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I Pm's ADMIN...And respectfully asked for removal of the server monitor regarding RWI..Im just posting here in case it gets missed or admin doesnt login for sometime...

Untill the time the removal can be made..I have firewalled the monitor..So RWI will show down..

Thanks for your time


I Pm's ADMIN...And respectfully asked for removal of the server monitor regarding RWI..Im just posting here in case it gets missed or admin doesnt login for sometime...

Unusual behaviour. :blink:

Why do you not want the monitor?

Pug, DM is referring to the Site Monitor we set up...

I know. I was just wondering what possible negative effect that could have. :blink:

I know. I was just wondering what possible negative effect that could have. :blink:

There are none...

Just a courtesy service with no direct links [as you've already figured out]...



As I have informed Tim via PM; I don't mean any disrespect, but I think this is a useful service to our members and I also fail to see what damage it can do. No links or anything is provided. So for now, we will continue to provide this service to all users.


PW i dont need to have a reason, I was not asked permission for this..I own RWI...I choose not to have it displayed at the bottom of this page...I ask that it be removed from the site...asap...

Posted (edited)

I simple requst really guys...I dont understand what motive you have for keeping it up..Against my will...You cant honor my one request?..Man to Man I came to you With repect and asked politely for it to be removed?...

Is there any reason you have..for the need to monitor my site?...No..

Edited by DrmMaster
Posted (edited)

Can someone tell me what the FAB is on this server monitor....?

Edited by TTK

I presume it tells us if RWI or TRC are up or down....!


The request to have it taken off seems a little random to me. Also, there seems to be some hostility in his tone. Such odd behavior from the Admins at RWI lately (referring to all of the "bannings" and now this).



Did I miss something? I am not trying to stir up anything. Why would anyone care whether it is monitored here? On Pug, my question was asked in humor. Why would anyone who is or was banned from a forum (whether rightly or wrongly) be suggesting we monitor it here. ;)

Let's take it one step further. I have seen numerous posts questioning whether RWI is too closely affiliated with the dealers. If that is what people believe why would you ever want any affiliation in any form?

IMHO, posting a monitor on unaffiliated web sites is completely poor form. Unless there is a hidden link-up. :lol:

Posted (edited)

@Kruzer....my apologies...upon looking more closely at your post ....I noticed the little smiley.....I missed that first go round......my bad....!

What is MBW gate........and whose rescue am I coming to.....:D

None of which you mentioned has anything to do with the topic at hand.......which is something for Tommy and Timmy to settle between them...!

Edited by TTK

Sorry if there seemed some hostility in my tone...But im sure you can understand my frustration..I just want the damn thing removed..without the 20 questions...There is no need for that...Its not about why...I want it removed..And for some reason i cannot for the life of me figure why MY server MUST be monitord here against my will...Its simple really...just remove it..

PW i dont need to have a reason, I was not asked permission for this..I own RWI...I choose not to have it displayed at the bottom of this page...I ask that it be removed from the site...asap...

It's ok. Nothing bad happens if you say "Pugwash". My name doesn't get changed into Banned on this site.

The reason for the monitor was for the community, not for the site. It was just to stop all the "Is TRC down?" and "Is RWI down?" posts that happen every time a site goes down.

I think that it is perfectly reasonable for you to ask for it to be removed, and perfectly reasonable for Admin to refuse. What's next, a ban on mentioning RWI?

And no, contrary to popular belief, I'm not orchestrating attacks or subversions on RWI and have no interest in stirring up any mess. I just ask the questions everyone else is too polite to ask.


Well, since this for some unknown reason is very important to Tim, I have honored his request and removed the monitoring service watching RWI's online status.


I'm a bit surpised by this whole spat.

The monitor is not a benefit or advantage to RWG. It is a courtesy to visitors, you might call them "customers," of multiple sites.

It's not about RWG vs. RWI. I belong to both, as well as TRC and RWG I, for that matter. So I as a customer take it personally when the RWI "owner" calls for the removal of this innocuous feature.

I like the fact that the RWG admin puts thought and energy into little details that are of benefit to customers even if they have little or not benefit to him. I wish more board admins and business people in general did the same.



Of course, you have done the right thing. The why doesn't matter. Its not as if I am a big frequenter of the other site. It is just common courtesy and, as is always the case, Admin has done the correct thing. Peace on Earth... :)

Was just a simple request..nothing more..No need to read more into it..

Ri-i-i-ight. :D


It's a shame as I thought the site monitor was an excellent idea and not at all offensive to any other sites.


seems to me that the monitor could only draw visitors from this site to theirs, increasing their traffic and therefore their revenues- If their were a link making it easy for evildoers to cause problems, I could understand- but the monitor could only have positive effects.

While no explanation is due, one would offer a certain level of reversing what could only be construed as antisocial behaviour.

A they say, no good deed....




I have no idea why the RWI Admin asked to removed the monitoring thing, but, if I were him, I would be concerned about it. As everyone knows, RWG was recently targeted by some "unfriendlies" and forced to make some changes to the site. It's my understanding that RWI was not similarly targeted (at least for now). Given this, if I were the RWI admin, I'd be hesitant to have RWI listed with a green flashing light down at the bottom of every single page of RWG. But, as I said, I don't know if that was the reason or not.


RWI no longer showing status down the bottom.... Does this mean it has been shut down by the feds?? :smilie3:

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