interesting' ones that fit the rules.

Opportunity lost? Not for me as I'd have had to have bought a gen Aquatimer otherwise. :D

ps. The IWCs are not boring and I'm glad they had as much support as they did.

They say in my business, you can't spin the obvious. Miss understood, who understands the way "elections" work, has it exactly right....The fact that the IWC and Tag are slugging it out for first place is prima fascia evidence that they're inoffensive, middle-of-the-road, and "safe."

For Jay's sake, I genuinely hope that the same"usualness" of the IWC and Tag that made them the top votegetters is not also causing the community-wide lack of enthusiasm that richard is concerned about...but I also hope a repmaker reads the thread anddoes Picot if they can get the two-level dial and date indicator right. The interest in the big bang project convinces me that a watch that we all don't already have 6 versions of might be the safest moneymaking choice of all.

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The fact that the IWC and Tag are slugging it out for first place is prima fascia evidence that they're inoffensive, middle-of-the-road, and "safe."

AKA. Popular.

Seeing as the IWC Aquatimer Chrono is one of the few watches I've been considering getting in gen, I don't consider it 'boring' or 'safe' myself. It's an exciting and beautiful watch to some of us.

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AKA. Popular.

Seeing as the IWC Aquatimer Chrono is one of the few watches I've been considering getting in gen, I don't consider it 'boring' or 'safe' myself. It's an exciting and beautiful watch to some of us.

I think the difference here is - that the IWC aquatimer would be a real kick ass selection if we didn't already have a bunch of other IWC's that are very similiar in design already out there

i don't nessecarily need something different i.e. not very popular. As much as i want something different i.e. not already available


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Just for the record,.. watches were removed because they did not fit the requested criteria,..

Once posted, I did allow some to remain for a while, either to note interest for project 2, or

to give the submitter time to prove that it could be repped.

Regarding Tags,...Personally I find the brands though beautiful in some cases, out classed,

and priced for mall fare, however had to admit, that they have a devoted following, thus due

to a lack of posted alternatives, I allowed the Aquaracer to remain.

The Titan, however great looking, was priced much to low.

Lastly for those who :yuk: at the remaining choices,.. the fault is your own, by your lack of participation,

or your refusal to understand that Jay is investing for profit, not to fill obscure personal wish lists.

There was demonstrated a sad, severe lack of foresight, failing to see, that once we fulfilled Jay's first

requests, that we would later have the power to select, and to fix all those wiggles that drive us crazy..

What remains in the Iwc's, though some may balk or yawn, do fit the bill, maybe not as blockbusters, but

enough for us to possibly climb to the next rung.

That is all we need now, to make a start, so I for one Thank Pugwash for his devotion to the project

and hope that Jay will see in his wisdom that these Iwc's are the way to go this time around. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

First and foremost, I would like to echo the thanks of the faithful. I am sure this has been a difficult project to run, and it will likely continue to be that way until the watches are produced and made available. I do not want to speak for everyone, but I am confident that most of the membership recotgnizes the effort and committment. I think you did a great job. You should be proud.

I do not think you should look at the effort as anything but a success. Sure, a majority of the membership did not participate, but those that did, did so enthusiastically, and I am no doubt are excited about getting access to the final product.

I can understand members not choosing to participate because they did not like the watches that made the final list, but some of the comments quoted in your initial post are way out of line. That really is too bad. This site represents a microcosim of the world we live in which unfortunetly is filled with lot of ungracious people. But you should know at least know that there are a lot of people here who appreciate the effort and are looking forward to the result. Thanks agan.

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I think the difference here is - that the IWC aquatimer would be a real kick ass selection if we didn't already have a bunch of other IWC's that are very similiar in design already out there

i don't nessecarily need something different i.e. not very popular. As much as i want something different i.e. not already available


Exactly. I said the same thing a day or two ago. It's a shame to go through all of this to produce, essentially, more of the same.

