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Some truths about the politcal left from a gay Brit


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Yes. It was awhile ago but things like that don't go away. And having to relive it each time they file motions in court to have their cases retried keeps it near the surface. Unfortunately.

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4 hours ago, Ezio said:

9.9 out of 10 Would flee a shooting even if They had a gun Would any of you do otherwise run against a man you know is ready to kill and you Think you are let me you tell you it aint easy and it isnt something we all have in us 

I do not mean to seem flip about such a serious question, but there was an image that appeared on the web shortly after the Charlie Hebdo attack in France that many Americans feel describes the difference between the way Europeans like to deal with these terrorist attacks & the way Americans like to deal with them.

France vs America.jpg

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1. I'm not going to address this to the gun people because, well, it's a waste of time and effort. You guys just sit back and relax, don't worry, no one's coming to take your guns, and if they do, well, you know what to do.

2. For the rest of you who are more open-minded, the gun people are getting played, like, hard. Hook, line, and sinker. I hope you can see that from all the drivel in this thread. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

3. For gun control advocates: nice effort, but things like this aren't, or rather can't be addressed on an individual, "let's talk this through" level, certainly not on a thread like this. People here may be rational and reasonable otherwise, but on this? They're not going to be acting rationally.

Think about it this way: try and talk someone into giving up their penis in the name of public safety. Yeah. Exactly.



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" For the rest of you who are more open-minded " my friend think about that statement, how about you are closed minded not us as you do not support our position. ( now doesn't that sound like bull, it is and so is your statement) That is typical liberal dogma if you are on the other side of a argument you are closed a minded , racist etc..........

OH by way the left wins they have successfully turned the debate over radical Islamic terrorists the real issue into a gun debate, keep your eye on the ball here this is misdirection at it's best. Go watch Freddy's posted video again that is the issue not if you wait 3 days for a gun to be bought or if the magazine has 8 or 15 rounds. Smoke and mirrors so the present government doesn't get the blame, how can they defeat what they will not even recognize by name.

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Aww... sorry I hurt your feelings Mikey boy. Here, let me change it. Also, i never stated my position here. Truth be told, I don't know where I stand.

1. I'm not going to address this to the gun people because, well, it's a waste of time and effort. You guys just sit back and relax, don't worry, no one's coming to take your guns, and if they do, well, you know what to do.

2. For those in the middle, the gun people are getting played, like, hard. Hook, line, and sinker. I hope you can see that from all the drivel in this thread. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

3. For gun control advocates: nice effort, but things like this aren't, or rather can't be addressed on an individual, "let's talk this through" level, certainly not on a thread like this. People here may be rational and reasonable otherwise, but on this? They're not going to be acting rationally.

Think about it this way: try and talk someone into giving up their penis in the name of public safety. Yeah. Exactly. See the above posts.


Edited by ldegeneve
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My feelings are not hurt but I can not let a strawman like that stand unchallenged.You are not taking a position but still use liberal talking point to demean other side as "closed-minded" , foul blow the whistle. It is disingenuous for either side to call the other closed minded because in truth they are both pretty firmly dug in.

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37 minutes ago, Mike on a bike said:

You are not taking a position but still use liberal talking point to demean other side as "closed-minded" , foul blow the whistle. It is disingenuous for either side to call the other closed minded

Yep. That's why I changed it.

1 hour ago, Mike on a bike said:

how about you are closed minded not us as you do not support our position..

Oh, the irony. Delicious.

Edited by ldegeneve
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