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  rbj69 said:
and still the whole truth is not accomplished, tell us all where and how it was shipped and how much money i allegely stole from u again?


I shipped from about 3 states away to you in NC via USPS priority or express.

For a while I thought you had stolen a ~400 MBW + ~450 in fees; ended up costing me a $25 or $35 "handling" fee to get it all back. You were very quick with emails until I sent you money - then nothing! :thumbdown::black_eye::bicycle: Had to post on every board like Wayne Brady collecting.


I have the PMs still on RWG where I am very specific about turn around time and you reply "2-3 weeks".

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  Craytonic said:
I shipped from about 3 states away to you in NC via USPS priority or express.

For a while I thought you had stolen a ~400 MBW + ~450 in fees; ended up costing me a $25 or $35 "handling" fee to get it all back. You were very quick with emails until I sent you money - then nothing! :thumbdown::black_eye::bicycle: Had to post on every board like Wayne Brady collecting.


I have the PMs still on RWG where I am very specific about turn around time and you reply "2-3 weeks".

since u r so specific , then was the i believe the correct figure was $20 dollars and it was shipping fees not handling and it was because u didnt understand i got sick , but u got your money and your watch back sry i got sick but [censored] happens and i believe it was shipped express shipping wasnt it?

and to longshot here is the key to your thread (THE TRUTH WILL SET U FREE) AND THEN IT WAS CLOSED

PAGE 4 on the thread u posted and down about middle way a member named XRT found the original post of the watch in question after it left my workstation, and pics i took of it before it left r posted , there is your truth unless u neglect to read that part as it seems u all like to do


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post Oct 10 2006, 12:23 AM

Post #69

This just keeps on getting better...

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Apr 25 2007, 06:19 PM

Member No.: 25

I have seven fully-modded Rolex reps from Joe.

I have posted close-up pics of all of them, and I think they look quite spectacular. So do a number of other folks who made very nice comments about them (this includes some of the same people bashing him in this thread.) thumbdown.gif

I look at the pictures of Panerai 153's DRSD and wonder how it could look so messed up compared to what Joe says he sent him. g.gif

Where are all the other pictures from other folks with messed-up RBJ watches. Please come forward and share them with the board.

Panerai 153 seemed so happy with this watch when he wrote about it a few months back...what happened to set this off?

IPB Image

I thought the pics of his new vintage lume-job looked so awesome that it inspired me to send my 1680 and 1665 back to Joe to be relumed. Obviously, if you take the time to look at the lume with a magnifier it will be imperfect. A magnifier-perfect lume line or dot can not be painted by even the steadiest of hands (even under the influence of B-blocker's.) Replace RBJ's fingers with a "DaVinci" robot, then maybe.

I too would like to see The Zigmeister's lume under the same high-power magnification and contrast lighting.

If ever I didn't like something Joe did, I would let him know and he would make it right (i.e. pay me back or fix the problem.) When he does an experiment (i.e. new lume technique or custom molded brevet crown, etc.) and you aren't happy with the result, why not just tell him and give him the chance to make it right?

One time, he installed an experimental pearl dot for a vintage insert and I thought it looked way-off. He didn't charge me.

He charges an hourly rate like any contractor I have ever come across (i.e. plumber, electrician, hi-fi techs, etc.) To me, it was worth the price since his quality has been very good and I too don't have the time or skills to do this type of work.

In short, these photos do not represent any of the end products I have ever received from RBJ.

  rbj69 said:
since u r so specific , then was the i believe the correct figure was $20 dollars and it was shipping fees not handling and it was because u didnt understand i got sick , but u got your money and your watch back sry i got sick but [censored] happens and i believe it was shipped express shipping wasnt it?

No Joe; I am pretty sure it was $25 or $35 and I believe you shipped it in a priority box. You mumbled something about having taken the caseback off and needed compensation for your time. And then you told me that it had been waterproof before you opened it but the $25 would not cover putting the caseback on tight enough to make it waterproof again and I would need to pay extra for that! I don't have the box here though and well check my desk at home in 2 weeks because I think I kept it although it was a year ago or so.

When I said priority or express I was talking about how I shipped it to you.


I don't care about the $25 or $35; it was the pain in the [censored] in getting the rest of the money and the watch back.


Pulled up all the old posts and PMs and got the dates, you charged me $35 (not 20) for a watch you held for somewhere between 1-2 months (sorry can't narrow it down within those dates any more till I get home and find the box)


Making money isn't the point. I pay The Zigmeister what he asks & never complain.

Send me ~900 (combined cash & goods) and let me do with it what I want, never communicate with you, and then I'll send you you 865 back when I feel enough pressure. You game?

  Craytonic said:
Pulled up all the old posts and PMs and got the dates, you charged me $35 (not 20) for a watch you held for somewhere between 1-2 months (sorry can't narrow it down within those dates any more till I get home and find the box)

What would be interesting is if those who saved the box joe returned to them could scan the postmarks. If a few people do this the issue can be laid to rest. Joe just wrote for all to see that the charges were for "shipping, not handling." It seems to me that Joe's ethics can be judged in part by wether the postmarks indicate $25 worth of shipping costs or $4-$6 shipping costs after he collected $25 to ship watches he had held for a period of time.

Relaxman: nothing is wrong with making money, of course. You do make distinctions, though, between different ways of making money, don't you?

Relaxman: nothing is wrong with making money, of course. You do make distinctions, though, between different ways of making money, don't you?
What distinctions? Joe quotes price to preform said work. You like the price you do it you dont you dont and go else where. I went else once where and

didnt much care for the out come but didnt complain about it.

Send me ~900 (combined cash & goods) and let me do with it what I want, never communicate with you, and then I'll send you you 865 back when I feel enough pressure. You game?