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That is all we need now, to make a start, so I for one Thank Pugwash for his devotion to the project

and hope that Jay will see in his wisdom that these Iwc's are the way to go this time around. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Agreed. There is justice in knowing that advocate who perhaps worked hardest in promoting his choice, will have it realized.

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Agreed. There is justice in knowing that advocate who perhaps worked hardest in promoting his choice, will have it realized.

ok - i like pugwash, i'm happy he is going to get his watch

but- relating to how "elections" work - its supposed to be "the best idea" not "who worked the hardest" or "who hired the right lobbyist" or who created a dirty negative campaign agaisnt the others in order to supress opponent votes. (i'm talking about real elections not the watch ones)

When phrased the right way, "who worked the hardest" will cause 90% of the people asked that will say - thats the major problem with democracy today - all special interest groups who "outwork" average everyday people and get their way.

- this is not a comment on the watch vote- its totally a comment on the comment and its relationship to "real" elections as commented on previously and apparently well understood by Miss Understood :)

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Phoband, at least you submitted within the simple requests by the investor,..so deserve

a listen to,...However, don't look now, but a semi-literate bum, wearing a cardboard cut-out

of a cheap Oris is riding on the bumper of your bandwagon,... :D

NO worries i had the 50k volt anti-bum-inator installed last month - just one press of the button and - well, i had it recently "regulated" using CNN's rick sanchez - enjoy the video


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However, don't look now, but a semi-literate bum, wearing a cardboard cut-out

of a cheap Oris is riding on the bumper of your bandwagon,... :D

Can't be me then - I've been in an 'ultimate PO' all day....

But then I don't expect you to be able to see that from the high horse you've been riding for a while now.


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Can't be me then - I've been in an 'ultimate PO' all day....

But then I don't expect you to be able to see that from the high horse you've been riding for a while now.


PO,...yes, of course,..that's glued to your other arm..

As for the horse, I guess from your lounging vantage, anyone standing up, and doing anything

more than re-hashing the merits of your holy grail po,.. would seem pretty high up... :rolleyes:

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ok - i like pugwash, i'm happy he is going to get his watch

but- relating to how "elections" work - its supposed to be "the best idea" not "who worked the hardest" or "who hired the right lobbyist" or who created a dirty negative campaign agaisnt the others in order to supress opponent votes. (i'm talking about real elections not the watch ones)

When phrased the right way, "who worked the hardest" will cause 90% of the people asked that will say - thats the major problem with democracy today - all special interest groups who "outwork" average everyday people and get their way.

- this is not a comment on the watch vote- its totally a comment on the comment and its relationship to "real" elections as commented on previously and apparently well understood by Miss Understood :)

All I am suggesting is that given the nature of this project, there is justice in knowing that the people who showed the most commitment to the effort will be rewarded for there efforts. In this instnace, think less of Admin Jefferson and more of Horatio Alger as an analogy. :D

BTW I in no way associate that comment to what happens in real elections.. I kind of think that is a stretch.. and maybe not relevant to this thread.

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Sadly....when it comes to the majority of people.....Neil was right after all.. :g:

Well! it seems some people back on old rwg were not right about you...and your intentions...you have proven them wrong and done well for yourself and others 'Richard Tracy' ...so be happy :) and a little proud too ;)

Best wishses for the new year

Gunnar :)

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BTW I in no way associate that comment to what happens in real elections.. I kind of think that is a stretch.. and maybe not relevant to this thread.

no i know, there were other comments on this thread and maybe others that this election turned out like real elections that basically the middle of the road, "watered down" candidate won. So i was just harkining back.

And i figured you didn't mean the angle i pointed out, but i was thinking when i read it -you know, its funny because if you take that to mean xyz, then its another way to think about the election and if you tie it back to the earlier comments on how "real" elections work bla bla bla yadda yadda yadda :)

did we ever find out if jay was happy or not iwth the outcome?

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