Sounds like most of the dealers here from time to time.

  Relaxman said:
Sounds like most of the dealers here from time to time.

Assuming this is true, does that make it right?

I don't think any of us care about the loss at this point; we just want people to stay away and be forewarned.

  Craytonic said:
No Joe; I am pretty sure it was $25 or $35 and I believe you shipped it in a priority box. You mumbled something about having taken the caseback off and needed compensation for your time. And then you told me that it had been waterproof before you opened it but the $25 would not cover putting the caseback on tight enough to make it waterproof again and I would need to pay extra for that! I don't have the box here though and well check my desk at home in 2 weeks because I think I kept it although it was a year ago or so.

When I said priority or express I was talking about how I shipped it to you.


I don't care about the $25 or $35; it was the pain in the [censored] in getting the rest of the money and the watch back.

now i remember, u wanted your watch back after i had already started (u changed your mind not me cause u bought into that thread i suppose but that was fine i did what i was asked of and u were fully reimbursed minus what we both agreed was fair enough ) , so i charge u a very small fee for my time and mailing it back was in fact 6.35 two day priority with 100usd insurance and now u have gripe, and or could it be u r The Zigmeisters buddy as well , like RT stated Denisegold was my customer? hmmmm

now im done with your childish accusations , please really give us some good stuff to b__tch about , u beat all


  denisegold said:
@RT- I looked through past posts when trying to find someone to do mods and Joes name always came back with high marks. I will be the first to post a thread if I felt I/we were being taken advantage of by another member. In fact I have done so with threads regarding Finepics, who still will not reply to my and I am sure others comment/emails. Why do you not start a thread about this matter? I have not had any problems with Joe but I am sure if I did they would be worked out and then if they were not I would bring that problem to the light of this forum.

So you stand corrected!

still no reply to this , lmao and u few guys say u r for the good of the board, too funny :whistling:


  rbj69 said:
now i remember, u wanted your watch back after i had already started (u changed your mind not me cause u bought into that thread i suppose but that was fine i did what i was asked of and u were fully reimbursed minus what we both agreed was fair enough ) , so i charge u a very small fee for my time and mailing it back was in fact 6.35 two day priority with 100usd insurance and now u have gripe, and or could it be u r The Zigmeisters buddy as well , like RT stated Denisegold was my customer? hmmmm

now im done with your childish accusations , please really give us some good stuff to b__tch about , u beat all


Sigh; I wanted my money back because you disappeared for a month. According to you the case back had been removed, I don't know I would call that "work". I never really bought it. We never agreed the amount was "fair," it was basically the randsom you made clear I had to pay and then you tried to get some retribution by saying it was waterproof but the $35 would not cover you tightening the caseback by machine and you would only do it by hand so if I wanted it to be waterproof again I would have to pony up. The whole thing was rather childish.

You always bring out these conspiracy theories. There are no black helicopters here Joe.

I never really cared about the money; I was just [censored] you disappeared with money/watch of several people; said you would refund anyone in full publicly, and then gave me all sorts of grief, were impossible to contact, and when I asked for mine back you charged your little fee. It was just too much pain in the [censored].

Look at the aftermarket performance of Apple today. I'm promise today is not a day I am [censored] over $35 :) :) :)

p-i-s-s-e-d is a curse word?

  rbj69 said:
still no reply to this , lmao and u few guys say u r for the good of the board, too funny :whistling:


I truly believe your time here on RWG might be drawing to a close...

Wrap up your business...

And make it clean...



no need for your threats my old friend , i made up my mind in this thread, not because of u but only for me :thumbsupsmileyanim:http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=25138&hl=

u should honestly fix the real problems around here , if u r here to mod for the good of the board then take care of the real issues that u seem to neglect to do , like real beef that was previously stated above and u graciously highlighted

take care



hey guys,

i talked to joe today and he sent me some pics of my watch and he is shipping it to me today

and im adding the pics he sent me

he did an awesome job on it :) and it was worth the wait




Well it looks great, like all of his work. Its just a shame that something that could have been worked out has caused a member to go away. It leaves members in the US who need mod's done now hurting.


There are other members in the US that do modifications...

I just got my fiddy back from Flav with cannon pin and davidsen hands.

he rec'vd the watch on April 23rd, and it arrived in the mail today. Perfect.

No BS about shipping and handling, no going incommunicato. Perfect

I believe we will all be better off from now on

  pennies said:
hey guys,

i talked to joe today and he sent me some pics of my watch and he is shipping it to me today

and im adding the pics he sent me

he did an awesome job on it :) and it was worth the wait

glad u like it and here r some pics of it without having to downsize it, like i explained before , i have a new camera and am learning how to but so far i think it takes much better pics than my older one

btw:its in the mail on its way back to your wrist, enjoy!!





Well well well I guess I missed this.....7 pages of reading and it's the same old soap opera :rolleyes:

As the OP from the similar thread last year, I thought I'd play sniper and get a sly dig in before Admin locks this thread ;):D

To RT, Cray, Longshot etc - well done, I'm glad that there are still some amongst us with memories longer than the average clown fish, and who believe in the community as a whole and not just what they personally gain from it - sad but true but there's becoming less and less of us. What I've learnt from these threads is this...as an old mentor of mine once said, "never ever argue with morons...they'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".

To Denisegold - having read your mucous-laden drivel throughout this thread, you'll be on my, and I'm sure, many others 'ignore/block' list - your intentions were so plainly transparent, almost ironic....in fact, you are truly the sycophant's sycophant. I'd say 'congrats' but I'm trying to cut down on the sarcasm these days. <_<

To Joe - all I'll say is what I said in your other 'departure' post in the most flippant and indifferent manner I can convey...'BYE THEN!


edited because im not going to stoop to your level doc


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